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1. Selection of the research

The first thing which comes in the dissertation structure is finding on which ground the research is needed to be conducted. The particular area where the research would be carried on will further determine what is needed for further improvements

2. Title

The next thing which comes in the structure of a dissertation is the title of the dissertation. There are some things which should be noted in preparing the title of the dissertation. After the writing, the title in bold letters, the name of the institute where the student is pursuing his degree must be mentioned. It would follow by the date of submission and the name of the guardian who is supervising the project.

3. Abstract

This is the next thing which should be kept in mind information of a dissertation. This is in general the shortened form of the thesis. Some of the things are important in writing the abstract of the topic. The things include the problems that have been encountered in pursuing the particular research. It also describes about the research methodology used and what were the outcomes of them respectively.

4. Acknowledgements

The next part of the research includes the acknowledgement section. This portion acknowledges the personnel who were there in preparation of the topic

5. Introduction

This portion introduces the subject of the dissertation and also gives a clear idea about its aims and objectives. It also provides with the demonstration of what is being thought to process with the entire project. It also provides a brief explanation of the processes which were needed.

6. Literature Review

This portion discusses about what the other writers have done about this topic. Browsing through the past research is a very important aspect for creating a particular research. For a proper literature review it is very much essential to find and analyze alternative methods.

7. Methodology

This portion describes the basic structure of the research. As the name suggests, it helps in finding the methods which are adapted and used for the research. It also describes the importance of those particular methods

8. Analysis of Results

After the proper discussion of the methods, comes the portion of analysis. This portion discusses about the results and the outcomes of the methods. It also discusses various fields of improvements which are required for the research

9. Conclusion

This is the portion where it discusses about every elements of argument for a proper answer which is required to be presented to the public.