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Psychology is a study of the human brain. The brain is considered as the most complex machine in human civilization and no technology even in this digital era is able to replace brain for its unmatched capability. The study of the brain in a cognitive manner which can explain details about processes of human mind and their consequence behavior is called psychology. No machine is able to read human mind properly. Thus it is difficult to read human mind for a psychologist. That is why psychology is considered as the most difficult science. Here no tabular or standard method exists; the key for every lock is different. Psychology is broadly classified into two parts- Applied or Clinical psychology and Parapsychology. Applied psychology deals with mental disorders and psychiatrists often treat a patient with mental disorders and parapsychologists deal with unknown part of the mind.

Need for expert guidance

Psychology is considered as the most difficult and theoretically untraceable road for science. That is why several classes of teaching and practices are required. Professors pick each topic of psychology in general and take classes for several weeks. As difficult as it can be professors often select subject out of their own choices and takes classes of it for several weeks. Professors not even able to grasp every concept of psychology and thus it are impossible for a student to grasp every concept. Applied or Clinical psychology does not have any standard medical methods like prescribed by the standard doctor. Rather psychiatrists have to check patient first and then according to condition the treatment is started. There is no medicine for mind treatment except rehabilitation. Thus a psychiatrist has to proceed carefully day by day by monitoring condition of patient day by day. The road of treatment is however not smooth but curved. Hence when a psychological assignment is to be written by a patient, it would be very tough as no standard process is available. When a student submits his paper at the end of a semester, he may miss some concrete points. Professors by seeing this will give that student a lower grade. As tough as it may seem it is next to impossible for a student to grasp all concepts in a tight schedule of classes. This lack of concrete writing is reflected in his paper which is why he gets a lower grade. Individual expertise thus required to help students to find cream points. Considering Parapsychologists, it deals with uncovered part of human brain. Thus it is most difficult to collect concrete data in the field. As a student, an individual is quite inexperienced, and thus he may miss many key points. For this reason, expert guidance is required.

Expert requirements

As mentioned above, psychology contains most jigsaw puzzles in science. Each of the puzzles needs to be set properly to get the desired outcome. It is difficult for an individual student to accomplish this due to their inexperience and hence for the expert it would be best to provide step by step application for each problem associated with. Nonetheless, experts are really experts in their respective field, and their writing would be concrete and plagiarism free.