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What is Science?

When we come across the word science it develops multiple pictures in our mind. The pictures are full of experiments, heavy textbooks, microscopes, space, life in other universes, large telescopes, spaceships and so on. Newton's laws, Einstein's equations, everything starts to come to our mind with the small-term science. The only thing that is clear to us about the term "science" is that it holds a universe full of questions and practical answers. Initiating from the creation of the earth to the present-day situation everything falls under the umbrella term science. Here we are going to look at some crucial aspects that science offers

  • The exciting chapter: Science is a discourse that always finds out what is going on in the universe and how each component of the universe works. It discloses the way things worked in the past and how it influences the future. It develops new ways to treat diseases and deal with multiple things that are going on in the globe and outside the globe.
  • An amalgamation of processes and knowledge: We all first encountered science in our school days. Then it was a micro-segment of science. Over time as we grow up we get to know the expansion of the subject and its large holdings. Back then in the school days science was nothing but some stated fact written in the textbook. Over time we used to understand the subject used to link the stated facts with practical events. It is a never-ending story that is still going on.
  • A never-ending process: Scientists all the time are engaged with experiments and discover new technologies of living things present in the world. The understanding of science started from the creation of the universe and it is still going on. Every day at a point in the world a person provides an exciting fact wrong and stating a new fact with its practical application.

Does science have any relevance in everyday life? Indeed!

The word life is all about science. Starting before life to after events of death, science covers everything. Every minute of our life is surrounded by science and scientific events. Science is associated with our life cycle. How we are breathing, sleeping, moving from one place to another, doing different work, everything can be explained by the notion of science. Science has the answer to almost every question. Electricity is one of the inseparable parts of our life and it is one of the key products of scientific experiments. The definition of energy is only explainable by the use of science. Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be transformed from one form to another. Science provides a way to transform energy from one form to another.

Starting from agriculture to medicine, from communication to transportation, everything is a different aspect of science. Science is incorporated with every dimension of the human life cycle. Our curiosities regarding life are resolvable by the functioning of science and the experiments it covers under different fields. Are you trying to explain an event? Science is here with the explanation. We just need to dig into the core of science.

Is science important in education? ….Yes! Of course

It is not always accepted that science plays the most significant role in shaping our everyday life but it does influence the decisions that we make every day. The management of our wellbeing and health, choosing our way of transportation and answering to our curiosities are influenced by science.

Beyond the facts of science, our benefits of accumulating knowledge regarding science help to solve daily issues by applying our ideas. The application and effectiveness of our thoughts and ideas are manageable by science. We just need to find out what we are exactly looking for.

The practical experiments to support the scientific facts engage students with the subject and grow their interest. It allows students to make decisions of life practically based on reality. Science focuses on evidence-based solutions rather than assumptions. The increase of students' tendencies to think critically and reduce the tendency of blindfolded beliefs is only possible by incorporating science into the education system. It develops the thinking ability of a person and addresses the necessity of life beyond relying on impractical events and facts.

Find out ways how science is making our education advance

Science is different from other courses in terms of its coverage areas. Unlike the human-centred subjective area like literature, music, language and arts, science covers a lot of things in one term. The development of perception regarding science is supported by practical evidence. Is science relevant in every course of life? Science does not allow us to rely on any random fact without evidence and experiments. It is a fact that science changes faster than sound. Anyone can prove a fact wrong by further experiment and consideration of relevant evidence within a second. Science is a never-ending process that considers everything on the way towards advancement.

Moreover, the backbone of educational advancement is nothing but science. Science shapes education and its progress. We are the medium to make science relevant in our everyday life. Science is always at our fingertips; we just need to press the button of our thoughts. Other courses involved in education are different components that used to incorporate the established structure. The micro change in the universe or human life can be addressed via science. The establishment of facts is data as well as significant evidence-driven. Science is universal and applicable in any part of the world. Over time science develops and adapts with the change that is taking place in the universe every second.

Technological advancement, the development of new medicines, vaccines from new viruses is the product of science. Science is a developing and ever-changing process that continuously considers all the events going on around us on the plane of earth or in the universe. The change of the education system and mode of teaching is based on the change that took place in the scientific fields. It is a never-ending process. Science will continue its contribution to the field of education. The change in peoples' perceptions and cognition is the key function of science and it initiated in the very first stage of our evolution. Education is an ocean with no water without science.