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Importance of English essay
The importance of writing an English essay can be viewed under some specific heads. The composition of an English essay helps with clearing the mind because the thought process gets to concentrate on the topic chosen. The memories can be recovered through essay writing in English. The age-old ideas and memories which might not have been discussed for days can be produced into writing. The essay writing helps with stockpiling the ideas. The student may have several ideas but to put them under one head is a difficult task to be achieved. The life events can be put under perspectives by composing an essay in English.
The methodology of writing an English essay
In case of every story, there is a particular character and incident. In case of English essay, the views and ideas have to be replaced by incidents and characters. In case of writing an English essay, the readers have to be taken across the different ideas of the writer. While writing an English essay, the readers try to make a new story out of the existing story. The development of the English essay makes the readers think why a particular way of expression is selected instead of the other ways. The first step that has to be followed while writing an English essay is to choose a proper topic. The selection of topic involves some key points to be kept in mind. The options of the chosen topic have to be understood. In case the purpose is to educate the readers a subject has to be so chosen which has been already studied. In case the goal is to persuade then such a topic has to be chosen which is very passionate. Whatever might be the intention of the essay, one thing has to be kept in mind, and that is the student has to possess an interest in the topic. The very next step of writing an essay is to prepare an outline of the ideas. The structure has to be well prepared to draw the interest of the readers. To draw the outline of the essay, the points that are directly related to the topic have to be jotted down. The points for or against the topic has to be jotted down. The subheadings of the points identified have to be noted down while outlining the essay. This helps in making the essay more interesting. The thesis statement has to be written then, which would express the readers about the point of the essay. The composition of the body of the essay comes next. The main points which have been outlined previously have to be explicitly explained in this part of the essay. There has to be a proper introduction to the essay which would attract the attention of the reader and exhibit the focus of the essay. There has to be a proper conclusion which would reinforce the entire essay in three to five strong statements.