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BUS505 Critical Evaluation & Reflection Part 2

Subject: Research paper Assignment

Keywords : BUS505 Critical Evaluation & Reflection Part 2 - CRITICAL EVALUATION & REFLECTION


Assessment 1 Brief 


Critical Evaluation & Reflection Part 2 

Brief description 

Part 2

Part 2 of Assessment 1 focuses on your overall critical evaluation and reflection after the design challenge at the end of the unit. Based on the completion of all the unit tasks, you will have the opportunity to critically evaluate and reflect on the design challenge as well as your 

overall learning experience. Therefore, your reflection should include changes in your thinking about and understanding of sustainable innovation and design thinking aspects.


Week 13, Sunday midnight (Darwin time)

Value %



Approx. 1,200 words (individual)

Learning outcomes

1, 2, 3, 4


▪ Participation in the teaching and design challenge sessions week 1 to week 12

▪ Engaging in the learning activities, especially for the design challenge

▪ Completion of the design challenge


▪ Essay-style written assignment that should be presented in a professional way.

▪ Add a title page with your student information (name, student number, study location) and the unit information (unit code and name, lecturer name, assignment number and title).

Formatting suggestions: font style Calibri or Arial, font size 12, 1.5-line spacing, justified text, margins 2.5 cm each, headings possible, add page numbers.

Asia Pacific College of Business and Law Page 1 of 4

Task Details


The key to learning about the design thinking process and how this could be useful for sustainable innovation is to experience such a process. This unit, therefore, has adopted an experiential learning and teaching strategy for most of the sessions and you will have the opportunity to participate in a real-life design challenge. 

In Part 2 of your critical evaluation and reflection, you will have the opportunity to focus on your learning as part of the design challenge and your project. Your critical evaluation and reflection should include a discussion of the design thinking process, your teamwork, and overall project focus and outcome. For example: How has the design challenge influenced your learning and thinking with regard to design thinking for sustainable innovation? What would you do differently and why if you had another chance? Please also include an overall evaluation and reflection with regards to changes over time, from the start of the unit to the end. Your reflection should also cover aspects of the experiential learning and teaching approach.

Assessment criteria (incl. weighting)

Critical evaluation (40%) 

Includes the design thinking process, design challenge, teamwork, and project; includes an overall evaluation of design thinking for sustainable innovation; supported with references where appropriate; demonstrates criticality in their evaluation

Critical reflection (50%) 

Focuses on influences on their own learning and thinking over time; includes a reflection on what they would do differently and why; includes a reflection of the experiential learning and teaching approach; demonstrates reflectivity in their 


Written essay (10%) 

Paper is written in an essay style and flow structured to support argumentation and readability; contains correct spelling and grammar; within the word limit. Application of the CDU Harvard referencing style guide for in-text citation and reference list.

S222 BUS505 Assignment 1 Brief Part 2 Page 2 of 4


Late Submission 

Late assignments will lose 5% of the available marks each day (or part thereof).


You are to identify the sources of any ideas and words in your assignment that are not yours. Unattributed materials may not be included in the consideration of your assignment and serious cases of academic misconduct will be handled in accordance with the Student Complaints Management Process.




Doing sustainable innovation and identifying the current trends of innovation must have to focus on the critical thinking process and understanding the ability to required trends of innovation. Adopting the design thinking process effectively analyses the different factors of changing innovation and identifies the issues related to the fact. The design thinking process is more helpful in developing a creative opinion based on relevant ideas and providing positive resolutions that directly affect the near future. This decision thinking is the process of solution-focused thinking and plays a particular role in dealing with the project issues and taking sustainable innovation. Thus, this reflective essay is based on the design thinking process of sustainable innovation in different aspects. Further, this reflection must focus on the critical thinking of experimental learning and teaching approach through Gibbs's reflective model. This reflective essay provided a different approach to sustainable innovation in improving products and services.

Description of the experience

In this step of Gibbs's reflection model, it must have to provide a detailed analysis of this fact and the situation that occurred in the sustainable innovation process. Doing this sustainable innovation in the business process must have to maintain sustainability, visibility and feasibility. Creating innovation and adopting different strategies have required proper decision thinking processes and critical thinking ability in doing the innovation. I have faced some critical challenges in this innovation process, such as maintaining environmental factors in sustainable innovation and facing difficulty operating in society ( 2022). Sustainable innovation has faced environmental issues and face difficulty in providing proper guidelines and policies in the sustainable development process. The lack of proper knowledge and development of innovation skills directly reduces sustainable innovation and creates difficulty in providing proper policies. Another challenge faced in the innovation process is providing proper strategic choices in upgrading the innovation process and identifying the issues. I have mainly faced identifying the strategic choice of innovation, such as identifying the proper vision in innovation, developing a proper business model, disrupting the digital initiative and creating difficulty in increasing revenue and market share. Another situation in sustainable innovation is that it provides creative services in business and improves the supply chain behaviour in the sustainable business.

Feelings and thoughts

This step of Gibbs's reflection model has provided personal opinions and feelings in the design process of the business and does three sustainable innovations. I feel it demotivates when it takes the difficulty to do sustainable innovation in a business that is helpful to connect with the customer most and increase the brand image of the business. Besides this, it makes me regret and feel depressed that I lack the potential skills to adopt the decision thinking process in doing their sustainable innovation that helps to improve customer-related issues in their business and improve the product most. Occurring this continuous failure in this innovation process must have to motivate me to further upgrade my skills and the quality of the working structure. Thus, I have adopted the strategy of the profit model in this business and innovation process. The profit model is helpful to offer the firm source of value into cash and understand the customer revenue and pricing opportunity in the business process ( 2022). Thus it helps collect revenue properly and increase the business's brand image. Adoption of this new strategy of profit model has faced effective by others, and I have received great applause from others in this sustainable innovation process. 


Adoption of the decision thinking process is effective and has helped to provide proper aim in creative ideas to minimise the risk of innovation and encourage the customers by creating a series of prototypes such as test, refine and concepts ( 2022). Thus in this process for sustainable innovation, I had the lack of innovative skills to analyse the situation and faced achieving a proper decision-making process to adopt new implementation in innovation. Thus in this innovation process, I have developed a network innovation strategy that is effective in sharing the risk and developing new ideas in offerings ventures to mitigate the challenges of the competitors successfully. This network innovation process creates proper improvement of the supply chain process and connects with the different stakeholders to maintain sustainability. It can easily share different information about the sustainable innovation process. Further, I also engage myself in team working to create efficiency in the sustainable development process. Adoption of the team working process can easily share different information related to innovation and improve their decision-making process after collecting other ideas in the innovation process. A team working project has faced further difficulty in providing proper communication with the diverse culture of team members and faced issues doing the product system innovation for creating the ecosystem.

I have understood that experimental learning is one of methodology and philosophy. It is the educators purposely use with the students. I have understood that it is experimental learning that helps in order to develop skills. I have understood that experimental learning is also helpful in order to clarify the values too. Apart from that, experimental knowledge also comes in handy when it comes to increasing knowledge. There are many kinds of experimental learning that do exist, however, there are three types of main and major types that do exist. The applied research project, campus entrepreneurship, and case studies are the three main major types of it.


After facing this situation, I have realized that to do sustainable innovation, one must have required a proper design thinking process to achieve this sustainability properly. Moreover, doing this proper team working process in the sustainable innovation process has faced difficulty in providing proper communication with others. Thus I have adopted the experimental learning process in developing different strategies for the sustainable innovation process. This learning approach is beneficial for the other team members in doing proper experiments in their developing ideas for innovation and identifying flaws in their innovation process ( 2022). Besides this, in this situation of the sustainable innovation process, I feel that I am a more creative person and have the ability to take my own decision-making process for doing innovation. I can easily analyse the proper process of the design thinking process and create opportunities for the team members to share their opinions in the innovation process. In this sustainable innovation process, all the people in this team member have faced the same difficulty of lack of skills and could identify to analyse the issues in their innovation process. Thus adopting this experimental learning process encourages others to make more art and provides their context for innovation.

I have understood that experimental learning is a process of learning through the help of practically executing. I have understood that experimental learning helps in order o have access to real-time coaching. It is to be noted that experimental learning is helpful in order to develop communication skills. The above-illustrated advantages are some of the advantages that experimental learning holds. I have understood that experimental learning possesses the ability in order to apply the knowledge immediately. I have understood that experimental learning is helpful in order to open more opportunities for innovation. Experimental learning is also helpful in order to accelerate leanings.


After analysing the overall fact, it is concluded that doing the innovation process is important to maintain sustainability to less impact on the environment and social factors. In this innovation process, I have faced difficulty in handling the team members in this teamwork of innovation and provide proper communication with the team members. I feel that in this design thinking process, I can provide proper innovation by identifying the critical factors such as mini-challenge problems of stakeholder maintenance and so on.

Action plan

In this sustainable innovation process, to mitigate the difficulty, I have adopted a proper action plan to improve my potential skills further and provide proper learning to team members. In order to reduce the risk of sustainability issues and team working problems, I have adopted a proper teaching approach to learning from others in the development process. Thus in this teaching process, I have adopted a project-based learning approach that is effective for the team members to identify the issues in the particular project and develop their strategies for sustainable innovation. Moreover, it must engage in a problem-solving process for further improvement in innovation.

Reference list 2022. How creative are you? This 4-minute word test will tell you. Available at: [Accessed on 23/11/2022] 2022. Activity - Mini Design Challenge. Available at: [Accessed on 23/11/2022] 2022. Week 1 - Activity. Available at 2022. Week 1 - Activity. Available at: [Accessed on 23/11/2022] 2022. Week 2 Activity - Ten Types of Innovation. Available at: [Accessed on 23/11/2022]