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CUC107 Assessment #3: Applying Cultural Capabilities Report Title: APPLYING CULTURAL CAPABILITIES REPORT

Subject: Management

Keywords : CUC107 Assessment #3: Applying Cultural Capabilities Report Title: APPLYING CULTURAL CAPABILITIES REPORT


CUC107 Assessment 3: Cultural Analysis and Reflection

Due Date: Part 1: Due Week 12 (Nov. 14th, Monday, 23:59 ACST)

Points Possible: 100

Length: 1250 - 1700 words (these are guidelines only)

Part 1: 40%

Part 2: 5% (see assessment 3.2 below)

CUC107 Learning Outcomes:

  • Analyse dynamic interactions in a variety of cultural contexts.
  • Analyse and evaluate strategies for creating culturally safe spaces in diverse academic and professional environments.
  • Identify, access, evaluate, organise, and communicate information using contemporary technologies (by analysing videos).
  • Work constructively as a pair to achieve a positive outcome (optional).


You are to watch and analyse all THREE videos linked below:

Concepts to Apply:

Select at least 4 (but you can use more) of the following 7 concepts:

  1. White or Settler Privilege (McIntosh or Gilio-Whitaker)
  2. Identifying Bias (Kandola and/or Gino & Coffman)
  3. Power Relations (Cummins)
  4. Cultural Border Crossings/Cultural Valence (Smolicz et al.)
  5. Equity and Equity Literacy (Gorski)
  6. Cultural Safety (Bin-Sallik)
  7. Safe Spaces (Harless)

Each video should have a different concept(s) applied to it, and no concept should be used more than once. Use two additional outside scholarly texts you find through the library to supplement your analysis.

Partner Option:

If you choose to work with a partner, each of you must apply at least 3 concepts from the list above, and together you will need to apply a minimum of 6 concepts (2 concepts for each video). Additionally, each person must use 1 additional scholarly text found through the university library.


Write a formal report to observe and analyse whether the characters in each of the three video interactions are demonstrating effective or ineffective cultural capabilities and maintaining a culturally safe space (or not). Recommend how the cultural capabilities of the people involved could be improved. The report should include at least 4 in-class texts and 2 additional scholarly texts. An APA reference page is required at the end of your report/paper.

Assessment Submission:

This assignment will be submitted through Safe Assign Software.

Note: No cover sheets are required for submission. Make sure to adhere to the institutional academic integrity rules.

Assessment 3 Part 2: Reflection (5%)

Due Date: Thursday, November 17th, by 23:59 (NT/ACST time)

Course Reflection Prompts (250-275 words):

  1. Think about your academic focus and professional aspirations (e.g., Education, Nursing, Midwifery, Psych, IT, Science). Discuss how you can apply the content and concepts learned in this unit to your respective profession. What issues and challenges exist in your field regarding culture (how your profession treats the public or the internal climate within your profession)? How can you address those issues with the knowledge you gained from this course? (150-175 words)
  2. Harless (2018) says that “Breaching a student’s intellectual safety is, in fact, crucial to his or her growth” (p. 333). With that in mind, what topic or reading in this course offered you the most intellectual growth, and what about it stimulated and broadened your understanding? (75-100 words)

Additional Materials:

  • CUC107 A3 Guidelines.pdf (Download the full and proper instructions)
  • CUC107 A3 Rubric.pdf (Rubric for assessment)
  • APA Citation Guide (How to use in-text citations)



Executive Summary

In this study, the primary basis is the cultural capabilities that can be applied to the work environment. The main objective of the study is to point out the interactions that surface while video recording the meetings. In this study, the aims, objectives and analysis of the topic as well as a detailed description have been deliberately given. Human behaviour that is culturally appropriate and has been depicted through physical activities and through the medium of body language has been analysed in this particular study. An example of the negative impact of interactions that is culturally unsafe is pointed out in the study.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
    • Aim
    • Scope
  2. "Too strong For You Karen"
    • Summary of the key movement
    • Analysis
    • Recommendation
  3. "Dirt Cheap 30 years on the story of Uranium mining in Kakadu"
    • Summary of the key movement
    • Analysis
    • Recommendation
  4. "On this day, 11th December, Cronulla race riots"
    • Summary of the key movement
    • Analysis
    • Recommendation
  5. Conclusion
  6. Reflection
  7. Reference

1. Introduction

1.1 Aim

The aim of this study is to develop a cultural capability that refers to a paramount for safe, equitable and culturally diverse learning with a better working environment. Thus, cultural capability needs to address appropriate fostering in both academic and professional cultures. This study focused on providing a summary of interactions that can take place when recording videos and riots from meetings. Analysis of physical activities and body language with appropriate use of concepts with culturally significant behaviour has been addressed. The recommendation has been made for understanding how cultural capabilities help to improve culture. The recommendation has been made by assuming positive outcomes for cross-cultural interaction in future.

1.2 Scope

The scope of this study is to improve cross-cultural interaction between different groups in the future. Understanding Australian history with relations between native and aboriginal Australian helps to understand the importance of ethical actions. The scope of this study is to analyse the interaction between key stakeholders, including Aboriginal people, Mirarr people, NLC and the commonwealth government. Understanding the history of Caucasian Australians with equitable interaction between diverse cultures has been identified. This study helps in understanding neighbouring disputes that will help to analyse cultural diversity along with managing bias and unsafe areas and driving inclusion to equity.

2. "Too strong For You Karen."

2.1 Summary of the key movement

This video started with displaying a couple, Rob and Karen, as Mildura Couple and verbally abusing him for removing the aboriginal flag. They have been using explicit language to Robby Wirramanda, who was an aboriginal man. The video displays that Karen was trying to tear down the aboriginal flag from their house. He has been recording the bias attack at his home that was approached by these two neighbours. MrVigor makes a stereotype and discriminative assumption toward Robby and Mr. Ridge tries to attempt to pull down Robby's flag, which has become irritating. The couple becomes irritated, and they finally leave their house (, 2022). The scene displays cultural biases as Karen attempts to pull down the Aboriginal flag several times, and the couple has been identified as light-skinned aboriginal, which displays a strong cultural bias (McCartan et al. 2021). Their verbal language and physical action display their lack of empathy towards the history of Aboriginals and their colonization of Australia. The video reveals that both Karen and Rob have defensive physical and body language during the whole confrontation. Mr Vigor shows closed communication, whereas Robby shows aggressive body language rather than a relaxed and open attempt at verbal communication.

2.2 Analysis

Analysis and screening of the video represented the "Cultural border crossing" that occurs when a person is moving from one social community to another community. For this understanding, the Australian history of race and racism is important as the first population of Australia was aboriginal, and people have been considered "Countries", and they have been often identified as "Black". Taking consideration of the historical facts helps to clearly understand that "Karen and Rob were not primed for racial political correctness". In Australian Aboriginal culture, biasness can be strongly recognised as it has been clearly identified in the video, and it is under an unconscious along with conscious biasness. This act can be judged as Tajfel's social identity theory that can be demonstrated in the individual or group. Bias can be referred to as an inclination of Temperament that can be faced by individuals or by a whole community. The repeated comment by Karen, "people like you", shows the discouragement and reflects their conscious and unconscious biasness. Stereotyping can be observed through different interactions between them, and this clearly indicates that Robby is stereotyped as they believe their neighbours are from the original subculture. While recording the video, Mr Vigor said that he had many aboriginal friends and he does not consider Robby a true aboriginal.

2.3 Recommendation

After a strong analysis of the video, a recommendation for improving safety and cultural inclusion has been provided. This has been recommended that the Australian Community take "Ethical actions" against such biased behaviours toward Aboriginal people (West et al. 2019). This ethical action strategy has been suggested to be applied in workplaces, educational institutes and the environment of the Australian community (Indrajayaet al. 2021). Awareness among people about ethical barriers and cultural biasness should be increased to improve cultural inclusion in the Australian community.

3. "Dirt Cheap 30 years on the story of Uranium mining in Kakadu."

3.1 Summary of the key movement

This video shows a documentary screening of Uranium mining during the late 1970s that was imposed on the Traditional Owners of Kakadu. After three long decades, the mine was owned by Rio Tinto and still shipped nuclear reactors to Europe and Japan and many other countries. It shows in the Video that the Australian Federal government overrode the human rights of Kakadu for 30 years, and they have been ordered to impose toxic industry in the area of World Heritage (, 2022). The video shows the first meeting that has been represented by the Mirarr people and members of NLC, with main speaker Galarrwuy and a conversation with Oenpelli and Rachel Maralngurra discussing the Mirarr people's disapproval and establishment of the uranium mine agreement. In the first meeting with traditional owners, the Mirar people discuss the negative impacts of the town, and the minister also points fingers while talking about the Mirarr people. The video indicates a clear physical separation from stakeholder groups, and hunger, along with sadness, appears among the Mirarr people.

3.2 Analysis

The analysis reveals a bias that was evident in the discussion about the proposed Ranger Uranium mine agreement. While the first meeting with Oenpelli, the scene has been described as a culturally safe space, and an interview with Rachal shows a fear that the agreement might result in greater problems. Furthermore, another biased behaviour has been identified by the Traditional Owners and NLC chairperson, who has been biased and supports the agreement. Thus the concept of Identified biasness can be used for understanding different perspectives of stakeholders and Mirarr people. There is a clear lack of cultural capability that was highlighted in the whole video, and a lack of understanding of diversity along with inclusion practices has been identified. During the second meeting, the sad faces of the Mirarr people show how they feel about the insensitivity. Power relation and cultural border crossing have been identified as the dominant exert power over and also collaborative relationship generated through exchanges with others that helps to enable and empower.

3.3 Recommendation

After analysis of the summary and key points of the video, it has been recommended to the Senior Mirarr to demonstrate a collaborative relationship that shares the ontology. This helps to explain the importance of hands and people in protecting sacred places (Hazzam& Wilkins, 2022). Developing understanding between two cultures and generating interaction by fostering deep social connection has been recommended.

4. "On this day, 11th December, Cronulla race riots."

4.1 Summary of the key movement

The video started with the crowd holding the Australian Flag on the 11th of December 2005 with racial tensions at Cronulla beach in Sydney. The video shows a group of Young Anglo-Australians gathered and may be draped the Australian flag with the slogan "We grew here, we flew here". Police tried a lot to control the mob with baton battled, but the angry mob was uncontrollable. They have been seeking retribution for the recent attack on local lifeguards. The video shows the crowd spilt to multiple streets nearby, and they start attacking people who look Middle Eastern (Gross & Wilson, 2020). This riot was formed after two local lifesaver gas were assaulted by four Middle east men. They had written "100% Aussie pride" on the beach, and the fight began between two life savers and Middle East men. As a result, two were injured, and one was charged and assaulted. This action sparked the backlash community, and they started to protect with Slogans of "Australian Values" and "Way of life" that, before the riots, ensured more than 270,000 messages were circulated "Aussies" for taking revenge. The angry mob showed eastern men that the beach it there and they will not welcome them back. More than 5000 people have been engaged in this Riot, and among them, many were arrested by Sydney Police.

4.2 Analysis

Cummins can be explained as some coercive power relations between subordinate groups and dominant groups within the wider society that can strongly influence "pedagogical spaces" within a country. As reflected in the Video the Aussie becoming a dominant group shows mob power toward east men as they are subordinate groups. Cummins, along with the collaborative relation model based on the motion of developing human relationships and helps to understand the dynamic and complex nature of Australian culture. The concept of Power relation helps to identify the relative status, power, and dominance of the participants that have been reflected through their behaviour and consequently in communications style along with violating riots.

4.3 Recommendation

The above analysis helps to recommend understanding dynamic and complex nature between Aussie and eastern men in Australian culture that needs a strong knowledge of Australian history (Pidduck& Zhang, 2021). Educational institutes and society play a vital role in understanding the behaviour of individuals and the concept of power relations. Understanding of the Cummins model has been recommended as this helps to ensure appropriate Pedagogy has been used and the purpose behind the assessment.

5. Conclusion

The above documentary screening helps in the analysis of unsafe space that has been created from a lack of cultural awareness and capabilities that can result in negative outcomes. Three of the documents successfully provide examples of adverse outcomes of unsafe cultural interaction. The suggested recommendation provided for demonstrating how acknowledged privilege and cultural intelligence helps in managing bias, rebalancing power and managing cultural borders to create a safe space for developing strong collaborative interactions. Screening of the video outlines unsafe interactions between cultures and helps to understand the importance of better promoting equitable diversity along with educating society for reducing biased cultural interactions. This study focuses on encouraging society and better self-reflection that can help in reducing unsafe cultural practices that can be limited by collaborative relations of power.


I have learned about the concept of an unsafe cultural practice that includes biased cultural practices, power relations and cultural borders. This study helps me to identify unsafe cultural practices and suggest strong collaborative interaction, rebalancing power and managing bias for reducing such unsafe cultural prices that might result in a huge cultural issue. Such interaction helps in understanding how coercive power and bias have been used for having benefit the agenda of the minority. I have developed a strong understanding of the Australian Government's failure to provide appropriate cultural borders and developing a cultural understanding that can impact ontology. I have learned to develop a framework for providing a safe cultural space by building generative interaction between stakeholders and subordinated people. I understand the importance of educational institutes in promoting safe cultural practices. This study provides an idea about racism and reverses racism as a current issue that helps people for hiding their true feeling behind political correctness. I have understood that collaborative approaches to culture and race might be adapted to enable the cultural capability. I have developed indigenous experiences along with achieving knowledge of Australian history that promotes growth and cultural intelligence. Reading Australian history, along with having an indigenous experience, offered more intelligence growth. Understanding coercive power relations along with biased cultural interaction helps me create a framework for tackling future cultural barriers.


West, K. S., Indrajaya, A., et al. (2019). Understanding Ethical and Safe Spaces...