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Trend of students studying in the UK

Studying abroad is one of the most seen trends in the new age globe for some past years. This trend is mostly effective in case of underdeveloped and developing countries due to lack of proper educational infrastructure. Studying abroad is majorly for higher education that is undergraduate and postgraduate. In specific to the UK, it is evident to all that there are various famous and leading universities there. “University of Oxford”, “University of Cambridge”, “University of London”, “King's College, and London” are some of them. In the recent study, it has been found that the UK has become the “second most popular global destination” in terms of international students. Hence, it provides an idea, how favourable are the universities of the UK and there are various reasons for students to get a higher degree from those colleges and universities. It will make their future and career prospects bright. This is why destinations in the UK are becoming popular.

Is getting a student visa difficult for the UK?...... NO, ABSOLUTELY NOT.

Based on a recent study, it has been found that in terms of undergraduate students, 14% of the students are international, and in terms of postgraduate students, 35.8% of them are international. Hence, the number is not “a smaller one!” Keeping these criteria in mind, visa making for students has been made easier. It is expected from a country to make its visa procedure easy as a large number of students visit the country for getting educated.

Want to study in the UK? are some important facts how you should apply for “UK student visa”

In case of the UK, all kinds of “visa requirements” and “immigration criteria” are supervised by the department of “UK visas and immigration”. The website of this department is easily accessible to navigate and associated factors for getting a “UK student visa”. In this aspect, it has been directed that “Swiss nationals” and students coming from “EU/EEA” states do not need any visa for studying in the UK.

In the present circumstances, “UK’s referendum on membership in the European Union '' has resulted in some uncertainties due to pandemic situations, however the government of the UK declared that no changes will be incorporated in case of EU students.

What are the types of “UK visa?”

Visas are different based on course duration. In case of short courses, students who are more than 18 years are eligible for a “short term study visa”. This kind of visa is valid “six months” but can be “extended up to 11 months” in case of “English language courses”. In terms of longer courses, a license is necessary. The institution where the student wants to study should hold “tier 4 sponsor license” and students need to apply for “tier 4 (general) student visa”.

What are the visa fees for students? Is it too high?

NO DEAR, ABSOLUTELY NOT. Current fees, in the UK in case of “tier 4 (general) students” are “£ 348 (~US$440)”. In terms of any student who wants to have an additional amount of £ 348 per person in case of any dependent. An amount of “healthcare surcharge” around £ 150 per year for accessing “national health service (NHS)” is required. In case of a short-term visa, it costs around “£ 97 for duration of 6 months” and “£ 186 for 11 months”. In case of students getting masters degrees in the universities of the UK, it is necessary to have a “tier 4 pilot scheme”. This course is for 13 months and application of these visas can be done from outside or inside of the UK.

What do I require for getting this visa?

It is necessary to apply for your visa at least 3 months before the course starts. It is favourable that students should apply adequate time before being admitted to the course. In case of the UK, visas are awarded based on a “point based system”. Two things are necessary for application as necessary documents. These are “details of passport” and “a recent photograph”. Some additional requirements in this case are as follows:

  • Evidence of confirmation of acceptance for studies (CAS)” is a document that is to be obtained from the course provider.
  • It is necessary to place a proof of “English language skills” that are demonstrated by “passing one of the secure English language tests (SELT)”. If the student is coming from “any English speaking country”, they do not need to complete this kind of demonstration.
  • A proof of financial support is necessary that can support the entire staying of the student in the country. This financial support needed to be “worth 10 points”.
  • In case of any student coming from Swiss background or EU/EEA students who are planning to study any sensitive subject, they need to fill up an additional form named as “ATAS certificate”.

In case of providing proof for financial support, it is necessary to provide a “bank statement” or any kind of proof letter from “financial sponsor” of the student or his family. The cost of accommodation, tuition fees, living costs, medical costs all must be met and so financial support must be adequate for meeting these costs. Monthly income should be around “£ 1015 or in US $ 1300 for supporting the costs in the UK (excluding London). In case of London, income should be £ 1265. 


Yes dear, you need some additional documents, which will support your evidence you have provided. “Document showing academic qualifications” and for attending interview or “biometric test” that includes “a digital scan” for fingerprints. Some medical testing are also required or any kind of necessary vaccination certificate are also important in this case. In case of “Tier 4 general visa”, it is necessary to provide a written consent from parents that the student can travel and live independently.

After entering the borders of the UK, border personnel will provide a stamp in the passport, which is the proof to be shown further. This stamp carries the details of duration and student must make himself immunized fully before going to the UK.