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Disaster Management

Subject: Advanced econometrics assignment help

Keywords : Introduction to Disaster Management • Critically analyse the relationship between disaster and development. • Critically evaluate the opportunities and challenges of disaster relief.



Assessment 4. Essay


Choose one (1) of the below questions only. Write a 1200-word  essay that answers that one (1) question.

Introduction to Development

• Critically analyse the relationship between economic  growth and environmental harm.

• Do international summits effectively provide for  environmental protection? Why or why not?

• Choose at least two (2) sustainable development goals.  Evaluate the extent to which these goals are achievable.  • Critically analyse the relationship between conflict and  development.

Introduction to Disaster Management

• Critically analyse the relationship between disaster and  development.

• Critically evaluate the opportunities and challenges of  disaster relief.

Introduction to International Assistance

• Critically evaluate the strengths and limitations of  international development assistance.

• To what extent does politics influence bilateral aid flows?

Note: You cannot choose to answer a question from the same  module for essay two (2).




1200 words

Learning Outcomes

1, 3, 4, 5.

Due Date

23:59, 20 November 2022

Task Description

This essay requires you to present an argument that answers one  (1) question only.

Your essay should include the following elements.

• An argument/thesis statement that directly answers the  question.

• A definition of key terms and concepts.

• Concise explanation and evidence that supports the  thesis statement.

• Critical analysis and evaluation that identifies and refutes  counterarguments.

• A logical flow of information

• Academic sources




• In-text referencing and a reference list (APA 7 guidelines) • Consistent presentation


Students should read and understand the assignment  instructions and rubric in this document.

Students should actively engage with the content for Module  Two: Introduction to Disaster Management or Module Three:  Introduction to International Assistance including accessing: • Lecture slides and recordings

• Required readings and discussion boards

• Recommended readings; and,

• Completing additional research.

Students should participate in/access the in-class essay review  held on 31 October 2022. Lecture slides and recordings will be  made available on Learnline.

Academic research and writing support is available on Learnline  in the Folder ‘Assessment’ > ‘Assessment Support.’


Times New Roman 12 Point Font

APA 7 In-text references.



High Distinction: 85-100%

Analysis (50%)

Structure/Expression  (25%)

Research (20%)

Presentation (5%)

The question is 

directly addressed in  a detailed and 


manner. The 


demonstrates an 


understanding of the  topic, key terms and  concepts, and key  issues and debates.  The response 

includes an excellent  balance between 

description and 

analysis. The 


demonstrates well  developed analytical  skills and includes  evidence of original  thought. The 

response identifies,  acknowledges, and  refutes counter

arguments to 

advance the 

argument. The 

argument is clear 

and consistent and  demonstrates a 

thorough awareness  of the key issues and  debates, and is 

strongly positioned  in relation to those.  Very high quality 

evidence is used to  support the 


The structure is  outstanding. Information  is exceptionally organised  and presented in a logical  manner that supports the  answer presented.  Written expression has  outstanding clarity; ideas  are precise and  accessible. Exceptional  sentence structure. Tone  is formal.

The response  includes an  outstanding level of  research. Research  effort includes  course material  sources beyond  course material that  of a high-quality and  reflect 


understanding of  up-to-date research  and key texts. The  number and use of  source sis  outstanding. The  quality and quantity  of research and use  of sources is  outstanding.

Presentation is  exceptional. 


adheres to the  style guide.  Formatting is  excellent and  demonstrates a  high attention to  detail. Word limit is  adhered to. All  sources are  consistently and  fully cited in  accordance with  APA guidelines.  The response  contains few, if  any, spelling and  grammatical 


Distinction: 75-85%

Analysis (50%)

Structure/Expression  (25%)

Research (20%)

Presentation (5%)

The question is 

directly addressed.  The response has  balanced description

The structure is excellent.  Information is highly 

organised and presented in  a logical manner that

The response  includes an excellent  level of research.  Research effort

Presentation is  superior. 


and analysis. The 



evidence of higher level thinking but 

may not be original  thought. The 


demonstrates a 


understanding of the  topic, key terms and  concepts, and key  issues and debates. A  clear and consistent  argument is 

advanced and is well  positioned in relation  to the key issues and  debates. Evidence to  support the 

argument is 


supports the answer. Ideas  are expressed clearly. 

Written expression is 

sophisticated and 

accessible with clear 

meaning throughout. 

Excellent sentence 

structure. Tone is formal.  

includes course  material and high quality sources  beyond course  material. The number  and use of sources is  sophisticated. The  quality and quantity  of research and use of  sources is high.

adheres to the  style guide.  Formatting is  consistent in  attention to detail.  Word limit is  adhered to. Use of  APA guidelines is  excellent. The  response contains  few, if any, spelling  and grammatical  errors

Credit: 65-75%

Analysis (50%)

Structure/Expression  (25%)

Research (20%)

Presentation (5%)

The question is 

addressed. The 

response has 

balanced description  and analysis. The 


demonstrates a good  understanding of the  topic, key terms and 

concepts, and key  issues and debates. A  line of argument is  clearly and 


advanced. Evidence  is used to support  argument and is 

reflective of a good  understanding of the  topic.

The structure is good. 

Information is organised  and presented in a 

generally logical manner,  however, may not be 

consistent overall. The  written expression is clear, although meaning may be  obscured at times. Good  sentence structure. Tone is  formal. 


The response  includes a good  level of research.  The response  demonstrates 

consultation with  the course  materials and  evidence of  research beyond  course materials.  The response uses  sources selectively  and avoids  overreliance on  media and less  optimal sources.  The quantity and  quality of research  and use of sources  is good.

Presentation is 



adheres to the 

style guide. 

Formatting is 

sound but may be  inconsistent in 

attention to detail.  Responses exceeds  the boundaries of  the upper- or 

lower-word limits.  Use of APA 

guidelines sound  but may 



Some spelling and  grammatical 





Pass: 50 – 65%

Analysis (50%)

Structure/Expression  (25%)

Research (20%)

Presentation (5%)

Question is 

addressed and 

indirectly answered.  The response is 

descriptive, with a  satisfactory attempt  at analysis. The 


demonstrates a 


understanding of the  topic, key terms and  concepts, and key  issues and debates.  Satisfactory attempt  to provide an 

argument; the 

argument is not 

always apparent. 

Poor to limited 

evidence is used to  support argument.  

The structure is  satisfactory. Information  is organised and  presented in a  satisfactory manner;  however written  expression may be  difficult to follow at  times. Ideas are not  always expressed clearly.  Satisfactory sentence  structure. Tone is  adequate for formal  academic work

The research effort  is satisfactory.  Response 

demonstrates some  consultation with  course materials;  there is little  evidence of effort  to research beyond  course materials.  The response  overlies on a few  sources. The  response heavily  uses media and less  optimal sources (for  example, 

Wikipedia). The  quantity and quality  of research and use  of sources is  satisfactory.

Presentation is 



adheres to the 

style guide. 

Formatting is 


Responses exceeds  the boundaries of  the upper or lower  word limits. Use of  APA guidelines is  satisfactory but 




Spelling and 

grammatical errors  are frequent. 




Fail: 0-49%

Analysis (50%)

Structure/Expression  (25%)

Research (20%)

Presentation (5%)

Questions not 

answered or 



The response is 

overly descriptive  and does not provide  relevant analysis. 


demonstrates limited  understanding of the  topic, key terms and 

concepts, and key  issues and debates.  Very limited attempt  to advance an 

argument. Lack of  evidence to support  argument.

The structure is poor. 

Information is not 

organised and presented in  a logical manner. Ideas are  not expressed clearly. Poor  sentence structure. Tone of 

written expression is 

inappropriate for formal  academic work.

Research to support  an argument is 

limited to non

existent. Response  demonstrates low  consultation of 

course material. 

Response overlies on  media and poor

quality sources (for  example, Wikipedia).  Both quantity and  quality of research is  unsatisfactory.

Presentation is poor.  Presentation does  not adhere to style  guide. References do  not adhere to APA  Style Guide. 

Formatting is poor  and lacks attention  to detail. Does not to  conform to upper or  lower word limit.





Disaster management typically refers to an organization, which makes planning and preparation to cope up with the condition caused by natural calamities. Disaster management team plays an important role in every country and city. People who are involved in this management team mainly serves commoners who are suffering badly due to environmental disasters like flood, earthquake, and many more.

This essay is mainly focusing on all those effects caused by a natural disaster, which are creating hurdles in the path of development of a country or a city. Along with this, this essay has also focused on all those challenges and opportunities that are mainly caused by disaster management. This essay is mainly serving all these parts regarding disaster management through different points like concepts, opportunities, challenges, and suggestions for the betterment of disaster management team, and for a better understanding of disaster management team. Moreover, it has focused on all those ideas that are needed for a disaster management team to work better.

Thesis statement

The primary aim of this essay is to analyse different aspects of disaster management and opportunities and challenges of disaster relief.

Concept of Disaster Management

According to Coppola (2006, p. 20), disaster management has played an important role in terms of saving people's lives; therefore, importance of this management team has increased with every passing day. It is very true that disasters come in a sudden way, and leaves everyone with a question of how to survive in further future (Saja et al. 2019, p. 10). Therefore, building a proper and professional disaster management team is very much crucial for every country. This essay has focused on points like why disaster management is important in order to ensure people with their survival. A disaster management team not only helps in after cause of a natural calamity but also helps to identify what kind of disaster can take place in a particular area within a certain amount of time (Schweizer & Renn, 2019, p. 13). Along with these, disaster management team also helps to alert people and helps them to take proper protection during that time of disaster. This particular team of disaster management has a direct link with a country's development. As this management team saves people's lives, and people act as a heart of a country in terms of development, therefore, this team of disaster management also serves this purpose of development in a particular country. It has been mentioned previously, that a disaster management team mainly saves people's lives from natural calamities or life-taking disasters. This management team mainly consists of highly professional persons, who can take immediate actions in case of any emergency.

 A disaster management team mainly works in a cycle of five steps, one of which is prevention. Prevention has an important role in order to avoid any kind of notorious disaster (Ritchie & Jiang, 2019, p. 6). Preventing people or educating people in order to create a sense of safety among them is a must followed way for a disaster management team. One thing is also true, that a person or a team cannot always prevent disasters by taking proper prevention. Despite knowing that, maintaining different ways of prevention by implementing different strategies like safeguard devising and all, is an important task that this team of disaster management does. Along with this step of prevention, another step that disaster management team follows is mitigation, which refers to concept of making proper planning in order to avoid disasters (Yu et al. 2018, p. 165). Another one is preparedness, which means preparing individuals, groups, or communities to take necessary steps to avoid different kinds of disasters. Along with these, other two steps that a disaster management team follows are response and recovery. Through this step of response, disaster management team try to help all those survivors of natural calamities with mandatory things like food, drinking water, medicines, and all. Recovery comes at the end, this step takes a lot of time for recovery, and sometimes it takes decades after decades to come up with some dangerous calamity of nature.

Challenges and opportunities of disaster relief

According to Shah et al. (2019), a disaster management team can apply different types of technologies, which will act as opportunities for them. Implementation of  BDA, which is Big Data Analysis, and IOT, which is, the Internet of Things can create a positive difference in disaster management teams (Goniewicz et al . 2020, p. 38). Apart from these, a disaster management team suffers different types of challenges in order to function properly, among all those challenges, a few challenges are, "Irresponsible behavior of citizens", "Lack of education in disaster risk", "Inadequate tools and infrastructure", and "Improper planning".  Irresponsible behavior of citizens like lack of interest in cooperation with disaster management team acts as an important problem. Along with this, lack of education in disaster risk, inadequate tools and infrastructure, and improper planning, all these things act as challenges for this particular management team. 

Suggestions to manage the challenges of disaster relief

It has been suggested by Xu (2019, p. 385), that commercial insurance plays an important role in case of disaster relief. This author has also provided an idea on restructuring the whole system regarding disaster management. Along with all these, an updated recovery plan to cope up with disaster can help the team to avoid estimated casualties. A proper communication can also help this management team to contact needed departments in order to avoid damages due to different disasters. Apart from these, including business operations can also enhance the recovery plan of disaster management. It has been previously mentioned that arrival of natural disasters is uncertain, therefore, testing all those recovery plans in a regular basis can create a significant change in terms of preventing estimated damage (Tomaszewski, 2020, p. 9). Along with all these, developing all skills that are involved in disaster management can help to bring positive change among people. This development includes developing a process of prevention, and a proper skill of critical analysis can bring significant change in order to implementation of prevention (Kirschenbaum, 2019, p. 25).  Changes in this process of mitigation are also important here, developing different types of strategies and changes in structure can decrease an estimated rate of damage. Bringing some changes in preparedness can also create a positive change in disaster management team. Recruiting experienced people in disaster management teams is also an important suggestion to follow. Along with these, bringing changes in another stage of response can create significant change in society. Developing a skill of quick decision-making can help to make a response to all those survivors of disasters (McEntire, 2021, p. 11). Apart from these, involving changes in recovery system is very crucial here. Building a strong relationship with people, and creating a sense of empathy and understanding can create a significant change in the process of recovery.


As per the discussion of the essay, one can get a better view of how, when, and where a disaster management team works. This essay has clearly explained all those five steps include in disaster management. Along with this, it also suggested different types of solutions, applying which can bring a significant change in disaster management. Recruiting experts, developing a skill of critical analysis, and implementing different types of technology can bring a notable change in disaster management. Apart from these, developing different types of strategies also plays an important role in disaster management. This essay has also expressed an idea of involving different types of tools in disaster management teams in order to cope up with different types of disasters. Another idea has also been presented here, which is commercial insurance. Moreover, it can be concluded like this that disaster management plays an important role in society, which helps to provide lives to all those disaster survivors.



Coppola, D. P. (2006). Introduction to international disaster management. Elsevier.DOI:

Kirschenbaum, A. (2019). Chaos organization and disaster management. Routledge.

McEntire, D. A. (2021). Disaster response and recovery: strategies and tactics for resilience. John Wiley & Sons.DOI:

Tomaszewski, B. (2020). Geographic information systems (GIS) for disaster management. Routledge.DOI:


Goniewicz, K., Khorram-Manesh, A., Hertelendy, A. J., Goniewicz, M., Naylor, K., & Burkle Jr, F. M. (2020). Current response and management decisions of the European Union to the COVID-19 outbreak: a review. Sustainability12(9), 3838.DOI:

Ritchie, B. W., & Jiang, Y. (2019). A review of research on tourism risk, crisis and disaster management: Launching the annals of tourism research curated collection on tourism risk, crisis and disaster management. Annals of Tourism Research79, 102812.DOI:

Saja, A. A., Goonetilleke, A., Teo, M., & Ziyath, A. M. (2019). A critical review of social resilience assessment frameworks in disaster management. International journal of disaster risk reduction35, 101096.DOI:

Schweizer, P. J., & Renn, O. (2019). Governance of systemic risks for disaster prevention and mitigation. Disaster prevention and management: an international journal. DOI:

Shah, S. A., Seker, D. Z., Hameed, S., & Draheim, D. (2019). The rising role of big data analytics and IoT in disaster management: recent advances, taxonomy and prospects. IEEE Access7, 54595-54614.DOI:

Xu, X. (2019). Prospects for disaster management in China and the role of insurance. Environmental Hazards18(5), 383-399.DOI:

Yu, M., Yang, C., & Li, Y. (2018). Big data in natural disaster management: a review. Geosciences8(5), 165.DOI: