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COMP1617 Network Architectures and Services
Detailed Coursework Specification
Assignment Question paper


Network Architectures and Services


 100% of course

Course Leader
 Dr Mariusz Pelc

COMP1617 Coursework


Deadline Date: 


This coursework should take an average student who is up-to-date with tutorial work approximately 30 hours 
 Feedback and grades are normally made available within 15 working days of the coursework deadline

Learning Outcomes: 

1. Demonstrate in depth knowledge of network communications, OSI and TCP/IP model. 
 2. Demonstrate a critical understanding of lower level network models with related key protocols, services and applications. 
 3. Contribute to the analysis, design and development of complex networking systems, recognising the interrelationships among components. 
 4. Be competent in the use of specialist tools, designed to analyse and simulate network functionality.  


Plagiarism is presenting somebody else's work as your own. It includes copying information directly from the Web or books without referencing the material; submitting joint coursework as an individual effort; copying another student's coursework; stealing coursework from another student and submitting it as your own work.  Suspected plagiarism will be investigated and if found to have occurred will be dealt with according to the procedures set down by the University. Please see your student handbook for further details of what is / isn't plagiarism.
All material copied or amended from any source (e.g. internet, books) must be referenced correctly according to the reference style you are using. 
 Your work will be submitted for plagiarism checking.  Any attempt to bypass our plagiarism detection systems will be treated as a severe Assessment Offence.





Coursework Submission Requirements

  • An electronic copy of your work for this coursework must be fully uploaded on the Deadline Date of 11/04/2023 using the link on the coursework Moodle page for COMP1617.
  • For this coursework you must submit a single PDF document.  In general, any text in the document must not be an image (i.e. must not be scanned) and would normally be generated from other documents (e.g. MS Office using "Save As .. PDF"). An exception to this is hand written mathematical notation, but when scanning do ensure the file size is not excessive.
  • There are limits on the file size (see the relevant course Moodle page).
  • Make sure that any files you upload are virus-free and not protected by a password or corrupted otherwise they will be treated as null submissions.
  • Your work will not be printed in colour. Please ensure that any pages with colour are acceptable when printed in Black and White.
  • You must NOT submit a paper copy of this coursework.
  • All courseworks must be submitted as above. Under no circumstances can they be accepted by academic staff

The University website has details of the current Coursework Regulations, including details of penalties for late submission, procedures for Extenuating Circumstances, and penalties for Assessment Offences.  See




COMP1617 Network Architectures and Services

Detailed Coursework Specification

This coursework is an individual assessment marked up to 100% comprising of 2 parts. 

You must be awarded at least 50% of the available marks for each of the 2 parts to pass the whole coursework.

Use the NetSIM simulator for this coursework.

Part 1: Logbook


This assignment is your individual piece of work which is based on results obtained by your lab group during lab sessions. However, to make your work individual each of you must provide your own explanations, discussion, conclusion (this is your individual component).

You are required to complete the COMP1617 Network Architectures and Services course weekly assignments (usually provided in a form of a PDF file containing a laboratory program – step by step instruction about what it is supposed to be done) and compile them into one single logbook document). 

There are 8 relevant laboratory sessions for which some assignments will be specified. Each laboratory assignment contains a list of activity / instructions to complete. Having followed the instructions, a set of results should have been produced. The results obtained every week are to be described / commented on / concluded accordingly and compiled into a single document (constituting weekly lab report), using for example MS Office Word. All the weekly lab reports are to be compiled to create the logbook document, which is the required final coursework document.

You are expected to compile your lab reports into a single PDF logbook document uploaded by the due date using the COMP1664 Network Technology coursework upload link on Moodle.

Deliverables: Logbook document containing weekly lab reports with commented on / concluded results.

Grading criteria for Part 1


This part of the coursework will be marked up to 50% and the following aspects will be assessed:

  • Technical depth and correctness                                                                 [25%]
  • Organisation of the material                                                                       [10%]
  • Presentation standard                                                                                  [5%]
  • Conclusions / reflections                                                                                  [10%]  

Part 2: Built and simulate a network model



US backbone network topology is provided on the below diagram.




Fig.1. US backbone network.


For the simulation purposes you need to select any part of the backbone network comprising of 12 nodes and then build a simplified representation of the network in NetSIM. Finally, you should run simulation showing the network operation based on the following requirements:

  • Assume that the typical traffic types in the network are: HTTP, FTP, Database and MAIL.
  • Assume 3 different traffic volumes, respectively: LOW and HIGH. 
  • Please mind that in NetSIM simulator the traffic volume relates to generation rate expressed as:


Generation Rate (Mbps) = (Packet size (bytes) * 8) / Inter arrival time (μs))


This means that you can change the traffic volume through modifying packet size or inter 
 arrival time.

  • Assume that the simulations are carried out according to the below simulation scenarios:
    • Normal network operation with all nodes and links available.
    • Network failure with any selected 2 links unavailable
    • Network failure with any selected 2 nodes unavailable


For each of the above simulation scenarios compare the network operation (and for this purpose select any 2 metrics) for RIP and OSPF routing protocols. Some examples regarding using different routing protocols in NetSIM can be found a:

Deliverables: A well-structured report needs to include with 2500-3500 words limit:


  • Literature review on routing protocols used backbone networks.
  • Description of the network model created including scenarios and diagrams. 
  • Description and justification for design and choice of simulation parameters and metrics used for performance evaluation. 
  • Critical evaluation of all results from all simulations including graphs. Be concise. just a few well-chosen graphs with results are usually sufficient.
  • A conclusion, which is evaluative and reflective.
  • You must present your work in a professional manner so it must have a table of contents, page numbers, headings, graph numbers/titles/descriptions. Always check your work for grammatical errors and typos.


Grading criteria for Part 2


This part of the coursework will be marked up to 50% and the following aspects will be assessed up to the specified number of marks:


  • Literature review on routing protocols used in backbone networks.            [10%]
  • Brief justification for the chosen performance metrics.                           [5%]
  • Simulation results (2-3 selected performance metrics)                             [20%]
  • Comments / discussions about the results / findings                                 [10%]
  • Recommendations / Conclusions                                                                 [5%]

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Table of Contents

Part 1. 3

1. Introduction. 3

2. Technical depth and correctness. 3

2.1 Traffic Types Present in the Network. 3

2.2 Differentiation between the applied protocols4

3. Organization of the material 4

4.  Presentation standard. 4

5. Conclusions. 5

Part 2. 5

1. Literature review.. 5

2. Brief justification for the chosen performance metrics7

2.1 Designing the Network. 7

2.2 Generating the network traffic. 8

3. Simulation results. 11

4. Discussions about the results/findings. 11

5. Recommendations/ Conclusions. 12

References. 14




Part 1

1. Introduction

The network backbone structure is going to develop for providing the specific structure of the network design. The US backbone network topology structure is going to prepare based on the appropriate simulation method. An effective simplification structure of the network topology can be developed for obtaining the details of the network analysis method. Several kinds of traffic can be used for meeting the requirements based on the network operation. The specific simulator can be used based on the generation rate for obtaining the required parameters of the analytical model. Different types of nodes, as well as services are used for gathering information about the dataset. Several types of routing protocols are used for evaluating the limitation based on the non-convergence method for developing the design of the network structure. An appropriate implementation method is used for improving the optimization process for improving the complex network using the routing protocols. The operation of the network and the network analysis method helps to explain the failure of the analysis method. The simulation procedure of the network design is going to use for exchanging information based on the specific network converged system.  

2. Technical depth and correctness   

2.1 Traffic Types Present in the Network

Here in this particular research work, there are mainly three types of traffic network present that is HTTP, FTP, Database, and lastly MAIL server. HTTP is denoted as “Hypertext transfer protocol”, FTP refers to “File transfer” and the MAIL server is developed for sending messages from one network to another network. 


Figure 1: FTP Connection

(Source: Rajeswari, 2020)

All of this traffic type network is related to the transmission of information after creating a network that is developed for this specific task. Mail servers are posed a good position in today's world where everything is done using a Mail server. But here in this particular project learners are utilizing such kind of protocols to form a proper network connection related to giving the project specification. While utilizing WWW is comprised of an HTTP server which is the primary source of developing WWW. To carry out a communication procedure then it is important to introduce such protocols to connect every network to another network. SMPT is also utilized here for connecting all over the world to send data from one point to another destination point (Bakare et al. 2019)

All these traffic types of protocols are belongs under the transport layer protocol. Here in this particular project work, there is mainly a US backbone network topology that has been developed properly to provide all sorts of connectivity all over the world. Apart from these, there are still some cases present that define several purposes along with 12 nodes. So, it is important to deploy different kinds of projections in terms of creating a high level of progression which have to be deployed here in this particular task.                                

2.2 Differentiation between the applied protocols

There are some differences present among SMPT, HTTP, MAIL, and FTP servers. Data is possibly done in terms of creating a high level of precision following the possible categorization and it is done according to the following coursework. Depending on several procedures to create a high approach to determine the valuable transmission in different sorts of progressive manner. Apart from all of these, there are several processes have also been defined so that they would not be developed at the very first step. As per the view of several categorical aspects have been done to enhance the overall process and also to analyze the difference between all of those protocols. This is mentioned that the “Shielded twisted pair cable (STP)” has separate tandems of wires covered inside a foil, which are furthermore enveloped likewise for dual security (Bouras et al. 2019)

“Unshielded twisted pair cable (UTP”) has individual pairs of wires twisted concurrently. The configuration linked to this wire is established on the “aluminium foil of FTP/STP”, adding a layer associated with the “tin-plated copper braided mesh”, the exterior linked to which is actually PVC. Based on the supplementary layers associated with the “tin-plated copper wire mesh”, the exterior “magnetic field” is able to be remarkably diminished, while similarly, the signal interference is able to be reduced as well with the attenuation linked to internal signals alongside increasing the tension associated with the cables.   

3. Organization of the material      

It is important to integrate all other material into the utilized “Netsim” software which is being made in used to develop a high level of adaptability. Different kind of resources which is being implemented here in this project to do the proper justification. There are all types of creativity present which is achieved from proper resources in terms of gathering a specific task that has to be done properly to enhance the capability of the resource work. 

All other complexity related to the organization in terms of enabling information related in formation to know the error better. There are some specific recognition techniques have been presented using all possible information. It is better to upgrade to a high level of achievement to process the reliability troubleshooting. It is known that there are numerous issues or connectivity has been defined to do the progressive analysis based on the network connectivity (Calvo-Fullana et al. 2021)

As per the knowledge of producing an error-free structure or topographical structure, learners need a proper justification through which it is done specifically to know the presented output. Different sorts of identifications have also been proposed in this section to analyze the network connectivity properly. It is known to all that FTP server, MAIL server, and HTTP server which is being utilized for the reason of giving a high level of specification towards giving the proper communication through this US backbone network. Depending on it all materials are utilized accurately. The Network Simulator tool is obligated for authorising the developer to experiment with the essential network bandwidth along with the delay present in the simulation approach. Various methodologies are there and exist with several crowded links introduces among the delivered network connections and they might get perform simulations over specific remote nodes.                                

4.  Presentation standard   

A standard presentation illustrates proper coursework which has also been described as having different sorts of specifications. As it proceeds high level of precision which have to be done for the reason of delivering a model topology in terms of upgrading the network properly which is can enhance the model efficiency. There are different sorts of discrete processes to simulate a high level of progression in order to hybrid the topographical view associated with the design(Hemalatha and Sarath, 2022). The procedure associated with running the process of “discrete Event Simulation”. The flow associated with the packets is able to be identified with the help of the “packet animator”. These have been utilised in order to specify the interpretation standard associated with the model. Furthermore, the parameters that are linked to the delay and throughput along with the loss have been estimated. One designer is capable of developing a revived protocol in case the modification is linked to the simulation process and the codes are accomplished appropriately.                                               

5. Conclusions 

Conclusively, it has been said that there are different kinds of switches and routers that have been utilized for the reason of developing a high level of precision following categorizing a proper justification in terms of getting it possible to do the task. Here in this project proper network structure has been generated to enhance the process or perform the connectivity properly to make the network extremely complicated. With the use of some simple approaches learners are trying to modify the high level of a complex task easier for the reason of giving the possible factor best and probably done a better job to upgrade all features of the network topology.        

Part 2

1. Literature review

The US backbone structure of the network can be improved using the effective routing protocol and several kinds of routing algorithms can be implemented for developing the design of the network. The specific structure of the network topology is used for finding the analysis process using the analysis method and the specific measuring process, as well as the specific information about the network structure (Rajeswari, 2020). An implementation method can be applied for improving the standardization method, security measurement method, network resiliency method, and redundancy method can be improved using the routing protocols. The routing protocols can be implemented to design the structure of the entire process and the network analysis technique meets the requirements of the analysis method.


The routing protocol is used for designing the structure of the OSI model, as well as in both LAN and WAN and the application layer is used for describing the operation of the network design. For developing the network structure of the analysis process, the RIP is the routing protocol for explaining the operation of the network structure. The specific network structure of the network design can be described for explaining information about the bandwidth. The network design of the analytical model is used for finding the operation of the entire analysis method (Falcón et al. 2021). The RIP protocol has different types of advantages based on the simulation method, as well as the specific protocol helps to provide a loop-free structural design. 

The load balancing method is an effective process for implementing the design of the analysis method. The entire analysis allows for explaining the bandwidth utilization process for explaining the details of the simulation process. An appropriate hop count is applied for determining the specific process for improving the configuration structure of the routing protocol. With the help of the protocol, heavy traffic can not be controlled using the routing structure. Several types of factors of the simulation method can be applied for explaining the implementation process based on the slow convergence.            


Figure 2: RIP vs OSPF

(Source: Tobgyel et al. 2020)


The routing algorithm can be used for obtaining the analysis process based on the limit state and the specific computing process helps to describe the network analysis method. The network analysis technique is used for obtaining the function of the protocol based on the performance analysis method. The specific structure of the backbone area can be used for describing the routing area based on the implementation analysis method. 

The network design structure is used for providing the specific technique to explain the operation of the analysis process (Tobgyel et al. 2020). An effective matrix form can be implemented for calculating the cost of the network link based on the appropriate bandwidth. The main characteristics of the routing protocol can be reduced by the routing table using the specific network topology. The routing authentication method, as well as the IP multicasting method, is used for developing the security of the entire method. Short routes can be used to obtain the recalculation process using the routing protocol for explaining the operation of the analytical method.      

2. Brief justification for the chosen performance metrics 

2.1 Designing the Network

The simulation process indicates the requirement to determine any portion associated with the provided backbone grid including 12 different nodes while it is as well builds a simplified illustration linked to the network with the interface named NetSIM simulator (Jahir et al. 2019). The Network Simulator tool is accountable for allowing the designer to experiment with the required network bandwidth along with the delay present in the simulation approach. Various methodologies are there and exist with several crowded links introduces among the delivered network connections and they might get perform simulations over specific remote nodes. 


Figure 3: Overall Layout

(Source: Acquired from Netsim Simulator)

This is mentionable that the LAN connection has been configured with the simulation associated with the topology that corresponds to the application associated with the “Network Simulator utility” which would incorporate the provided driver associates alongside dealing with the pre-provided user interface elements. These elements are attending to connect links to the network traffic between the NIC and IP stack. When it arrives at the employer, the interface component helps in the tasking to get operated with the outcome of the conduct of the management of statistical information. 

The designed network certainly needs the mesh topology layout. In this topological arrangement, a dedicated link is there for every device present inside along with the connection setup with other devices. This is responsible for allowing the connection carriers' traffic for presenting two devices based on the assigned design of the project. 

2.2 Generating the network traffic  

The designed mesh topology based on the current scenario is responsible for the development of the framework with a well-corresponding one. Perhaps, every node is not linked to all other nodes. 


Figure 4: Configuration of the Router1

(Source: Acquired from Netsim Simulator)

Figure 1:


Figure 5:   Configuration of the Router2

(Source: Acquired from Netsim Simulator)

The linkages have been established depending on the knowledge transfer prerequisites. This is as well responsible for ensuring that in case a machine is suffering any kind of malfunction that may result in the situation results in failure. This completes the arrangement of an additional unassailable one. 


Figure 6:   Configuration of Salt Lake City Switch

(Source: Acquired from Netsim Simulator)


Figure 7:   Configuration of Chicago Switch

(Source: Acquired from Netsim Simulator)

They might mandate multiple cords in this operation. Consequently, the spine of the server system gets strengthened and can not be easily broken. The designer is capable of starting with a star topology and further may interconnect the external nodes and convert that into a mesh topology and complete the structure.          

3. Simulation results             

The elemental mission associated with the conveyed traffic generator indicates the dimensions tool to deal with the interpretation evaluation linked to separate networks that get employed inside the disseminated “US backbone design” with the help of the designer. They are responsible for transmitting raw data pursued by the methodology of the assemblage of the rendered information jitter along with values related to latency. They correspondingly assemble the lost packets for performing the obligatory evaluation approach.  This is notable that, they are responsible for dealing with the packets and routing them depending on the provided packet generation while they are as well able to serve specific “bandwidth utility tests”(Manzoor et al. 2020).

The project is responsible for dealing with 12 different nodes from the network topology where PCs will illustrate 12 different Pcs. This has been done with the utilisation of the Netsim simulator for generating codes inside the console to configure different PCs for setting up the linkage among them (Hemalatha et al.   2022). The combination of networks encloses 2 separate routers that are deployed in Chicago and Salt Lake City depending on a conveyed switch. Especially, this is mentionable that, the switch regarded “star topology” associating the variable PCs while they interconnected to each other. The further PCs are interconnected including other cities. 

4. Discussions about the results/findings

The “US backbone network” gets developed and get deferred while performing the simulation associated with the purposes linked to the process of development along with the testing. The filter measures comprised of the “IP addresses” related to the other 12 nodes with the origin while dealing with the destinations being determined by clarifying into separate portions. Furthermore, the protocols and ports get linked with the help of the use of different protocols such as FTP, SMTP and HTTP, which are accomplished when confirmed depending on the installation.

The simulation criteria get manipulated with the simulation duration while the related seeds have been configured with the protocol that will be utilised for enabling and disabling the “static ARP” which conveys the “address resolution protocol”. This is mentionable that, the exposition associated with the needed stationary routing alongside dealing with the “static ARP” has been incorporated inside the console panel. The option called edit is capable of showing a “preference window” that illustrates the “assigned status”. Apart from that, “the text files” might evidently demonstrate the allotted static routing for obtaining the provided “Configuration.netsim”.The evaluation criteria have provided a specific feature in which advanced users are able to paste the configurations of the router from a delivered demo if identical provisions are required.   

In that aspect, this can be noted that the main router linked with the 1st switch present in the topology organises interconnections in an “up-down” state with the different PCs. These junctions can be exhibited on the “router console” while as well can be pinnacled operating the Exit command. Furthermore, the “Open switch connection” is associated with the 2nd router attending in Chicago. The arrangement has been finalised with the usage of the “Exit Command”. 

5. Recommendations/ Conclusions

The report sheds light on the node, as well as links of the network design for developing the operation of the network. The specific routing protocol has been used for improving the operation of the network analysis method. An appropriate scenario of the network design process helps to develop the network model based on different kinds of simulation parameters. The parameters of the analytical model are used for obtaining the performance matrix to collect information based on the structure of the network. The performance of the network can be determined using the appropriate evaluation method. The network failure of designing the network based on the routing protocols and the software tool has been applied for collecting information regarding the network design, as well as the network implementation method (Calvo-Fullana et al. 2021). The typical traffic of the network analysis method helps to provide an effective simulation process for describing the network operation and the simplified network implementation method helps to meet the requirements of the network development process.

The network design of the analysis process can be developed based on the specific network structure and the routing protocols are applied for explaining the performance of the entire process. The challenges of the network operation can be determined using different types of nodes, as well as resource constraints are used for explaining the network analysis method. The mobility process, as well as channel state, has been used for minimizing errors and the security function has been used for describing the operation of the network. The appropriate simulation function has been implemented to obtain the details of the operation using the network backbone structure. The specific operation of the analysis technique and the complex structure of the entire method can be used for describing the network design. 


Bakare, B.I. and Enoch, J.D., 2019. A review of simulation techniques for some wireless communication system. International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Engineering, 10(2), pp.60-70. 

Bouras, C., Diles, G., Gkamas, A. and Zacharopoulos, A., 2019. Comparison of 4G and 5G Network Simulators. In Fifteenth International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications (ICWMC 2019) (pp. 13-18). 

Calvo-Fullana, M., Mox, D., Pyattaev, A., Fink, J., Kumar, V. and Ribeiro, A., 2021. Ros-netsim: A framework for the integration of robotic and network simulators. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 6(2), pp.1120-1127.     

Calvo-Fullana, M., Mox, D., Pyattaev, A., Fink, J., Kumar, V. and Ribeiro, A., 2021. Ros-netsim: A framework for the integration of robotic and network simulators. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters6(2), pp.1120-1127.
Hemalatha, C. and Sarath, T.V., 2022. Analysis of clustering algorithm in VANET through co-simulation. In Sustainable Communication Networks and Application: Proceedings of ICSCN 2021 (pp. 441-450). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.

Falcón, F., España, G. and Bórquez-Paredes, D., 2021. Flex Net Sim: a lightly manual. arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.02762.

Jahir, Y., Atiquzzaman, M., Refai, H., Paranjothi, A. and LoPresti, P.G., 2019. Routing protocols and architecture for disaster area network: A survey. Ad Hoc Networks, 82, pp.1-14.

Manzoor, A., Hussain, M. and Mehrban, S., 2020. Performance analysis and route optimization: redistribution between EIGRP, OSPF & BGP routing protocols. Computer Standards & Interfaces, 68, p.103391. 

Rajeswari, A., 2020. Simulation and Performance Analysis of CIT College Campus Network for Realistic Traffic Scenarios using NETSIM. Procedia Computer Science, 171, pp.2635-2644.

Tobgyel, T., Duraikannan, S., Thiruchelvam, V., Ab-dulla, R. and Susiapan, Y., 2020. SDN Based 5G Network Architecture For Latency Critical Services. Solid State Technology, 63(1s), pp.1992-1404.











COMP1617: Network Architectures and Services – Sample Assignment

1. Introduction

Network architectures and services play a crucial role in modern computing, enabling seamless communication between devices, applications, and users. In COMP1617: Network Architectures and Services, students learn about networking principles, protocols, network topologies, and the design of network infrastructures.

This report explores network architectures, layered models (OSI & TCP/IP), network services, and security considerations with a focus on real-world applications.

2. Network Architectures

A network architecture defines the structure, communication methods, and standards used in computer networks. The two primary network architectures are:

2.1 Client-Server Architecture

2.2 Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Architecture

3. Layered Network Models

3.1 OSI Model (Open Systems Interconnection)

A 7-layer model that standardizes network communication:

Layer Function Example Protocols
7. Application User interaction HTTP, FTP, SMTP
6. Presentation Data encryption, compression SSL/TLS
5. Session Session management NetBIOS, RPC
4. Transport Reliable data transmission TCP, UDP
3. Network Routing and addressing IP, ICMP
2. Data Link MAC addressing, error detection Ethernet, PPP
1. Physical Hardware transmission Cables, Wi-Fi

3.2 TCP/IP Model

A 4-layer model used in the Internet and modern networks:

Layer Equivalent OSI Layers Example Protocols
Application Layers 5-7 HTTP, FTP, DNS
Transport Layer 4 TCP, UDP
Internet Layer 3 IP, ICMP
Network Access Layers 1-2 Ethernet, Wi-Fi

OSI is conceptual, used for teaching and standardization.
TCP/IP is practical, used in real-world networking.

4. Network Services

Network services enable communication, data exchange, and resource sharing. Key services include:

4.1 DNS (Domain Name System)

4.2 DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)

4.3 VPN (Virtual Private Network)

4.4 Cloud Computing Services

5. Network Security Considerations

Securing network architectures is crucial to prevent cyber threats. Common security challenges and solutions include:

Threat Description Mitigation
DDoS Attacks Overloading a network with traffic Firewalls, rate limiting
Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) Intercepting network traffic VPN, SSL/TLS encryption
Phishing Fraudulent emails stealing credentials Email filtering, user awareness
Malware Viruses, ransomware attacks Antivirus, regular updates

Best Practices:
Use firewalls and intrusion detection systems (IDS).
Implement strong authentication methods (MFA, biometrics).
Regular security updates and patch management.

6. Case Study: Enterprise Network Design


A medium-sized company requires a secure and scalable network supporting 100 employees, cloud applications, and remote work capabilities.


Network Topology: Hybrid model (Client-Server + Cloud).
IP Addressing: Private IPs (IPv4) with subnetting for departments.
Security Measures: Firewalls, VPNs, and employee access controls.
Cloud Integration: Microsoft Azure for scalability and data backup.

7. Conclusion

Future Trends:
🚀 5G Networks & Edge Computing will enhance real-time processing.
🚀 AI-driven Network Security will improve threat detection.
🚀 Quantum Networking could revolutionize data encryption.

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Writing a thesis or dissertation is a major academic milestone that requires extensive research, organization, and writing skills. Best Assignment Help provides specialized support for Thesis Help, MBA Dissertation, and Dissertation Proposal. These services guide students through each stage of their research work, ensuring a well-structured and high-quality final submission.

Subject-Specific Assignment Help

Recognizing that different academic fields require specialized assistance, Best Assignment Help offers dedicated services for various subjects:

MBA and Business Case Study Help

Pursuing an MBA can be demanding, especially with case studies and business reports. Best Assignment Help provides tailored support through MBA Assignment Help and Case Study Help, enabling students to analyze real-world business scenarios effectively.

Editing and Proofreading Services

Polishing an assignment before submission is crucial for maintaining clarity and professionalism. The platform offers expert Editing & Proofreading services to eliminate errors, improve coherence, and enhance the overall presentation of academic work.

Assignment Samples for Reference

Students looking for guidance on structuring their assignments can explore Assignment Samples, which serve as benchmarks for high-quality academic writing. These samples provide valuable insights into research, formatting, and presentation.

Why Choose Best Assignment Help? Experienced Academic Writers

The platform is backed by a team of highly qualified professionals with extensive knowledge across various disciplines. Whether you need assistance with law, nursing, business, or finance, subject-matter experts ensure your work meets high academic standards.

100% Original, Plagiarism-Free Content

Academic integrity is a top priority at Best Assignment Help. Every assignment is crafted from scratch, ensuring uniqueness and adherence to proper citation standards.

24/7 Customer Support

Students can reach out at any time for assistance, making it easy to track assignment progress or clarify doubts through the Contact page.

Affordable Pricing and Timely Delivery

Best Assignment Help understands students' budget constraints and offers affordable pricing with timely submissions to help meet academic deadlines.

How to Get Started?

Getting help from Best Assignment Help is simple:

  1. Visit the Website: Explore available services at Best Assignment Help.
  2. Place an Order: Head over to the Order Now page and provide assignment details.
  3. Work with Experts: Your assignment will be assigned to a subject expert who will ensure high-quality content.
  4. Receive & Review: Get your completed work on time, review it, and request modifications if necessary.
Final Thoughts

For students facing academic challenges, Best Assignment Help serves as a reliable support system, offering expert guidance across various disciplines. Whether you need Assignment Help, Essay Help, Thesis Help, or specialized support in fields like law, nursing, finance, and economics, the platform is designed to help students achieve their academic goals.

With its user-friendly website, experienced professionals, and round-the-clock support, Best Assignment Help is a one-stop solution for students seeking quality academic assistance. Start your journey to academic success today by visiting Best Assignment Help!