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PROJ6003 - Project Execution and Control Risk and Communication Management – Report

Subject: Business Studies

Keywords : PROJ6003 - Project Execution and Control Risk and Communication Management – Report



Subject Code and Title

PROJ6003 - Project Execution and Control


Risk and Communication Management Report




3000 words (+/- 10%)

Learning Outcomes

The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful  completion of the task below include: 

b) Critically analyse and assess project risks and develop strategies  using theoretical frameworks to justify decision making for  successful project outcomes.

c) Critically evaluate and develop communication strategies to  engage diverse stakeholders.


Due by 11:55 pm AEST/AEDT Sunday first half of Module 5.1 (Week 9)



Total Marks

100 marks



Assessment Task

This assessment consists of a Group Report to demonstrate your understanding of risk and  communication management. In groups, you will critically reflect and identify the risks in the Case  Study provided using a probability and impact matrix for assessment of these risks. You will also  assess and evaluate the impacts, propose response strategies and actions, and indicate how  communication with stakeholders will be conducted regarding the risk management strategy. A  complete Risk register should be provided as a Team output.

The rationale of this assessment is that you undertake a practical and value adding approach by  considering that this risk report will be presented to key stakeholders. Team responsibilities and  negotiation skills within the group are an important part of this assessment.

The word count per student and specifications should be incorporated in Point 6 of the file.


Planning for risk management involves determining how to approach, plan and execute the various  activities required for managing project risks. Because new risks may be introduced at any point in the


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project management lifecycle, risk management is a continuous process: it begins at the project planning phase and continues throughout the project execution phase.

Effective communication is a key factor for managing project execution. However, project managers  may face challenges as they communicate with their teams and other project stakeholders. Other  factors such as developing, leading and managing project team members are also critical for  successfully achieving project goals.


To complete this assessment task, you must:

  1. Form groups of three (3) people.
  • Groups will be formed by students themselves or assigned by your Learning Facilitator in consultation with the students, if required.
  • Only in exceptional situations may a different group size be approved by your Learning Facilitator.
  • The deadline for team formation is 11:59 pm AEST/AEDT Friday end of Module 2 (Week 4). Please inform your Learning Facilitator in class or via email regarding your team formation for this assessment.
  1. Read and analyse the given Case Study.
  • Refer to your subject notes, lecture slides and any additional research you may conduct that may add value to your report.
  1. Complete a Risk Identification and Impact Assessment, identifying the risks from the given Case Study, critically analysing their impact on the project.
  2. Risk Identification and Impact Assessment
  3. a) Identify possible risks for the Case Study and critically analyse the impact of these
  4. b) Use a Risk Probability and Impact (P&I) matrix to rate and prioritise risks.
  5. c) Develop appropriate response strategies, including a proposed course of action, to effectively manage each identified risk.
  6. d) Create a complete Risk Register for the Case Study.


  1. Risk Communication Strategy
  2. e) Identify and explain how stakeholders will be communicated and engaged with on the project’s ongoing risk management activities.

Note: Your Learning Facilitator will advise of a minimal number of risks to be managed throughout the  report according to the group/class size. 

  1. Negotiate your written contribution focus
  • As a team, negotiate and agree on which sections of the report will be answered by which team members.


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  1. Complete your report.

The report should consist of the following structure: 

  • One Title Page with subject code and name, assignment title, students’ names, students’ IDs, lecturer’s name, word count and date submitted.
  • One Executive Summary providing the summary of your report, containing key findings, tools and techniques used, methodology, constraints and recommendations. This section allows the reader to rapidly become acquainted with a large portion of your material. It is usually around  10% of your report and written last. 
  • One Table of Contents with the structure of the report, including page numbers and headings.
  • One Introduction that will also serve as your statement of purpose for the report — this means that you will tell the reader what you are going to cover in your report as well as provide the Background of the Case Study, and context of the report, and outline of the report (what the reader can expect to find in the body of the report).
  • The Body of the Report, in which you will cover all five (5) requirements listed above — a) to e). This section of your report will contain the information that is required to demonstrate your understanding of the Case Study and key Project Management concepts under discussion  by applying them into your report.

- The report layout should be logical and lead the reader through a story that identifies  the key points being discussed and takes the reader to your conclusion. 

  • One Conclusion summarising any findings or recommendations that the report puts forward regarding the concepts covered in the report.

- There should not be any new information in the conclusion.

  • One list of References providing every source cited within your report.

- Only cited sources are listed in the References.

- The number of references should be between 8 to 14 references.

- The references should be relevant, reliable and reputable. 

- They should be listed alphabetically. 

- They need to be valid and linked with the topic/content provided within the report.

  • One Appendix that consists of any additional tables or information that support your report. - Your team’s complete Risk Register (Requirement “d”) should be contained in your appendix.
  1. Complete the Team Participation Score Matrix
  • Each participant in the team will evaluate each other member’s contribution using a participation score matrix (see Appendix 1 – Team Participation Score Matrix).
  • Each participant is to assess their peers according to the Peer Evaluation Grading Scheme (see Appendix 2).
  • Each participant is also required to complete a self-review using the score/rate found in the Team Participation Score matrix.


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Format of the report

The report should use Arial or Calibri 11-point font, be line spaced at 1.5 for ease of reading, and have  page numbers at the bottom of each page. If diagrams or tables are used, due attention should be  given to pagination to avoid loss of meaning and continuity by unnecessarily splitting information over  two pages. Diagrams must carry the appropriate captioning.


It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more  information on referencing here: Academic Skills webpage

Submission Instructions

There are two parts to be submitted for this assessment:

Assessment 2 Group Report:

  • Only one submission of the report per group is required.
  • Nominate a group leader within your group, and this group leader will submit the assessment, in Word document form, on behalf of the group.
  • Use the link available on Groups (go to your assigned group and click on Group Assignment) to submit your assessment.
  • Once a submission within the group has been completed, this will close off the submission for the rest of the group members.

If submitting more than one document:

Please note during the submission process that if you would like to include appendix items in your  submission, once your first item has been attached, you need to click on ‘Browse Your Computerto attach your extra documents as an appendix. Then click the Final Submit button. 

Assessment 2 Team Participation Score Matrix:

  • The score matrix will be individually submitted to your Learning Facilitator at the same time as the group (collective) report submission. Please submit this via the Assessments link in the main navigation menu in PROJ6003 – Project Execution and Control.

Assessment 2 Group Participation will be determined as follows:

  • Your Learning Facilitator will take into consideration the average “team participation score” for each member to determine the weighted ‘Teamwork’ criterion row in the final marking rubric on page 9 of this Assessment Brief.
  • All peer evaluations are confidential, and individual rankings will not be released to other members of the group.


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  • Teamwork and group participation will constitute 10% of the mark for the assignment for each member of the group.
  • Failure to submit a self-review and peer review correctly, or at all, will result in zero grading for this assessment criteria.

Your Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can  be viewed in My Grades.

Academic Integrity 

All students are responsible for ensuring that all work submitted is their own and is appropriately  referenced and academically written according to the Academic Writing Guide. Students also need  to have read and be aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure  and subsequent penalties for academic misconduct. These are viewable online.

Students also must keep a copy of all submitted material and any assessment drafts.

Special Consideration

To apply for special consideration for a modification to an assessment or exam due to unexpected or  extenuating circumstances, please consult the Assessment Policy for Higher Education Coursework  and ELICOS and, if applicable to your circumstance, submit a completed Application for Assessment  Special Consideration Form to your Learning Facilitator.


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Assessment Rubric




(Yet to achieve minimum  standard)











High Distinction



Critical analysis of 

project risks and 

development of a 

range of strategies to  manage those risks

Project risks framework  and risk strategy 


Percentage for this 

criterion = 40%

Fails to analyse 

project risks and/or 

develop strategies to 

manage those risks by  Identifying issues 

rather than risks.

Lacks use or 

understanding of the 

P&I matrix to assess 


Lacks understanding  of different strategies 

to manage risks.

Demonstrates limited  awareness and analysis 

of risks and their 

assessment and 

development of risk 

management strategies.

Risks are broad and not  well aligned with Case 


Risk assessment and/or  response of strategies 

are ill-developed.

Understanding of the P&I  matrix to assess risks.

Analyses project risks  and develops strategies  to manage those risks. 

Demonstrates a 

capacity to explain 

risks, assess them and 

propose appropriate 

risk management 


Understanding of the  P&I matrix to assess 


Presents a coherent  and detailed analysis of  project risks and their 

assessment and 

develops a range of 

strategies to manage 

those risks.

Well demonstrated  capacity to explain risks  and risk management 


Understanding of the  P&I matrix to assess 


Critically analyses and  evaluates project risks 

and formulates a range  of strategies to 

effectively manage and  monitor those risks. 

Mastery of risks and  risk management 

strategies and their 

application to further 


Understanding of the  P&I matrix to assess 




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(Yet to achieve minimum  standard)











High Distinction



Reporting and 



Effective strategies to  communicate results of  the project risk analysis.

Percentage for this 

criterion = 20%

Limited knowledge,  skill and/or 

experience in 



Limited knowledge,  skill and experience in  communication 



stakeholders and 


management principles 

and processes. 

Resembles a recall or  summary of key ideas. 

Little to no alignment 

with given case study.

Identifies key 

stakeholders from the 

Case Study 

Provides basic 



with the stakeholders.

Identifies key 

stakeholders from the 

Case Study and 

articulates appropriate  strategies to 

communicate results of  project risk analysis 

with key stakeholders, 

considering their 

unique needs of the 


Performs a high level of  communication and 

stakeholder analysis.

Clearly develops 

detailed and effective 

strategies to 

communicate results of  the project risk analysis  with a range of key 

stakeholders from the 

Case Study, including 

exploring further 

stakeholders and 

providing assumptions  of how these would fit 

into the process.



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(Yet to achieve minimum  standard)











High Distinction





Adheres to structure of  report and word count  requirements. 

Appropriate use of 


paragraphs, sentence  construction, spelling,  and grammar. 

Percentage for this 

criterion = 20%


Specialised language  and terminology from  Project Management 

is rarely or 



Meaning is repeatedly  obscured by errors in 

the communication of  ideas, including errors  in structure, 

sequence, spelling, 


punctuation and/or 

the acknowledgment 

of sources.

Generally employs 

specialised language and  terminology from Project  Management with 


Meaning is sometimes  difficult to follow.

Information, arguments  and evidence are 

structured and 

sequenced in a way that  is not always clear and 


Some errors are evident  in spelling, grammar 

and/or punctuation.

Accurately employs  specialised language 

and terminology from 

Project Management.

Meaning is easy to  follow.


arguments and 

evidence are structured  and sequenced in a 

way that is clear and


Occasional minor errors  present in spelling, 

grammar and/or 


Accurately employs a  wide range of 

specialised language 

and terminology from 

Project Management. 

Engages audience 



arguments and 

evidence are structured  and sequenced in a way  that is, clear and 


Spelling, grammar and  punctuation are free 

from errors.

Discerningly selects  and precisely employs 

a wide range of 

specialised language 

and terminology from 

Project Management. 

Engages and sustains  audience’s interest.


arguments and 

evidence are insightful,  persuasive and expertly  presented. 

Spelling, grammar and  punctuation are free 

from errors.



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(Yet to achieve minimum  standard)











High Distinction




Contributes effectively  to the team by meeting  responsibilities, 

encouraging and 

supporting others.

Percentage for this 

criterion = 10%

Does not participate  effectively in a team 


Places individual 

goals ahead of group 


Hinders the group  process and upsets 

the schedule.

Participates effectively in  team.

Identifies team and 

individual goals, tasks, 

responsibilities and 


Contributes to group processes.

Supports the team.

Contributes to small  group discussions to 

reach agreement on 


Works together with  others towards shared 



responsibilities to meet

needed change.

Understands group  dynamics and team 


Facilitates team 



responsibilities, tasks 

and schedules to meet 

needed change.

Builds team’s identity  and commitment.

Leads team.

Evaluates team 


Implements strategies  for enhancing team 




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(Yet to achieve minimum  standard)











High Distinction



Correct citation of key  resources and evidence 

Appropriate use of 

credible resources and  correct citation of key  resources using APA.

Percentage for this 

criterion = 10%


inconsistent use of 

good quality, credible 

and relevant 

resources to support 

and develop ideas.

Referencing is 

omitted or does not 

resemble APA.

Different formats are  provided, and 

references do not 

align with content.

Demonstrates use of  credible and relevant 

resources to support and  develop ideas, but these  are not always explicit or  well developed.

Referencing resembles  APA, with frequent or 

repeated errors.

Different formats are  provided, and references  do not fully align with 


Demonstrates use of  credible resources to 

support and develop 


Referencing resembles  APA, with occasional 


References align with  content.

Demonstrates use of  good quality, credible 

and relevant resources 

to support and develop  arguments and 


Shows evidence of wide  scope within the 

organisation for 

sourcing evidence.

APA referencing is free  from errors.

References align with  content.

Demonstrates use of  high-quality, credible 

and relevant resources  to support and develop  arguments and 

position statements.

Shows evidence of wide  scope within and 

outside the 

organisation for 

sourcing evidence.

APA referencing is free  from errors.

References align with  content.



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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction............................................................................................................ 3
  2. Risk Identification and Impact Assessment........................................................... 3

2.1.     Identify possible risks and critically analyze the impact................................. 3

2.2.     Risk Probability and Impact Matrix................................................................ 7

2.3.     Develop appropriate response strategies....................................................... 13

2.4.     Risk Register................................................................................................. 14

References.................................................................................................................... 17





1.    Introduction

This report aimed to identify possible risks involved in the Case Study and critically analyze the impacts of these risks. This report identified four possible risks: the negative impacts of hurricanes and tropical storms, increase in the prices of energy sources due to political chaos in different countries and war between Russia and Ukraine. Secondly this report covered a Risk Probability and Impact (P&I) matrix to rate and priorities risks. This report also included appropriate strategies that proposed a course of action to effectively manage each identified risk. This report included a complete risk register for the case study. At the end, this report also discussed that how stakeholders will be communicated and engaged with on the project’s ongoing risk management activities.

 The case study involved in this report was LAND19 Phase 7B Short Range Ground Based Air Defense (SRGBAD) project. It introduced the Army-operated component of the Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD) capability to achieve an enhanced Ground-Based Force Protection system. The primary focus of this project was to ensure the delivery of a scalable SRGBAD capability that can sense, warn, manage and counter weapons and sensor effects to fixed and rotary wing platforms.

2.    Risk Identification and Impact Assessment

This section will cover the identification of possible risks and their impact, risk probability and impact matrix. This section will also include development of appropriate response strategies, risk register.

2.1.         Identify possible risks and critically analyze the impact

A project risk involves an uncertain incident and this incident can or cannot be happen during the lifecycle of a project. Project risk can impact the objectives of project such as: cost, scope, quality and schedule. A project risk can impact the progress of the project positively or negatively. There can be one or more reasons behind the occurrence of project risk and it can also have more than one impacts. Project managers are responsible to identify the risks associated with project and they are also unable to take into consideration all the potential risks, so they need to find the most impactful risks.

Project risks are inherited in all type of projects and it is important for every project manager to determine the risk profile of their project. It enables them to plan their financial resources accordingly. Project risks include the weakness of operational capacity. It defines a weak alignment between overall organizational objectives and objectives of project. The ability of a project team to perform its responsibilities is also important. If an organization put a poor process in place it can increase the exposure level. The placement of right processes enables the organizations to keep running its projects. Effective communication between teams and partners also critically important. The use of ineffective or inadequate technology also increases the risk level.

Large scale projects are usually different and involve unique characteristics that increase the complexity level involved in these projects. Every project involves different assumptions and constraints that increase the risks level. The expectations of shareholders vary and sometime conflicts rose in it that lead to increase the risk level. The frequent changes in the design and scope of the project also increase the exposure of the projects to risks. Projects are executed in external environment, so volatility of the market increases the project vulnerability. While, strategies and actions of competitors also influence the projects. The changing requirements that forced to change the organizational structure increase the risks level. The political, social, technological, legal, international, environmental, and demographic factors also impact the progress of the projects and it create different challenges in the execution of the projects. Risks involved in a project are two-dimensional because it took into consideration the frequency and severity of the loss suffered due to risks (Murray, Grantham, & Damle, 2011, p. 38) Para 3. All those risks that are identified and evaluated and project managers planned to address these risks are known risks. Whereas, all those risks that cannot be estimated in advance, but can be recognized after their occurrence are unknown risks.

The possible risks involved in The Project Short Range Ground Based Air Defense are: The Hurricanes’ problematic impacts on the project and volatile prices of energy sources at international level. The heavy storms can create disruptions in the progress of project that can lead to delay in the completion of the project. In the past, several projects experienced costly delays. The most significant impact of hurricane is the loss of people’s life. The main concern of the project manager is to complete the project on time and avoid costly delays. When project managers schedule the activities of the project, they only take into consideration some excusable delays under specific conditions. The hurricanes are majeure events, so subcontractors are allowed schedule extension, but they cannot recover the increase in cost. It is also important for the client and contractor to decide that how much extension can be allow revising the schedule. Both parties also take into consideration that how much increase in costs is related with the storm. It can lead to a potential conflict between subcontractors, main contractor and owner.

The rising prices of energy prices due to political chaos in different countries added pressures on project managers. Due to this, the cost of project significantly impacted. During the war between Russia and Ukraine, and the new alliance created between Saudi Arabia and Russia ended up to increase the oil price world widely so the supply chain system was also negatively impacted that created problems for the project manager to arrange the required energy sources. It also impacted the on-time completion of the project. Due to nature of this project, it requires an extensive amount of energy and it is one of the important elements of overall cost of the project. The project manager is required to take effective decisions to address the potential impacts of the energy crisis on the cost and in-time completion of the project. It is important for the project manager to carefully contract with the client and takes into consideration whether the clauses in the contract deal with the changes in prices of energy sources or not.

  1. a) Possible risks

Risks affect projects in several ways and might creates problems for projects to handle. Large projects have high risks in their business and such risks might even bring such businesses facing various problems for them (Alsharef et al. 2021, p.1559) Para 1. This report describes a short-range ground-based air defense project and various risks associated with this project. Short-range ground-based project air defense has main aim of delivering missiles to the army with advanced technology weapons and ground-based missiles (Cheeseman, 2022, p.5) Para 3. There are major risks while handling this project. Some of the major risks faced by this project include delays in operating this project due to major impact of COVID-19, financial risks, assimilation of this project, and technical risks. These risks majority affect this project and bring major changes to this project. Various other risks are also there which created a major impact on this project. Terrorism, natural disaster, and strategic risks are some of the major risks that are associated with this project.

COVID-19 influenced and created major problems for people worldwide and results in a loss in economy. COVID-19 affected this project as it created a major delay in this project, as major materials have not been supplied due to lockdown. Majority of workers and employees are not present due to lockdown which resulted in various operational problems for this project (Munawar et al. 2021, p.11300) Para 4. Various contractors are not able to make effective contacts, which resulted in major delays in this project. Technical risks have created a major problem for this project where major tests have not been properly done and creating a risk of defects.

Risks have been critically analyzed and such risks need to be reduced to make an effective project (Potter et al. 2019, p.40) Para 2. In order to make this project free from risk, it needs to be critically analyzed such a project. Some critical analyses of this project include remedial sources needed to complete the project (Kumar et al. 2021, p.126) Para 5. In order to avoid being delayed on such a large project, risks need to be identified first and analyzed properly.

2.2.         Risk Probability and Impact Matrix

To conduct an appropriate risks assessment, it needs to understand that what are meaning of each element included in risk P&I matrix.






Very High


> 3 months

>680.1 $m

Very significant impact on integration and collaboration



1-3 months

$500m - $600m

Significant impact on Operational Test and Evaluation (OT&E)



2-4 weeks

$250m - $500m

Some impact on key areas



1-2 weeks


Minor impact on key areas

Very low


1 week

<$100 m

Minor impact on secondary areas



No change

No change

No impact

Table 1: definitions


Risk Matrix










Almost Certain































Table 2: Risk Probability and Impact

  1. b) Risk Probability and Impact (P&I) matrix 




Risk Rating 


Possible 3

High 4

Major 12

Technical risk

Unlikely 2

Very High 5

Major 10


 Minor 3

High 4

Major 12


 Moderate 4

High 5

Severe 20

Natural disaster

Minor 2

High 5

Major 10


Minor 3

Very high 5

Major 15

Fewer workers and engineers

Minor 1

Major 10

Major 10

Change in operation 

Minor 2

Minor 2

Moderate 4

Table 3: Risk probability and impact matrix(PI)

(Source: Self-Developed)

The above table describes risk probability and performance metric (PI) and gives a clearer idea about all risks (Khan et al. 2022, p.102) Para 2. This table mentioned probability, impact, risk rating, and various actions needed to reduce risks. Some of the risks that are mentioned here include COVID-19, financial risks, risks due to terrorism, risks due to natural disasters, strategic risks, operational risks, and risks due to deficiencies in workers and engineers. 

  1. c) Appropriate response strategies

Various risks have different response strategies, and risks associated with this project include COVID-19, financial risks, terrorism, natural disasters, strategic risks, risks associated due to a deficiency of workers and engineers, and risks due to operational changes (Lenggogeni, Ritchie & Slaughter, 2019, p.950) Para 5.  In order to avoid such risks, several risk management techniques need to be mentioned to avoid being such risks. COVID-19 risk must be avoided by taking various measures and contractors need to be contacted before. Risk due to terrorism is a major risk and an advanced system of army needs to be formed to avoid any attacks. Such attacks of terrorism caused and impacted this project (, 2022) Para 2. Financial risk must be avoided by performing various quality control tests, natural disaster control techniques need to be implemented to avoid being caused by a natural disaster (Marees et al. 2018, p.25) Para 1. Strategic risks are mentioned and to avoid such risks better monitoring should be done that establishes various KPIs. Fewer Workers and engineers are one of the main risks associated with this project and to avoid such risks, more and better engineers and workers are hired. Operational changes are best managed by performing a better performance plan.     

  1. d) Risk Register


Date raised




Risk Rating 

Person who manages the risk

Risk Reducing Actions 




Possible 3

High 4

Major 12

Health officer

Various measures are taken and contractors need to be contacted.




Technical risk

Unlikely 2

Very High 5

Major 10

Senior Engineer

Experienced engineers need to be hired. 




 Minor 3

High 4

Major 12

Finance officer

Performing better plans and performing a test on quality control.




 Moderate 4

High 5

Severe 20

High-security army

Better and more advanced armies for avoiding and tackling terrorism. 



Natural disaster

Minor 2

High 5

Major 10

Disaster Manager

A proper disaster control system needs to be implemented. 




Minor 3

Very high 5

Major 15

Project manager

Better monitoring needs to be done and establishing various KPI's.



Fewer workers and engineers

Minor 1

Major 10

Major 10

Human Resource Manager


Hiring a better and large number of engineers and workers to avoid any problems in the project.



Change in operation 

Minor 2

Minor 2

Moderate 4

Operational head

Establishing a better operation plan. 

Table 4: Risk registers

(Source: Self-developed)   

  1. e) Different risk communication strategies

Various risk communication strategies mentioned in this project of short-range ground-based air defense (, 2022) Para 3. Trust factor, translucent, various planning and listening, and early announcing communication strategy. In this defense project, communication plays a major part in mitigating risks that are required and exchange of communication should be done properly. This project mainly describes various risks and risks that need to be mitigated are done properly. While working on this project, employees must have proper trust in each other to exchange communication with them efficiently. This better mode of communication help to efficiently handle and manage the project. In analyzing and mitigating risks, proper planning needs to be done before starting this project. Time management is an important factor in handling any project. This is actually a defense project where army should have minimum time to operate any machine and to operate such machines in time. Operation of machines and weapons needs to be handled by engineers and handling such machines, there need experienced engineers.             

2.3.         Develop appropriate response strategies

To develop appropriate response strategies to address the risks faced during the project, project managers require discussing it with their team members and getting feedback from them. It is important for the project managers to use effective strategies to address the possible risks, because of ineffective strategies project can suffer loss. It will lead to increase the collaboration between project team by allowing more time to individual members to share their valuable responses. The nature of this project is different because it related to Defense System, so it would be better to develop secured process that will help the project team members to reduce the risks associated with the management of the project.

Every year, tropical storms and hurricanes cause a huge loss. In the past, a significant damage faced by public infrastructure and several projects also suffered from heavy financial loss. Natural disasters can hit at any time and it requires planning and preparation to face these disasters. It is important for project manager to protect their employees and resources before the disasters strike. In order to reduce damages of hurricanes, project manager needs to preplan activities. It involves that project manager should constantly watch the weather conditions on weekly basis. It requires that project manager should stay well informed and take actions to protect the site and it should also move the equipment from affected areas (Casady & Baxter, 2020, p. 1078) Para 3. It is also important for the project manager to focus to recover and restart the operations earlier after the natural disaster. The project manager should plan an emergency response action plan to protect its people and site.

The increase in the prices of energy sources affects the different aspect of the project. The success of a project is depending upon an effective collaboration between suppliers. In this project, level of complexity was high and it was more important to develop a solid relationship with the suppliers. It is important for the project manager to actively engage their suppliers especially during pandemic. In current environment, more opportunities are available with project managers to improve the collaboration between their team members and suppliers. It requires aligning and prioritizing the goals with traditional silos of the employees. Project manager is required to develop a collaboration culture and it should be follow by the top management. Due to the level of procedural risks, it varies depending on the level of qualification of each person (Hilorme et al., 2019, p. 4) Para 2. Project manager should constantly certify productive and healthy practices; because it is the demand of today’s environment, that project leader should go beyond the traditional setting. To increase collaboration with suppliers it requires unprecedented support and intention from the employees that came from overarching culture.  The effectively response the risks faced by this project, it is essential to starts collaboration from the top. It is the responsibility of the project manager to supports the collaboration mindset in overall organization.

2.4.         Risk Register

In project risk management, a risk register is used as a tool to identify potential risks and it also used to comply with the regulatory requirements, as well as being a data base of knowledge (Patterson &Neailey, 2002, p. 366) Para 4. The main purpose of risk register is to document the potential issues. It is usually used during the execution stage and it is an effective part of risk management plan. Risk register enables the project manager to identify the potential risks and trace all those events. It is build when all other processes are performed. It includes the details of identified individual project risks. It also includes additional details about the identified risks.

First of all, it is important to identify and categorize the risks. In this project, following risks were involved: Inability to conduct integration and test activities due to Covid-19 international travel restrictions, resulting in technical faults during acceptance testing, schedule variation and increased cost and a heavily constrained operational test and evaluation timeline.

The hurricanes and tropical storms will be caused by climate change and will increase the cost and delays the completion of the project.

Safety (2-10)

Financial (1-5)

Disruptions (1-5)

Image (1-5)

Total Score

Likelihood (1-5)

Risk Rating















Table 5: First Risk Identifications

The mitigation: In order to reduce damages of hurricanes, project manager needs to preplan activities. It involves that project manager should constantly watch the weather conditions on weekly basis. It requires that project manager should stay well inform and take actions to protect the site and it should also move the equipment from affected areas.

The Increase of the petrol price and sources of energy is caused by the political chaos and war between Russia and Ukraine, this will have impact on the cost and it will delay the operational time

Safety (2-10)

Financial (1-5)

Disruptions (1-5)

Image (1-5)

Total Score

Likelihood (1-5)

Risk Rating








Table 6: Second Risk Identifications

The mitigation: Project manager is required to develop a collaboration culture and it should be follow by the top management. Project manager should constantly certify productive and healthy practices.







Risk Level



The hurricanes and tropical storms

Increase in cost and delays in completion of the project




Table 7: Risk Assessment #1

Risk Modification Plan: In order to reduce damages of hurricanes, project manager needs to preplan activities. It involves that project manager should constantly watch the weather conditions on weekly basis. It requires that project manager should stay well inform and take actions to protect the site and it should also move the equipment from affected areas.







Risk Level



High prices of energy sources

Increase in cost and time delays




Table 8: Risk Assessment #2

Risk Modification Plan: Project manager is required to develop a collaboration culture and it should be follow by the top management. Project manager should constantly certify productive and healthy practices.










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