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Do you know… what is RETENTION?

Usually the word retention means the “continuous possession” and controlling of something. In the context of school, this refers to another concept. In case of school, “repetition of academic year in school” is termed as retention. Retention in the context of school may refer to “grade retention”, “being held back” and “repetition of grade”. Hence, what idea have you gathered? Yes, it can be termed as “opposite of social promotion”, and in that case, children continue “with their age” and peers regardless “of academic performance”.

Retention..... GOOD or BAD?

From a recent study done by “Harvard graduate school of education”, it has been found and published an “evidence based study”, where students are getting benefited out of this retention. Study revealed that retention in some cases helps to improve preparedness for higher education and also it helps in improving their performance. It is somewhat contrary to “fear of criticism”. In Particular, the researchers have found that this repetition of same studies is helping students in improving their understanding in mathematics, which is usually considered as a “difficult subject”. In some schools, a new process have been incorporated named as “test based retention” which is beneficial for “short term gains” in various difficulties subjects and quality of reading has been improved also. They were better prepared when they entered to higher studies. In further studies, there will be no effect of such retention of one or two years during primary schooling.

Is there any cause of retention? YES.......

In case of retention among students in primary class or in secondary class, there are some reasons of this occurrence. “Lack of informal knowledge” regarding the subject may result in this. Among various subjects, some subjects pertains to be difficulties to students and for this, they lack of concept about it. It makes a distance from the subject and after examination, it is seen that he/she has failed in it. Apart from that, “inadequate development of self assessment” before examination may also be a reason in this case. Self-assessment in pre exam phase is very important to identify preparedness. Hence, lack of this is also a reason here.

Role-play of schools in retention

In the context of retention, schools have an effective role to play. It has been seen that in case of private school, retention is considered as the “most effective strategy”. If you are parents and went to school for admission, you have surely experienced this that during admission, retention is the role player for making effective use of time for school authority. The retention strategies used by the schools are explained here.

Parent ambassador program

It is necessary to harness the unique power of students and for this, this kind of “ambassador programs” are arranged for involving parents in these programs. It is beneficial for enrollment process of students. Involvement of parents helps in playing a role and helping them to feel an “important part of the community” and it is human nature that when people “feel valued”, they usually stick around. In this way, private school entities involve parents which is beneficial for studies of their child.

Formalized “retention committee”

In some schools, it has been found that a “retention committee” is developed. The major purpose of this team is to create a proper report regarding retention policy of school and arrangement of these kinds of programs. This strategy helps schools to better manage the programs. This committee is beneficial for gaining an insight from “cross functional team” of “school staff and teachers”. This strategy is effective for building a “strategic path” for increasing retention and staying accountable towards the plan. This committee is entitled to arrange meetings and delegation of tasks.

The knownness survey

This “knownness survey” refers to a way that ensures everyone in the school knows the names of each student. This survey helps in recognition of students. This survey is done by arranging a quiz session among faculty members, which helps in identification of name of each student. This survey is conducted providing the picture of students to identify them. It helps in making students aware that they are recognized. In this way, reliability of students also can be developed.

Connect faculty and students

Retention is such efforts that are not a job associated with enrollment of professionals and admissions. The school authority always aimed to get involved within this initiative. In terms of doing this, this authority follows some ways for establishing a proper relationship between faculty, teachers and students. It helps to be connected with every student. It helps in creating touch pits and it makes a “special effort” for remembering names of students and other “key facts”.


Committing to diversity and inclusion initiatives

It is necessary to understand from which background or family members are the students coming from. It is obvious that various students are coming from various and diversified culture and tradition, Maintenance of this culture. It must be kept secure that no student and his or her culture is harmed.

Producing educational blog and white paper

All the associated entities, faculties, and teachers need to be educated on “Retention initiatives”. Information is to be shared regarding the planning of retention and adoption of strategies that have been adopted and strategies that are incorporated for improving retention programs.

Faculty workshop

In case of various schools, it has been found that the school authority considered this program as a “whole initiative” so that everyone can be attentive and can take an important role in these initiatives. Faculty workshops are to be arranged for educating all teachers for recognizing signals if any student faces any kind of attrition risk. Opportunities are to be shared and roles are to be played properly. Sometimes, parents feel uncomforted and unhappy with that school atmosphere.

Retention and diversity are related to each other. In case of secondary schools, it has been found to diversify the school atmosphere. Retention is such a process that helps in increasing the students in the school as well as improving the study criteria.

Therefore, you have gained the idea of retention. It’s good for your school and maintains these strategies. WISH YOU GOOD LUCK!