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Assessment Task 3: Practical Case Study Group Project and Demonstration (groups of 2)

Subject: Case Study Assignment

Keywords : Assessment Task 3: Practical Case Study Group Project and Demonstration (groups of 2)


Assessment Task 3: Practical Case Study Group Project and Demonstration (groups of 2)

Due: last day of Week 10 Weight: 30% of total marks

How to create group:

In each group there should not be more than 2 students. Students can have option to choose the member of the groups. If the group is not formed by the students by the end of week 5, group will be created by randomly selecting the students. In each group there should be a group leader who will be selected by the group members of each group. The group leader will submit the assignment. You must mention the percentage of contributions of each group member in the report. Otherwise, the report will not be marked.


The report should consist of 2 dashboards. Each member of the group will create one dashboard. In each dashboard, there should be at least 4 visualizations. You must explain the dashboard and each visualization with commentary. First, you need to explain the dashboard followed by the explanation of each visualization in the dashboard. In the commentary, you will explain the findings from the dashboard. For this, you need to perform an innovative analysis of the visualization. Based on the findings from the innovative analysis you should provide recommendations. For two dashboards, there should be two recommendations. Your recommendation should be justified by a fact-based analysis. For dashboards, you must use the tourism dataset. Feel free to generate an artificial dataset or you may download the tourism dataset. Please download the dataset from the following links



Report guidelines:

1. The body of the report should contain ‘Table of Content’, logically organised sections, and List of references.

2. Please include report introduction, report objectives, benefits for readers, logical assumptions.

3. You may include figures, diagrams, tables, and charts, etc.

4. For this practical assignment, the length of the assignment 1300-1500 words excludes Table of content and reference list.

5. Reports should be written in Microsoft Word and submitted as a Word file only (PDF file will not be marked).

6. Assignments are to be submitted online to BB. Save your file as firstname_lastname_student ID.docx

7. Format: Times New Roman, font size 12 & single line spacing.

8. Please use the Harvard format for the reference.



Executive Summary

Different elements, such as a comparative analysis of domestic and international tourism, have been provided in this study of tourism using a dashboard. The objective and assumption have been successfully achieved in this study. It has been found that regional elements are more favorable to European countries due to their flexible tourism policies. The country could analyse this for their adoption of specific tourism policies. One thing required to be noted here is the role of the behaviour of citizens and local merchants towards the tourists if effective for attracting more tourists to the country. Therefore, recommendations have been made in this regard.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction. 4
  2. Objectives and benefits of the report 4
  3. Formation of logical assumption. 4
  4. Analysis of dashboard. 5

4.1 Dashboard of data set 1: Murray darling basin. 5

4.2 Dashboard of data set 2: International tourism and number of arrivals. 9

  1. Recommendations to tourism stakeholders. 13
  2. Conclusion. 14

References. 15

1. Introduction

This study has been based on the tourism sector of Australia. Two different data sets have been adopted on tourism, and therefore, developed a dashboard for analysing the tourism outcome. Later, stakeholder analysis was provided to recommend some strategies for developing the country's tourism sector. The study also follows by stating the study's objective and an indication of benefits to the erasers of the dashboards. Some consolidated logical assumptions have also been provided to provide guidelines for analysing the dashboard. Lastly, concluding remarks have been covered based on Australia's tourist sector findings.

2. Objectives and benefits of the report

This study aims to provide a consolidated reflection on the tourism sector of Australia. Dashboards of this study have provided a glimpse of the tourism data of Australia. The role of effective data management for tourism can help enhance the growth of the same (Abascal, 2019). The objective of this report is to allow the reader to have a basic understanding of the data presentation using tourism data. Planners of tourism could also be helpful in this data set. It has been found that graphical representation is more effective in remembering things. Therefore, dashboard visualisation becomes pertinent for effectively identifying different drawbacks of the country's tourism sector (Pham et al., 2022). This study has benefited the readers by providing one short solution to the tourism issue. Dynamic data has been provided so that the reader can grab them. The tourism sector of Australia is exponentially growing, so recommending a study such as this one could be effective for the policy planner in adopting specific target-based tourism policies (Goh & King, 2020). This study also aimed to enhance the readers' knowledge regarding the economic impact of the country's tourism sector. This could be helpful for them to analyse the economic activities with that environmental aspects. Two data sets are based on regional tourism or arrival of tourism and regional distribution of arrival of the tourist throughout the world's major tourist destinations, including Australia (Hadinejad et al., 2019). Therefore, the scope of comparative analysis and economic proponents are what strived to produce through this report. 

3. Formation of logical assumption

Some logical assumptions could be drawn for creating visualisation and dashboard presentation of tourism data. The economic status of Australia is affected by tourism activities. Regional analysis of trusts' arrival is crucial for providing comparative analysis. This could provide a way forwards for the country to develop new scopes of tourism and reform existing ones for better tourist outcomes. Therefore, this assumption could be adopted for creating dashboard-based visualisation of tourism data in Australia.

4. Analysis of dashboard

4.1 Dashboard of data set 1: Murray darling basin

In the following, different perspectives on tourism have been provided. This includes data of the 10 best years for domestic tourism, the top 1o best revenue generating years for Australia, the total number of domestic visitors and the total number of international visitors. All these have been described below for further comprehension. 


Figure 1: Dashboard and data visualisation of tourism in the Murrey darling basin

(Source: Self-developed)

The top 10 best financial years for tourism in Australia were 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016. These are effective for generating a large share of the revenue. As cited by Hadinejad (2019), tourism must be evaluated based on revenue generation. This has been depicted in the above figure that these years were one of the most effective years for the same. All these years, Australia earned an average of 15000 million dollars annually. The highest generation of revenue was in 2016-2017 (, 2022). Here, the country has earned more revenue than in other prominent years. The top 10 years of domestic years of tourism, in terms of revenue generation, were depicted in the above figure. 2010-11 was the most effective year for domestic tourism in revenue generation. This year, the country has earned approximately 7449.68 million dollars. This indicates that the role of education tourism was effective for the country. This has been substantiated by the study conducted by Khanal (2021). According to the author, the tourism sector's energy efficiency helps the country create a surplus budget, which could be considered revenue generated from tourism activities.

The top 10 best years for tourism were also depicted above through the bottom left figure of the dashboard. It has been found that international tourists were highest in 2016-17. This was due to the adoption of a flexible policy to allow the students of south Asia to attain their educational scholarships. These policies have enhanced the country's revenue generation as they had to rent rooms and be consumed in the country (Inspired by Gurran et al. 2020). These activities require some amount of money which can be calculated as the revenue generated from education tourism. The bottom right figure of the dashboard shows the number of domestic visitors or internal tourists in the country. This is due to the adoption of flexible fiscal policy by the government of Australia. This allows domestic tourist to utilise their surplus revenue acquired through the government's tax break (Volgger et al., 2019). Therefore, these dashboards can be considered effective for depicting the country's tourism sector both in terms of revenue generation and their impact on the government for adopting specific fiscal policies.

Domestic Overnight tourists


Figure 2: Domestic Overnight tourists

(Source: Self developed)

In this data visualization of domestic overnight, the best 10 years of the domestic tourism boom have been depicted. It has been found that the most effective year for domestic overnight tourism was the year 2016/17. Here, the total number of overnight domestic tourists was 17212000 (, 2022). It has also been found that the trend is upward rising and the most recent years have had a larger number of domestic tourists. Furthermore, the last three years of domestic tourism also indicate promotion of the tourism segment of the country. Therefore, it can be concluded that the coming years would be positive for the country in terms of domestic tourists.

Number of international visitors


Figure 3: Number of international visitors

(Source: Self developed)

In the figure for international tourism, it has been found that the most effective year for domestic tourism is the same year 2016/17. In this particular year, the total number of international tourists in the country was 525787000 (, 2022). This indicates that Murray darling basin has major visitors belonging to international tourists. Therefore, from the tourism prospects, it has been indicated that the rate of international tourist arrival has been expected to increase in the coming years. This could be substantiated by the trend of the previous three years as 48661000, 43826000 and 43837000 in 2015, 2014, and 2013, respectively. Hence, Murray Darling has positive prospects in terms of tourism.

Total number of visitors


Figure 4: Total number of visitors

(Source: Self developed)

In the figure of the total number of visitors, both the number of domestic and international tourists has been taken in aggregate in terms of overnight visitation. The same trends as has been found in earlier two figures of international visitors and domestic visitors have been observed. The latest years of 2016/17 have larger tourist outcomes which have been measured in terms of total overnight visitors (, 2022). Least number of overnight visitors in these 10 years was 2008/09 where total number of visitors was 12446053000.

Top 10 revenue-generating financial years


Figure 5: Top 10 revenue-generating financial years

(Source: Self developed)

Figure of revenue generation has been depicting the top 1o most revenue generating years for the Basin. It has been found that all the aspects of the figure again depict upward rising trends in the Tourist destination of Murray Darling Basin. The most effective and revenue-generating year was 2017/16. Therefore, it can be concluded without hesitation that the coming years will be positive for the country's international tourism in the basin. The least effective year for tourism in the Basin, in terms of revenue generation, was the year 2006/07.

4.2 Dashboard of data set 2: International tourism and number of arrivals

Dashboard 2 is developed to analyse international tourism's impact on the Asia pacific in general and Australia in particular. Four different segments have been developed to demonstrate the impact of international tourism on Australia.


Figure 6: Dashboard and data visualisation of international tourism and number of arrivals

(Source: Self-developed)

The top left figure of the dashboard depicts the analysing of tourist arrival based on continents. It has been found that the major tourist areas commute to Europe for recreational purposes. The lowest attractive destinations for tourism are the Middle East and Africa. Americas and Asia pacific ranked second from the viewpoint of tourism arrival (Divisekera & Nguyen, 2018). Therefore, it can be concluded that Australia must follow in the footsteps of European countries to make its tourism sector more attractive for tourists. The top right figure of the dashboard represents the top 10 best international years for the arrival of international tourists. It has been found that the rate of tourist arrival has been increasing over the years. The best year in this regard for the arrival of tourists was 2018. In the bottom left segment of the dashboard is a depiction of the top 10 best years for tourism in the Asia pacific area. It has been found in this figure that tourist attractions in the region have been increasing since 2006 (, 2022). This is due to adopting feasible tourist policies and consolidating legal apparatus for safeguarding the tourists. Lastly, the bottom right figure shows the trend of tourist arrival in the Asia Pacific region. It has been found here that the tourist arrival rate has been increasing since 1958.

Top 10 Years of international tourism


Figure 7: Top 10 Years of international tourism

(Source: Self developed)

In this visualization, different years have been evaluated and the top 10 years have been detected as best for international tourism. It has been found that the most effective year for international tourism was 2018 when the total number of international visitors was 1404000000. The least among these 10 years was the year 847500000. This indicates that the rate of international tourism has been rising which puts potential conduciveness for the Country into consideration. It has also been found that from 2006 onwards international tourist outcomes have been rising therefore; the scope of this sector of the economy could have a positive impact on the world economy.

Tourists in Asia & Pacific


Figure 8: Tourists in Asia & Pacific

(Source: Self developed)

In this visualization, the rate of tourist arrival has been considered in terms of the Asia-pacific region. It has been found in the latest years in the data set is most effective for the region for international tourist outcomes. This year alone included 343000000 international visitors in the region. This creates a positive implication for Australia as it is the most preferred for international tourism especially those from south Asian countries (, 2022). Similar to the international scenario, 2006 was the least conducive year for the region in terms of international tourism. Therefore, it can be concluded that the rate of international tourism in the region will increase in the coming years.

Tourist arrival continent wise


Figure 9: Tourist arrival continent wise

(Source: Self developed)

In this visualisation content-wise analysis has been provided for analysing the preferred continent for international tourists. It has been found that the tourist outcome in European countries is far larger than in other continents. The policy adoption for tourism by the European countries indicates learning aspects for Australia. A total number of tourists in Europe was 13618400000 and the same for Asia-pacific countries was 4340900000. The number of international tourists is almost the same as the number of tourist arrivals on American continent. Therefore, policy adopted by the European countries for their tourists is required to be evaluated and adapted accordingly by Australia for better tourists’ outcome.

Trend analysis of tourism in Asia Pacific


Figure 10: Trend analysis of tourism in Asia Pacific

(Source: Self developed)

In this visualisation, over the years trends have been depicted. It has been found that trends of tourist arrival are increasing in the region. This provides a positive indication for Australia. The years 2003 and 2009 have a minute disruption due to different international incidents such as the fall in the price exchange rate of Southern countries in terms of Australian Dollars (, 2022). Like other figures of visualisation, the current year of 2018 provides the largest share of tourism since 1950. In 2018, the total number of visitors in the region was 343000000. This provides the conclusion that the region will increase its rate of tourist arrival in coming years.

5. Recommendations to tourism stakeholders

After a thorough analysis of all the segments of these two dashboards, different suggestions for promoting tourism in the country can be conveyed. Data shows that tourism activities in the country have been increasing for years. A minute disruption has occurred in some years but has reduced after adopting effective legal measures (Pham, 2020). Therefore, the first recommendation to Australia would be to adopt effective legal and financial policies for tourists. This will enhance the word-to-mouth marketing of the region for tourism. That will create an effective revenue perspective for the country. The role of local administration has been recommended to be more consolidated and stringent. The behaviour of the local p people is also required to be value-neutral as it hurts tourists' sentiment and creates a negative impact among the tourist for recommending the country for more commutation to the same (Pforret al., 2021). The country could also be recommended to relax its immigration policy and make it feasible for Southern countries for better tourist outcomes.


6. Conclusion

In this report, dashboard presentations have been provided based on their suggested data. It has been found that the role of the dashboard is facetime for adopting specific data-based tourism policies. The emigration rate not only incurred revenue to the country by purchasing visas and others but also helped local businesses through regular purchasing until the tourists dwell in the country. Student visas are required to be more flexible as they are tourists for a longer period and can further boost the economy of the country. Dashboards also allow comparative analysis. As it has been found that Europe has more tourists, its tourism policies could be evaluated by Australia and based on the findings, and appropriate measures could be taken. This easy, low-cost measure for promoting tourism could be possible for the same. Therefore, it can be concluded that the role of Dashboard analysis is not only effective for academics but also effective for a country for analysing any sector of the same and measures for improving therein.



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