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Linguistics is a study of various languages. It is the analysis of various languages including mother tongue. Etymology, analysis of languages everything is studied here. How the language is evolved and reach in its current form is also studied here. More than five hundred languages are there in the World which is in use today. Some languages are extinct and do not speak in anywhere in the World. These languages may have evolved into other languages or may have lost forever. Linguistics also covers the study of these languages. Evolvement is a very mysterious thing regardless of things. Hence when dealing with several languages, it is often difficult to trace the evolvement back and find its origin. Dealing with the evolvement of rare and extinct languages is even harder. Thus for an individual student, an expert guidance is required.
Reason for expert guidance
As mentioned above linguistic deals with various languages and linguistic in brief can be defined as analysis of various languages. Languages are associated with culture and thus language analysis often requires cultural analysis. Five livable continents consists more than three hundred countries and each of the countries have their own culture. European continent consists of small countries in size and each of them has several national language and culture. In order to study etymology and analysis of each of these languages a depth of grammar and history of each languages are required. When one goes to analysis languages of Asian countries it is quite difficult due to their large sizes. Same is true for African countries too. For example, more than twenty two languages are spoken in India. Each of them has different pronunciation as well as grammar and etymology. Even for a linguistic expert, it is quite difficult to go into the depth of every language. Linguistic expert may have to deal with extinct languages as well. For example Egyptian and Mayan language uses symbols and often historian and linguist identify and explain etymology of language. Moreover, the Mayan language has not been decoded yet. It is often difficult for a linguistic student to grasp grammar, culture and etymology of every language in class in limited amount of time. Even professors choose one language of his choice in his area of expertise and individual professors takes different classes related to different languages. A student may like one topic and may not be strong at one or more than one topics. As performance is directly proportional to one’s concept and grasping in a subject his weakness will be exploited in his writing. When that individual is going to submit thesis paper in each assignment, his weak concept is being reflected in his thesis paper resulting him a lower grade. This is where need of expert guidance arises. Experts guide them to find the key points in particular subjects and thus enable them to make good score.
Expert assistance requirement
One may argue that sough ting help evidently dulls one's mind. However, the reality is different. Experts by their expert writing not only help to increase the grade of students but also increase the curiosity of one's weak topic which turns their attention into their weak spot. Moreover, plagiarism free work is praised by professors.