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The stream commerce is considered one of the elementary streams alongside science and arts. Business, financial sector often takes help from the various subject of commerce. Accounting, in this perspective considered as one of the fundamental subjects in commerce. Calculation relation to account helps to regulate and control entire finance of a company. Accounting, balance sheet need to be maintained by every company which helps to calculate accurately their income and expenditure and thus financial gain, and growth can be determined. As with many subjects, commerce or accounting cover a broad area and thus it is difficult for an individual to grasp all that. Therefore an expert opinion is required.
Requirement of expert opinion
Commerce, like many other subjects, cover a broad area like accounting, business organization, financial economics and many more. This each is considered a pillar in their respective field and thus require specialization in the respective field. Frequently different professors chose to teach different subjects according to their field of expertise. Professors even can handle each and every subject with expert manner. Hence it is evident that student cannot gain expertise in different subjects. During course module, it is so hard to cover a topic fully and conceptually. Thus it is evident one student can only scratch the surface of every topic. Thus at the time of assignment submission, there is a lack of solidity in one topic or different topics. This non-concrete submission will prompt professors of the respective topic to give them low marks. As a result, the grade of the student will be low on average. One may think that taking help from subject experts will prompt students to rely on expert rather than figuring it out on their own. However, the reality is the opposite. With the help of experts, one student will able to identify the keywords and key materials of a particular topic. This will enhance their concept in their weak spot and thus ready them in a further assignment. Moreover, this assignment is plagiarism free, and thus student does not receive any penalty and ye at the same time get good marks.
Commerce assignment requirement and expert guidance
Business accounting is considered as important as business policy for an organization. This topic of accounting covers a broad topic like asset, liability, liquidity, cost, and entity and money measurement. As broad as it looks it thus requires expert opinion. For managerial accounting and activity based accounting, they also cover a broad area and thus as a sum they will require more than one expert’s advice.