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Assessment Tasks

Reflective Practice Assignment

Assessment Title

Reflective Practice Assignment.

Task Description

The key aspect of reflection is a critical evaluation of the self. Students will undertake a number of in-class cases between weeks 

2-5 and must use two (2) of the nominated cases as the basis for their self-analysis completed in class.

The unit coordinator and or facilitator nominates which ones are to be used as part of the assessment. Students are not permitted to self-select cases.

Students will also complete at least two (2) ethical diagnostic tools in class and must attach the results sheet as an appendix. The tools must be identifiable as ethical or moral diagnostics. Please note that general tools such as the Johari Window , Leadership style questionnaires, MBTI, or communication tools, etc,  are not acceptable.

The task is to analyse the decisions you made when the cases were analysed in class,  for the two cases nominated by the Unit Coordinator or Facilitator. Students are expected to look at the decision they made and use ethical theory to classify the approach they took and the justifications used. Students are to reflect on their decisions by examining their assumptions about ethics, the purpose of business etc. Students must specifically refer to the results from a minimum of two diagnostic tools as a means of gaining further insight into their own ethical behaviours and preferences. Students need to contrast these results against the decisions made in the cases and their own assumptions and values. Students are to provide a conclusion that considers whether or not they would change their decision based on the ethical and moral theories discussed in class.

Students are not to re-analyse the cases and come up with new decisions.

A detailed rubric and audio file are available on the Moodle site that provides further details for this assessment task.

Assessment Criteria

Examine the decisions made from the two cases nominated by the unit coordinator or class facilitator, completed in class (online)

Utilise and reflect on the results of a minimum of 2 diagnostic tools (results page must be attached as appendices)

Discuss the decisions and analyse these, referring to the diagnostic results and ethical theories and concepts.

Utilise key ethical and moral theories, concepts of moral personhood to describe and analyse their own positions or beliefs.

Provide a reflection of why they made the original decision and whether they would adopt a different approach given the concepts studied in class.

The use of between 12-16 quality references, including key readings and recommended texts Ferrell et al., (2018); McDonald (2015) and Carrol and Buchholz (2018), using APA referencing and including a reference list.

These are the minimum requirements. Students should note that satisfactorily meeting the minimum requirements will typically result in the minimum pass grade being awarded.

Referencing Style

American Psychological Association 7th Edition (APA 7th edition)



Submission Instructions

Students are to upload the assignment via the Submission folder in Moodle

Learning Outcomes Assessed

Develop an understanding of the interconnections between business ethics, morality, law, sustainability, globalisation and evaluate their impacts on business and society

Analyse the major ethical theories and frameworks and be able to utilise these in a contemporary business setting to enhance business decision making

Demonstrate commonly accepted professional ethical standards in the work place and in your behaviour toward others.

Graduate Attributes



Cognitive, technical and creative skills




Reflection Trigger Questions


The key to effective reflection is to analyze your own behaviours, and decisions so as to gain a better understanding of why you do what you do, and to challenge whether this is appropriate or not.


Most students simply describe what they did or the decision they took, then jump immediately to an assessment of whether it was right or not- this is not reflection. This is description and will only result in a pass.


Key questions to consider


  • What decision did I make or behaviour did I exhibit?


  • What assumptions or beliefs did I hold that informed my practice?


  • Why did I hold these views or assumption- explore your upbringing, education, religious beliefs, cultural background- does this explain it?


  • How did I feel about the decision? Examples of emptions might include: anger, ambivalence, confusion, annoyance- etc.


  • Explore why you held these feelings! Is it due to a conflict between what you thought was acceptable and the ethical content we considered in class or the unit?


You need to  refer to at least 2 cases or activities we undertook in class as the basis for your discussion. These two minimum cases will be nominated by the unit co-ordinator, but referring to more cases and how you reached your decisions is likely to display greater depth. Cases might include, e.g. the Ford Pinto, All Asia Airways, Moral Triggers, etc


Using the trigger questions analyze what you did, or the position you held and why. (Assumption, background etc.)


As part of the analysis you must directly refer to the results of a minimum of 3 verified diagnostic tools. E.g. does you result from the Values questionnaire explain your behaviours or decision making, or does it help you understand your assumptions etc. Contrast and compare the results of the tools to seek understanding of your behaviours and assumption, decisions etc.


These must be attached to the assignments as appendices. ( Just the results page)


(Remember that the minimum is 3 diagnostic tools- if you only refer to 3 results then you will only score the minimum grade for this section.


One of the key objectives of this unit was to provide you with the tools to analyze the ethical dimension of a decision or situation that you might find yourself in, so that you can assess the ethical risk to you and your organisation. To allow you to make a more informed decision.


Determine whether the content of the unit has given you greater insight into ethics and behaviour.


Think about this objective and provide a final commentary about how you will use this information as a manager in the future.











Table of content


Self-reflection on case 1: Ford Pinto. 3

Self-reflection on case 2: Air Asia Airways. 5

Analysis of tool testing6



Appendix 1: Values Questionnaire. 11

Appendix 2: Values Questionnaire Scoring Sheet 16

Appendix 3: MCI scoring18




Self-reflection on case 1: Ford Pinto


            I have identified that Ford had to face a huge loss due to wrong management in their vehicle-manufacturing standard. The case happened due to less attention to the testing methods of the vehicles and fuel checking segments. A huge exploration happened in the pinto car manufactured by the company due to the lack of maintenance exhibited by the engineers (, 2021). The engineers have made wrong choices during fuel regulation. I have analyzed the case with strong strategic considerations and have found out the way of making better decisions for the company. I think it would be better to implement a proper maintenance strategy in an error-free way. I would reflect my concern for the executives and engineers, who need to be more careful according to their working procedures. 


            I must acknowledge that the analysis process of the case study made me believe that the ethical value of the customers should be the most important part for the companies to consider while giving a good and unique service. With the help of value questionnaires, I assume that engineers could be more attentive to their testing process. The leaders of the company made less safe decisions while testing the vehicles (De George, 2017, p. 2). Safe positive decisions could be very effective for maintaining ethical sustenance inside the company. My concern lies in the safety of the customers, as the motto of the company is to provide the best quality service anyway to their valuable customers. 


I have gained several management skills from my childhood and my educational sectors have helped me a lot to take the consideration within proper strategy implementation. Therefore, after studying this case of Ford Motor, I have understood that it was more important to develop strategic planning by the engineers of the company for maintaining the safety measures within the internal construction of the cars. My assumptions came from the experimental thoughts I got from prior studies in the management sector. 


            The decision that had been taken by the engineers clarified that it was a complete disaster, which took place due to ambivalence and confusion of fuel testing tools. The company needed to consider the lives of the public more than making a huge profit for itself. The value questionnaire tools have made me understand how the confusing process of manufacturing vehicles could affect the lives of people. The ethical value has been destroyed by the engineers in this case. Therefore, my consideration would be to get a stronger approach towards the engineering methods and generating fair strategies. I was a bit confused about the whole production procedure defined by the brand. 


            The confusing site in mind made me believe that the weaknesses of an organization should be identified by them properly before launching the cars hurriedly. I think I feel this way because I used to hold an idea such as a manufacturer company definitely finds out the way of making money but their consideration lies first in the value of the customers and their safety. The content of the case study created a different point of view when I proceeded through the value questionnaire and then analyzed the value-scoring tool on the case history. A conflict characteristic of my thoughts took place in my mind due to my positive decision-making ability.



Self-reflection on case 2: Air Asia Airways


This case study is related based on the crisis scenario faced by the "Air Asia Airways” in the period of “Covid 19” (, 2021). Almost all the people along with the staff members of the “Air Asia” have faced the issues due to the impact of the pandemic. The same has been observed in the case of “Air Asia”, where I observed that the economic structure of the company has faced tremendous downfall in this period of time. Thus, I can say that The Company will have to take the effective “strategic decision making” statement as it did by the emergency sector in order to deal with the adverse effect of Covid 19. 


Based on my own perspectives, I can say that the company had to arrange a meeting with some senior members along with some external directors from the other industries in order to make some strategic planning in order to counteract this situation. Holding the point of view of the founder is not the effective strategy to deal with these types of cases (Nair et al. 2021, p. 55). I think that the company should consult with some members of the different industries so that they can deal with these cases in order to sustain this competitive advantage. Also, the company had to arrange slime anti-virus vaccines for otis associated staff in order to run the airlines of few in number. 


I think that my educational background helps me in order to make this kind of decision-making in various critical times. I have had a character since my childhood to take parts in various activities like “Quiz show” and some other analytical issues. Also, my style of upbringing forms the characteristic of myself regarding these types of analytical skills (Agrawal, 2021, p. 462). At the same time, the background of the education makes the characteristics of an individual in some unique way compared to the other traits. Thus, I can say that both the style of upbringing as well as the process of educational qualification helps me in making this type of decision-making statements. 


In order to tell this kind of perspective based on the decision taken, I can say that it is the responsibility of the higher officials along with the founder of the company to take care of the staff members along with the people of the whole country (Kee et al. 2021, p.5). In the situation of a pandemic, when the whole world is suffering through the issues of “Covid-19”, this industry has faced the same economic slowdown as the tourism industry. The only way out will be the effective implementation of the vaccines among all the staff members of the country so that this type of issues will be sorted in an early basis. However, in some previous cases, when the trial of the vaccines was going on, members of the higher officials have certain confusion about the future of this sector (Monmousseau et al. 2020, p. 5). 


I think that during the initial stages of trial of the vaccines, it is more confusing compared to the later stages. In the previous stages, some conflicts of opinion may arise in between some of the officials regarding the process in order to tackle the situation and the future of “Air Asia” after the phases of post-pandemic. The ethical understanding may vary from the perspectives of various individuals. However, it is required to follow all kinds of ethical characteristics in order to deal with this kind of situation (Singh et al. 2021, p. 65). The perspectives of all the individuals are required to be treated equally so that there will not be any kinds of conflicts between the states. 

Analysis of tool testing 

Here, 3 diagnostic tools such as: 1) Value Questionaries, 2) Value Questionaries scoring sheet, 3) MCI have been used.

Value questionnaire and scoring sheet

Based on the analysis of the values< it is observed that it falls under the section of the “economical value”. It means that the main emphasis o\is on the practical matter in a more materialistic way. It is very important to focus on the practical viewpoints in order to make any “decision-making statements” in terms of “business ethics and sustainability”. The main idea lies in the generation of wealth for the betterment of the people as well as the staff members of the organization. In order to generate or produce effective material wealth is an effective issue to be required and managed for. In some other way, it can be stated that it is the way to define and measure the value. In order to deal with any kind of situation, economical factors are very effective to deal with the various matters in the organization.  The economical factors are not only the key parameters in order to reach the objectives of the organization but also to maintain the economic factors of the individual. It creates a higher market value than any other issues. This is the main value that can satisfy the customer's expectations in order to compete with the other competitors on the same level. This type of key factor is also essential in order to pay the person’s willingness for the services of the predictions of the respective organizations. 


Moral Competency Inventory

Analysing the score of the “Moral competency worksheet”, it is observed that the high score represents that it agrees with the thoughts and beliefs of an individual. Thus, it can be said that the thought process and the belief of an individual is very consistent in this manner. It is very difficult to meet the goals of an individual by sticking to the matter of belief. In order to achieve the goal of an individual it is very important to pursue the beliefs of human beings. The belief of an individual is very flexible in nature and at the same time, it is variable. Thus, it is required to possess a universal belief that helps in order to provide the benefit to the other human beings by achieving the goals. In order to run an organization, it is very important to listen to all the individuals so that they feel equally important for the organization. Thus, all the ethical values are needed to be maintained in order to achieve the goals of an individual. 




Agrawal, A. (2021). Sustainability of airlines in India with Covid-19: Challenges ahead and possible way-outs. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, 20(4), 457-472. (2021).The Cheapest Flights to India Are Here | AirAsia.

De George, R. T. (2017). Ethical Responsibilities of Engineers in Large Organizations: The Pinto Case. In Engineering Ethics (pp. 325-338). Abingdon: Routledge., 2021 Ford Motor

Kee, D. M. H., Kumar, Y. R., Chadaran, V., Karunakaran, S., Sugumaran, S., & Talha, T. B. (2021). The Struggles and The Survival of Airasia during The Covid-19 Pandemic. Advances in Global Economics and Business Journal, 2(1), 1-12.

Monmousseau, P., Marzuoli, A., Feron, E., & Delahaye, D. (2020). Impact of Covid-19 on passengers and airlines from passenger measurements: Managing customer satisfaction while putting the US Air Transportation System to sleep. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 7, 100179.

Nair, R. K., Ganatra, V., Kaur, K., Kee, D. M. H., Khoo, W. T., Khor, S. Y., ... & Mahajan, J. (2021). Analysis of Strategies Implemented by AirAsia to Cater to the Covid-19 Effects. Journal of the Community Development in Asia (JCDA), 4(3), 49-67.

Singh, P., Sinha, R., Teoh, K. B., Yong, H. Y., Wijaya, S. H. I., Aryani, D. N., ... & Dabeer, S. L. (2021). Factors Affecting the Revenue of Air Asia Berhad During Covid-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Accounting & Finance in Asia Pasific (IJAFAP), 4(2), 58-72.




Appendix 1: Values Questionnaire 


1 Which of the following do you think is most important for humanity?


5         A Philosophy 

4         B Political science

6         C Psychology

2         D Theology

3         E Business

1         F Art


2. Which of the following qualities is most descriptive of you?


1         A Religious/Spiritual

4         B Unselfish

2         C Artistic

3         D Persuasive

6         E Practical

5         F Intelligent


3. Of the following people, which is of greatest interest of appeal to you?


6         A Albert Einstein: the discovery of relativity

4         B Bill Gates: one of richest people in the world

3         C Donal Trump: US President

5         D Dalai Lama: religious leader

1         E Adele: singer/songwriter

2         F Peter Singer: geneticist and ethicist


4. What kind of person do you prefer to be, one who:


4         A Is industrious and economically self sufficient

3         B Has leadership qualities and organising abilities

2         C Has spiritual and or religious values

5         D Is philosophical and interested in knowledge

6         E Is compassionate and understanding towards others

1         F Has artistic sensitivity and skill



5. Which of the following is most interesting to you?


2         A Artistic experiences

5         B Thinking about life

6         C Accumulation of wealth and money

4         D Spirituality

1         E Leading others

3         F Helping others


6. In which of the following would you prefer to participate?


6         A Business venture

5         B Artistic performance

4         C Religious/spiritual activity

3         D Projects to help the poor

2         E Scientific study

1         F Political campaign


7. Which magazine would you prefer to read?


2         A History of the Arts

1         B Psychology Today

6         C The Economist

3         D National Geographic

5         E SpiitualityToday

4         F CEO Magazine


8. In choosing a spouse or partner, would you prefer one whom?


4         A Likes to help people

5         B Is a leader in his/her field

6         C Is practical and enterprising

3         D Is artistically gifted

2         E Has a deep spiritual belief

1         F Has an interest in learning 


9. Which activity do you consider most important for children?


6         A Joining sports and leisure groups

5         B Junior achievement

3         C Religious education

2         D Creative art and music

1         E Becoming class captain or a student leader 

4         F School clubs i.e. science or english






10. What should governments be concerned with?


3         A Promoting creative and cultural interest

1         B Establishing power and respect

2         C Developing commerce and industry

4         D Supporting education

6         E Providing a supportive climate for spiritual growth

5         F Promoting the welfare of citizens


11. Which of the following would you prefer to teach?


1         A Anthropology

2         B Religions of the world

6         C Philosophy

5         D Politics

4         E Poetry

3         F Business and management


12. What would you do if you had sufficient money?


2         A Go on a retreat for spiritual renewal

1         B Increase your ability to make more money

3         C Develop leadership skills

4         D Help the disadvantaged

6         E Study fine arts, music, and theatre

5         F Write an original essay or article


13. Which courses would you promote if you were able to influence educational policies


1         A Political and government studies

6         B Philosophy and science

5         C Economics and occupational skills

4         D Social problems and issues

3         E Spiritual and religious studies

2         F Music and art


14. Which of the following headlines would be of interest to you


2         A Economic joy for government

5         B Relief for Tsunami victims

6         C Religious leaders meet

1         D Prime Minister to address the nation

3         E Arts to receive funding boost

4         F Scientific breakthrough revealed






15. Which subject do you prefer to discuss


5         A Music film and theatre

2         B The meaning of human existence

4         C Spiritual experiences

1         D War and history

6         E Business opportunities

3         F Social conditions


16. What do you think should be the purpose of space exploration?


3         A To unify the world

4         B To gain knowledge about the universe

2         C To reveal the beauty of our world

1         D To discover answers to whether we are alone in the universe

5         E To control world affairs

6         F To find new and exploitable resources


17. If all salaries were equal which profession would you most like to pursue


6         A Counselling

5         B Fine arts

2         C Science

1         D Politics

4         E Business

3         F Religious ministry



18. Whose life and worlds are of most interest to you?


5         A Stephen Hawking- Scientist

6         B Alan Joyce: CEO of Qantas

4         C Pope Francis or the Dalia Lama

3         D Elizabeth II: monarch of Great Britain

1         E Beethoven - composer

2         F JK Rowling: Author of Harry Potter


19. Which Television program would you prefer to watch?


5         A Arts Review

6         B A History of Islam

3         C Money Matters

1         D Hollywood Gossip

2         E Government in Canberra

4         F Life on Earth





20. Which of the following position would you prefer to have?


6         A Political leader

5         B Artist

4         C Teacher

2         D Theologian

1         E Writer

3         F Business entrepreneur




Appendix 2: Values Questionnaire Scoring Sheet









a) 5



c) 6
















d) 5


































































































































Appendix 3: MCI scoring




imageMoral Competency Inventory (MCI)





Please choose one rating in response to each statement by cir- cling the number that corresponds to your rating.

You will get the most value from this assessment if you respond honestly. It may be tempting to give yourself a high rating because the statement sounds positive, but please do your best to rate yourself accurately in terms of how you really behave.





  1. I tell the truth unless there is an overriding moral reason to withhold it.





  1. I will generally confront someone if I see them doing something that isn't right.




  1. When I agree to do something, I always follow through.





  1. When I make a decision that turns out to be a mistake, I admit it.





1 = Never

2 = Infrequently

3 = Sometimes

4 = In most situations 5 = In all simatlons


1 = Never

2 = Mequently

3 = Somedmes

4 = In most situations 5 = In all situations


1 = Never

2 = Infrequently

3 = Sometimes

4 = In most situations 5 = In all situations


1 = Never

2 = InfrequenCy

3 = Sometimes


1. I can clearly state the principles, values, and beliefs that guide my actions.


1 = Never

2 = Infrequently

3 = Sometimes

4 = In most situations 5 = In all situations










  1. 1 own up to my own mistakes and failures.





  1. My colleagues would say that I go out of my way to help them.


4 = In most situations 5 = In all situations


1 = Never

2 = Infrequently

3 = Sometimes

4 = In most situations 5 = In all situations


1 = Never

2 = Infrequently

3  Sometimes

4 = In most situations 5 = In all situation







  1. My first response when I meet new people is to be genuinely interested in them.


1 = Never

2 = Infrequently

3 = Sometimes

4 — In most situations 5 = In all situations


  1. My friends and co-workers know they        1 — Never

can depend on me to keep my word. 2 = Inkequently

3 = Sometimes

4 = In most situations

  • 5 = In all situations





  1. I appreciate the positive aspects of my past mistakes, realizing that they were valuable lessons on my way to success.



  1. I am able to “forgive and forget,” even when someone has made a serious mistake.




imageWhen faced with an important decision, I consciously assets whether the decision I want to make is aligned with my most deeply held principles, values, and beliefs.


  1. My friends know they can depend on me to be truthful to them.





  1. F I believe that my boss is doing something that isn't right, I will challenge him or her.


1 = Never

2 = Infrequenfly

3 = Sometimes

  1. — In most situations 5 = In all situations


1 = Never

2 = Infrequenfly

3 = Sometimes

4 = In most situations 5 = In all situations


1 = Never

2 = InfrequenCy

3 = Sometimes

4 = In most situations 5 = In all situations


1 = Never

2 = Infrequently

3 = Sometimes

4 = In most situations 5 = In all situations


I = Never

2 = Infrequently

3 = Sometimes

4 = In most situations 5 = In all situations


  1. When I make a mistake, I take respons- ibility for correcting the simation.





  1. I am willing to accept the consequences of my mistakes.





  1. My leadership approach is to lead by serving others.





  1. I mily care about the people I work with as people—not just as the “human capital” needed to produce results.




  1. I resist the urge to dwell on my mistakes.


1 = Never

2 = Infrequenfly

3 = Sometimes

4 = In most situations 5 = In all situations


1 = Never

2 = Inkequently

3 = Sometimes

4 = In most situations 5 = In all situations


1 = Never

2 = Infrequently

3 = Sometimes

4 = In most situations 5 = In all situations


1 = Never

2 = Infrequently

3 = Sometimes

4 = In most situations 5 = In all situations


1 = Never

2 = Infrequently

3 = Sometimes

4 = In most situations 5 = In all simations




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imageWhen I forgive someone, I find that it benefits me as much as it does them.


1 = Never

2 = Infrequently

3 = Sometimes

4 = In most situations 5 = In all situations


  1. I use my mistakes as an opportunity to 1 = Never

improve my performance. 2 = Init-equenfly

= Sometimes

4 = In most situations

  • 5 = In all situations


imageMy friends would say that my behavior is consistent with my beliefs and values.


1 = Never

2 = Infrequently

3 = Sometimes

4 = In most situations

5 -- In all situations


  1. I pay attention to the development needs of my co-workers.


= Never

image2 = Infrequently

3 = Sometimes

4 = In most siniations

= In all situations





imageMy co-workers think of me as an honest person.


1 = Never

2 = Infrequently

3 = Sozoettmes

4 = In most situations

5 = In all situations


My co-workers would say that I am a 1 = Never

imagecompassionate person. 2 = Infrequently

= Sometimes

4 = In most situations

image= In all situations



imageIf I knew my company was engaging

in unethical or illegal behavior, I would report it, even if it could have an adverse effect on my career.



imageWhen a situation may prevent me from keeping a promise, I consult with those involved to renegotiate the agreement.




imageMy co-workers would say that I take

ownership of my decisions.


1 = Never

2 = Inhequently

3 = Sometimes

4 = la most situations

5 = In all simations


1 = Never

2 = Infrequently

3 = Sometimes

4 = la most situations

  1. -- lxi all situations


1 = Never

2 = Infrequently

3 = Sometimes

4 = In most situations 5 = In all situations


  1. My co-workers would say that I have a realistic attitude about my mistakes and failures.




  1. I accept that other people will zaake mistakes.





  1. My co-workers would say that my behavior is consistent with my beliefs and values.


1 = Never

2 = Infrequently

3 -- Sometimes

4 = In most situations

5 = In all situations


1 = Never

2 = Infrequently

3 = Sometimes

4 = In most situations 5 = In all situations

1 = Never

2 = Infrequently

3 = Sometimes

4 = In most situations 5 = In all situations






33. I can deliver negative feedback in a respectful way.





  1. My co-workers would say that I am the kind of person who stands up for my convictions.




  1. When someone asks me to keep a conhdence, I do so.





3S. When things go wrong, I do not blame others or circumstances.





36. I discuss my mistakes with co-workers to encourage tolerance for risk.


1 = Never

2 = Inkequently

3 = Sometimes

4 = In most situations 5 = In all situations


l = Never

2 = Infrequently

3 = Sometimes

4 = In most situafions 5 = In all situations


1 = Never

2 = Infrequently

3 = Sometimes

4 = In most situations 5 = In all situations


1 = Never

2 = Infrequently

3 = Sometimes

4 = In most situations 5 = In all situations


1 = Never

2 = infrequently

3 = Sometimes

4 = In most situations 5 = In all situations


  1. Because I care about my co-workers, I actively support their efiorts to accomplish important pers0nal goals.




  1. Even when I have made a serious mistake in my Me, I can forgive myself and move ahead.




  1. Even when people make mistakes, I continue to trust them.


1 = Never

2 = Infrequenfly

3 = Sometimes

4 = In most situations

5 -- In all situations


I = Never

2 = Infrequenfly

3 - Sometimes

4 = In most situations 5 = In all situations


1 = Never 2=InbeQuenGy 3 = Sometimes

4 = In aiost situations 5 = In all situations




37. I spend a significant amount of my time providing resources and removing obstacles for my co-workers.


1 = Never °

2 = Infrequenfly

3 = Sometimes

4 = In most situation



Sample Assessment Task: Reflective Practice Assignment

1. Introduction to Reflective Practice

Reflective practice is an essential skill in both academic and professional settings, enabling individuals to critically analyze experiences, identify learning points, and improve future performance. It is commonly used in education, healthcare, business, and personal development to encourage continuous improvement and self-awareness.

This sample assessment task provides guidance on how to approach a reflective practice assignment, including key frameworks, structuring techniques, and writing tips.

2. Assignment Task

Task Description

πŸ’‘ "Reflect on a personal or professional experience that influenced your learning and development. Use a reflective model to analyze the experience and discuss how it has shaped your future actions."

πŸ“Œ Key Requirements:
βœ” Select a relevant experience (academic, workplace, or personal).
βœ” Apply a structured reflective model (Gibbs, Kolb, or Schön).
βœ” Analyze the impact of the experience on your learning and behavior.
βœ” Provide critical self-reflection with future action points.

3. Choosing a Reflective Model

Using a structured reflective model ensures clarity and depth in analysis. Common frameworks include:

3.1 Gibbs' Reflective Cycle (1988)

A widely used model that follows a six-stage process:

Stage Description Example Questions
1. Description Outline the event or experience. What happened? Where and when? Who was involved?
2. Feelings Discuss emotions and thoughts. How did I feel before, during, and after?
3. Evaluation Analyze what went well or poorly. What was positive or challenging?
4. Analysis Connect theory with practice. Why did things happen this way? What influenced my actions?
5. Conclusion Summarize key takeaways. What did I learn? What could I have done differently?
6. Action Plan Plan for future improvement. How will I apply this learning in future situations?

Why Use Gibbs?
βœ” Step-by-step approach makes reflection structured.
βœ” Encourages deep analysis and personal insight.

3.2 Kolb’s Experiential Learning Cycle (1984)

Kolb emphasizes learning through experience, consisting of:

  • Concrete Experience (What happened?)
  • Reflective Observation (What did I notice and feel?)
  • Abstract Conceptualization (What did I learn?)
  • Active Experimentation (How will I apply this learning?)

Why Use Kolb?
βœ” Focuses on practical application of learning.
βœ” Useful for hands-on professions like healthcare, teaching, and business.

3.3 Schön’s Reflective Practice (1983)

Schön introduced:

  • Reflection-in-Action (Reflecting while an event occurs).
  • Reflection-on-Action (Reflecting after an event has happened).

Why Use Schön?
βœ” Suitable for dynamic work environments (e.g., nursing, project management, leadership).

4. Structuring a Reflective Essay

A well-structured reflective assignment should follow this format:

4.1 Introduction (10%)

πŸ“Œ State the purpose of reflection and the chosen model.
πŸ“Œ Briefly introduce the experience being analyzed.

✍ Example:
"This reflection discusses a key event in my internship where I had to manage a difficult client interaction. Using Gibbs' Reflective Cycle, I will analyze the situation, evaluate my response, and outline how I can improve in future scenarios."

4.2 Main Body (70%)

Each section should correspond to the stages of the chosen reflective model.

πŸ“Œ Describe the experience clearly (but avoid unnecessary details).
πŸ“Œ Analyze emotions, decisions, and challenges faced.
πŸ“Œ Use theories or academic references where applicable.
πŸ“Œ Evaluate what worked well and what could be improved.

✍ Example (Gibbs' "Feelings" Stage):
"During the event, I felt nervous and unsure about how to handle the client’s frustration. I was worried that my response might escalate the situation. However, I also felt determined to resolve the issue professionally."

4.3 Conclusion & Action Plan (20%)

πŸ“Œ Summarize key learning points.
πŸ“Œ Outline specific steps for improvement.
πŸ“Œ Link reflection to future professional growth.

✍ Example:
"From this experience, I learned the importance of active listening in customer service. In future situations, I will remain calm, ask clarifying questions, and use conflict resolution techniques. I plan to take a communication skills workshop to enhance my approach."

5. Common Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

❌ Being Too Descriptive →βœ” Focus on critical analysis, not just storytelling.
❌ Lack of Structure →βœ” Use a clear reflective model for organization.
❌ Weak Connections to Theory →βœ” Support insights with academic concepts.
❌ No Future Action Plan →βœ” Outline concrete steps for improvement.

6. Sample Reflective Assignment (Excerpt)

Title: Reflection on Leadership Experience in Group Work

During my university group project, I was assigned the role of team leader. At first, I felt confident, but as challenges arose, I struggled to delegate tasks effectively. This reflection uses Gibbs' Reflective Cycle to evaluate my leadership approach and identify areas for growth.

In our project, I was responsible for coordinating tasks and ensuring deadlines were met. However, some team members were disengaged, leading to conflicts.

Initially, I felt excited about leading, but I became frustrated when my teammates didn’t respond promptly. I also doubted my ability to manage conflicts.

While I maintained good communication, I failed to motivate the team effectively. I also realized that I didn’t delegate tasks efficiently, leading to delays.

According to Tuckman’s Team Development Model, group dynamics evolve through forming, storming, norming, and performing. Our team was stuck in the "storming" phase due to unclear role assignments. Research suggests that transformational leadership can improve motivation (Bass, 1990). I could have applied positive reinforcement to boost engagement.

This experience highlighted the importance of adaptive leadership. Moving forward, I will improve my delegation and conflict resolution skills.

Action Plan:
βœ” Attend a leadership development workshop.
βœ” Use the SMART goal-setting approach to improve team efficiency.
βœ” Implement weekly feedback sessions in future group projects.

7. Conclusion

Reflective practice is an invaluable tool for self-improvement, professional development, and continuous learning. Using models like Gibbs, Kolb, or Schön, students can effectively analyze their experiences, recognize key learning points, and apply insights for future growth.

πŸ“© Need help with your reflective practice assignment? Contact for expert guidance! πŸš€

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