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Title: Ways to help your child get and stay organized

It is natural for children to generate disorganization and chaos. It is important for the children to remain organized and focused in doing the different tasks. Though a few children might seem organized naturally, yet there are many others who need to learn the skills of organizing over a period of time. With the proper practice and help, an effective approach can be developed by the children in order to get the tasks done. The parent is the perfect person who can teach a child to become organized.

Importance of organization in children

Organization is very important for children as it helps them to keep track of their belongings like their books, clothing, and toys. It not only plays an important role in arranging their stuff but also in the development of their goal-setting and problem-solving skills. The organizational skills that develop in the children help in supporting productivity, enhance the success of the completion of the set goals as well as ensure the improvement of time management. Organization is something that helps with the development of a consistent and structured approach to the different tasks and helps the children with proper planning and sequencing when they eventually grow up. It helps them with the challenges that they have with language, paying attention and other difficulties in learning.

The three-fold process of organization

The parents can teach their kids to get organized by breaking down the tasks into three steps. The 1-2-3 process can be very helpful to teach the child organizational skills.

  • Getting organized is the way that the child understands what needs to be done and collects the things that are required for the completion of the tasks.
  • Staying focused refers to being consistent with the task and knowing how to shun the distractions coming on the way.
  • Getting it done is ultimately finishing up the task as well as putting on the “finishing touches” to the work.

If the child is able to apply these steps, they can easily tackle the tasks in an independent fashion. The child can learn by doing the homework, chores, and other works with proper efficiency and consistency. The parents must provide guidance and help and empathize with the child. It is practical to teach the child organizational skills as well as make the child feel more effective and competent. It is ought to increase their confidence and be proud of their accomplishments.

How to teach the three-fold process?

The 1-2-3 process can be taught to the children with the help of a few things.

  • Introducing the idea
  • Getting Buy-In
  • Setting expectations
  • Making a proper plan
  • Getting comfortable in the role of a coach
  • Starting to think in the form of questions

The conversation with the child needs to initiate by using different examples regarding the 1-2-3 process. It is important to note the reaction that the child has on hearing about the process. As a parent, it is important to understand what shall become better and easier for the child if he or she starts getting more focused and organized.

Teaching Gesture

Only way to teach is to provide them the love and care they require and it can be learned to be honest. Strolling through the bottom of the heart of children is essential where “interest, patience, love, kindness, and best interests” of the children can be identified at early stages of learning. This is a widely offered parent’s swoop that can change the complexity of organizing them and managing their core interest for further career approaches. Doing tasks for children is simple but it can incur them hell a lot of trouble in the future. Their skills will be deprived in such circumstances and a major lack of skill discrepancy or skill development is obstructed.

Understanding the complexity

Kids have to understand and learn new skills with time as it is a constant process of developing themselves. Some of the tasks like doing their own assignment, eating, and matching their attire are some of the cognitive challenges children incur in this stage. Making them do their own research and understand from their own mistakes is a healthy way of learning. Developing a prosperous and good feeling among them in this course is very essential. A slow and gradual process of tackling such tasks is initiated in this process.

Engaging them in a Routine way of commencing their daily task and “independence and encouragement” is developed. “They will fail, they will learn and they will adapt” as a feeling of responsibility will be unleashed in such a way. An augmented environment can be presented to them where they desire to do small tasks that can easily be done by children. In this way “kind expectations” can be placed into a slowly gradual pace. “They can do it" are the only approach parents can keep in this phase of learning.

Staying Focused

It is core of the overall idea as focus is the key to collide all the fragments of raising and organizing children behavior. An attitude is essential to develop as child can be redirected to subconscious learning and staying a constant focus. It might not be possible to constantly engage with children whereas at the end of the day. Overall presentation of the idea is to generate a checklist of tasks and complete them with full potential. This is only developed with parents' consideration and making them involved with a focused approach while communicating with children. A monthly family calendar just does the work., making it as a checklist to keep a track on their activities.

These types of checklists are utilized to keep a track on a long task so that kids can keep a proper focus of the task. Initiating the task with focus is essential whereas it is essential to carry it further. A firm belief behind the idea is to “finish up the job” is the core “Mantra”. Make them evaluate between tasks and letter them arrange consecutive tasks to commence it completely. In this way “school folder and backpacking “are some of the task to initiate this paradigm.