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Assessment Brief: PRJ5003 Project Constraint Management Assessment 2: Report- Project Management Plan

Subject: Management

Keywords : Assessment Brief: PRJ5003 Project Constraint Management Assessment 2: Report- Project Management Plan


Assessment Brief: PRJ5003 Project Constraint Management Trimester 3, 2022

Assessment 2: Report- Project Management Plan (Scope, Schedule, and Cost)

Due date:

Week 9


Group (max. 3 students)

Word count/Time provided:

4000 words



Unit Learning Outcomes:




Assessment 2 Detail

This assessment is designed to assess your technical skills in planning and communicating a project plan effectively. You are required to form a group (max. 3 students), select a project case (either  from the provided links to the real-life projects or a project case of your group’s choice). The  selected project (either ongoing or already completed) is to be assumed by your group to be in  final stage of Initiation, with either a signed off Project charter or in the stage of getting the  approval of the Project charter. You are required to create the scope management plan, schedule  management plan and cost management plan for your project. This report should include an  introduction to the project case, a stakeholders’ register, and a brief project charter. 

The Scope management needs to include project justification, in-scope and out-of-scope,  constraints, Limits, assumptions, technical requirements and statement of work (SOW). WBS  structure (minimum of three levels), WBS dictionary, work packages, scope verification and  validation methods, scope change control, and designing the change control boards (CCB) and

roles and responsibilities.

You are required to continue working with your group on the selected project and develop and  write a schedule management plan that includes processes, tools and techniques to be used and documents to be developed as per your client’s requirements, define activities (activity list, proper activity logic, activities identification), milestones list, activities sequence, relationships, project network and critical path(s) using MOST likely estimates of activity duration, roles and  responsibilities in scheduling, and monitoring and controlling schedule (EVA relevant to project  schedule). Provide a description of the methods and tools. The PERT section to be included and  should demonstrate how the process from most likely, optimistic and pessimistic duration to  project probabilities have been implemented. You need to indicate most likely, optimistic and  pessimistic durations for each activity and calculate the activity expected times for all activities.  Refer Marking rubric for detailed requirements including calculation of Project expected time (TE)  using activity expected times and CPM along with calculation of activity standard deviations.

Using your project planning and scheduling skills and utilising the provided excel templates, you  are required to develop a schedule plan and develop schedule baseline using the activity expected  time (tE).

You also require to develop and write project cost management plan that includes: plan cost management (identify processes, tools and techniques to be used and project documents to be developed as per your client’s requirements), define cost elements (labour, material, variable cost), identify types of cost (direct, indirect, fixed, variable), determine the estimating method (s): (top-

down, bottom-up), use estimating techniques (analogous, parametric, three-point method) to estimate budget (creation) and establish time-phased budget, provide a discussion on monitoring and controlling cost (EVA relevant to project cost including forecasting and variances), and establish a cost  baseline.

For successful completion of this assessment, you should meet with your group regularly (at least once a week via Zoom meeting). You will also be assigned to group Wiki page which will be your platform to collaborate with your group. You require to study the material provided (lecture  slides, tutorials, and reading materials), engage in the unit’s activities, and in the discussion  forums. The prescribed textbook and PMBOK are the main reference along with the  recommended reading material. Groups expected to discuss their work with lecturer and to seek  support.

Following resources may assist student in selecting a real-life project but the students could select any  other real life case study project suiting their preference as a group

  • Projects within the Transport Program for UNSW:

  • City of Sydney, projects within the Changing urban precincts program:

  • Kerzner, H 2017, Project management case studies,4th edn, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey.



Executive summary

This report surmised the project management of Lusail Stadium for the FIFA world cup. The report describes that scope analysis, cost management and schedule management. It describes the project baseline, WBS structure, change control management and CCB role and responsibility in this project management. The last part is the cost management plan where the roles and responsibilities of managers are evaluated. The next part of this is all about the estimation process and techniques. A brief contingency reserve in the estimation process has also been demonstrated in this part.

Table of Contents

Introduction. 4

Scope Management Plan. 4

Schedule Management Plan. 8

Cost management plan. 18

Conclusion. 21

References. 22


The "Lusail Stadium", possessed by the Football Association Qatar, stands as the largest coliseum in Qatar or most of the "eight stadiums being converted for the 2022 FIFA World Cup Qatar". Displayingthe Qatar's purpose of the nation's fondness for transferring "Arab culture to the world" this assessment discusses "Lusail Stadium", and is needed to complete the scope managing strategy, plan managing strategy or cost managing strategy for the project. The "Scope management" includes project reason, out-of-scope or in-scope, rules, Limitations, beliefs, technological conditions and view of creation. This project defines the WBS construction, WBS lexicon, work schedule, scope confirmation or verification procedures, scope modification management, or creating the different management committees or responsibilities or roles. This project discusses the cost management plan and schedule management plan. It detailed provisions including estimation of the Project's predicted period and along with analysis of sports measure variations. The cost-managing plan defines the project price elements and specifies the estimating process and estimation strategy with the budget. It also builds a cost basement. 

Scope Management Plan

Project Scope Statement

"Lusail Stadium" stands designed to hostess the beginning and ending rites games throughout the competition or the central occasion itself the "2022 FIFA World Cup™ final". The definitive origin of avoiding the state budget, and infrastructure of modifications, stand in the expansion projects that happen in a stadium, to support the stadium process correctly and even permit buffs to tour events.  "M/s. Aurecon" selected Conserve to perpetrate "Legacy mode GSAS Design and Build Consultancy or Facilitation" or to deliver replacement consultancy advantages for all over "MEP" benefits. During the Creation set, and executed all the conditions for sustainability. They scheduled MEP identification, Computations and the "LOD 300 BIM model" for the subsequent benefits.

Limits and Assumptions

Every project has some timeline to finish, typically from start, every project manager should set some assumption period that he/she will complete some certain milestone in some certain period. There are also limitations to carrying a particular workload for every member, let’s take the example of the Stadium, 77% of construction was done in four years (2017-2021), but the rest 23% was done in just one year the FIFA World cup was scheduled in 2022, so workers have to finish by that time, so at the last year of work, the workload was increased for the worker, so that it could inaugurate in time. The assumption and limitations of workers are critical parts for a project manager to understand (Watanabe, 2021). One project should continue in such a manner that it will finish in time and no one has pushed their limit for the timeline.

WBS structure 

Every project has some hierarchy of steps that should flow. WBS is a Typical format of a chart or document, That defines the project Deliverables as a step-by-step. In some large projects, WBS plays a crucial role to complete the project as a whole. WBS supports the formation of all of those discrete pieces of information, making it an important piece of scope management. Here, WBS can be understood by, the steps of stadium construction (Jurkiewicz, 2022). Crucially part of the construction of stadium heating Ventilation (Air conditioning), Plumbing, Fire protection, Lightning, Exit and Emergency, Car park etc. All of these discrete pieces make a complete stadium.

Work packages

It makes a legitimate extension proclamation; you should comprehend the business and partner prerequisites that will direct the venture. Without these prerequisites, it will be difficult, while possibly not too extreme; to be in any way certain that the venture tends to all that it is expected to. A venture's prerequisites are normally caught in a report called the necessities the executives plan. This report expresses an undertaking's way to deal with necessities the executives, including the technique that will be utilized for distinguishing, focusing on, and following these prerequisites. The most important phase in making a degree the board plan is to develop the prerequisites the executives plan. This will likewise incorporate distinguishing the venture's partners.


Figure 1: WBS Structure of Football Stadium

(Source: Self-developed)

WBS dictionary 

"WBS dictionary" stands as a record in which the details of per position in the building assignment resolve stand solved. The WBS dictionary explains and breaks it down. Also, it explains different aspects of "WBS" to confirm that per branch of the "WBS" contains stood accurately registered or can stand spoken to anyone it guides to WBS. It is nearly as necessary with WBS itself. It greatly improved the efficacy of WBS for task direction. 

Graphical and outline format of WBS

WBS can be represented as a different type of graph and chart for ease of understanding. But the outline should be clear for understanding, too much-complicated outline could create confusion, main purpose of the WBS outline is clear understands. Once all of the project’s deliverables are outlined in the WBS, those should be translated into the discrete task.

Scope Validation and control

The "validation scope" method especially concentrates on the output, the confirmed output is received from the "control quality team". The result is checked with the client to confirm that has stood sufficiently satisfied before being accepted correctly by the client (Alshawabkeh, 2019). Additional creations of the Management inside the area stand feted as the "baselines" for the absolute approval of the outcomes like measurement baseline or work implementation data.

Scope change control

Scope difference stands as an authorised determination created by the project leader and the customer to modify a part, to extend or decrease its functionality. This generally involves making adjustments to the cost, budget, other features, or timeline. Oversee the real possibility for continuous progress. These services haggle with the destruction of the tragedy that power handle position during the game. The controlling monitoring of the game procedure is accomplished with the use of a little project or list. State-of-the-art technology stands even utilised for managing moves. Guarantee that the progress in the possibility will support during the procedure. 

Change control boards (CCB) and roles and responsibilities

The CCB recreates an essential role in operating modification to the "project's baseline" and providing coming modifications that stand indeed described, within the cost, and suitable, timetable and implementation parameters reinforced by the "AE" as defined in the "PEP". The CCB stands accountable for advising or causing conclusions on ordered modifications to "baselined work".

Schedule Management Plan


For the development of a football stadium, the scheduling management plan must be built so as to follow the schedule and develop a better plan as well as manage activities for the development. The scheduling of activities includes various aspects of time management. The scheduling provides better time management so as to complete the task on time. Activities include project vision, feasibility and planning, design and permitting, construction and operation. The vision development is under the project vision. It is the first aspect of activities in building or scheduling a management plan. The planning and feasibility hold market finance legal and techniques aspects used for the construction of the football stadium. these are major aspects of moving further in planning the conceptualization of the next project which comes under designing and permitting. The permitting and designing are the major barriers to the construction as the construction may not take that time whereas the preparation of the papers may take the timing (Alshawabkeh, Li and Sullabi, 2019). The next is financing or funding for the building of better management of infrastructure and the use of technologies. 

Lags and leads

Lags in the construction of a stadium are the field management system as it takes more time than expected. This also depends on the nature or climate field or pitch that needs to be developed as it is the main aspect or the main part of building a stadium. In the stadium, the ground or pitch preparation needs various different approaches for building an effective field. The field needs various maintenance and building basic pipe drainage systems, pipe and split drainage soil over the drainage layer, and sand carpet construction this preparation. The maintenance of the ground includes mowing applying fertilizer, sand application as well as top dressing bruising and removing surface debris. Irrigation aeration and the making of lines are also major aspects of the maintenance of the field. These weeds, pests and diseases are also required for the maintenance of the field. The leads are the planning in terms of finding the safety measure used in the construction process and products available for the construction process the labours as well as the facilities provided to the labourers for the construction of the stadium (Ojo, 2019). The next important are the technologies used for the development and construction of stadiums. These are the leads of the construction process because these depend on funding of financing. These processes are the coming portions of the finance or funding budget. 

Milestone list

The milestone list includes the different parts of the project and needs to be maintained in the proper estimated time with the help of a schedule management plan. The milestone list is as follows:

In  2010 The unveiling of the design was done in this particular year.

"In the conference of leaders in Football Design of Lusail stadium was unveiled"

 In 2014 the procurement process was started

"Started procurement process"

In the year 2017, the construction was started

"On April 11 construction was officially carried out"

In the year 2020, the venue, as well as the plantation, was done 

"The Venue’s turf was planted in the precinct’s turf fain in August"

In the year 2021, the construction is completed then half. 

"The build's overall progress stood at 77%"

 After the construction of the project up to 77 % in Dec2021

"Tamim El Abed, Lusail Iconic Stadium Project manager, announced that the project was complete"

Project network

The task needs a project network for the completion of the projects. It is represented in an arrow diagram and develops a better understanding of power with proper visualization effects. It provides shape for scheduling the project. The different parts are primed with proper timing and the process of development of the project. The chart developed below is the flow chart with power scheduling of the project management. 


Figure 2: project network chart

(Source: self-developed)


The project network develops a flow chart of the project that provides different processes and their way of construction in the given format. A is termed as the vision development, B is termed as the feasible assessments, C is termed as project conceptualizing D is termed as Financing and E is termed as construction. These processes are as listed in the figure for the starting of the projects the building of vision must be there so that that it can be fulfilled from various resources. Next comes the feasibility assistance which includes market analysis technologies and legal documentation and finance these are the prerequisites required for developing a plan and scheduling it. These two processes come under the same path which is required for the planning process so these come under the same circumstance. The next is the project conceptualisation which has a content of permitting and designing. The permitting and designing come after the completion of A and B and until the A and B end the C part can’t be implemented. The C part is designing the stadium as well as permitting the design as well as the government laws. After the completion of part c, the next part started which is the financing part which is the most essential part of the project this makes the task possible. By applying finance the workflow goes in the process by providing the resources as well as the infrastructure. The last part is the construction of the building of stadium which takes effective time but is completed only after the completion of task D. This is the final part of the project network after the construction of the stadium will be prepared.       


Figure 3: Critical path

(Source: self-developed)


Monitoring and controlling the major works done but the process of the critical path. The path proves the importance and time related to the work. The path displayed in the above figure is displaying the path for the preparation of the projects the hurdles and the time is taken to complete the hurdles or the work process. The A is known as the design of the project. The next is B starting the procurement process, C is the construction was started officially, D is a plantation of the project, D is the report of construction and E is the full completion of the project. The A was started in 2010 and the meeting was conducted for planning and designing the stadium, this took a lot of time as it needs to arrange the various resources as the need for the development of planning or project network. This part took almost four years and the next comes starting of the procurement process which also took an effective period for the procurement process. It took 3 long years the development of the procurement process. The procurement process will start after the completion of part A. Next comes part C the construction process this is the third part of the project as it is the major part and a time taking process it needs better management and a good time to develop the stadium. it was started in 2017 in the month of April. The next process is the venue plantation of the venue's turf which took a time of nearly one year as it was connected in the year 2020 it is conducted while the C  is going on as the construction is a long process and needs to be developed regularly whether the other task goes on or moves to next step of the management process. The second last process is the overall building of the stadium. It is near completion of the project this takes nearly a few months. The next process is the announcement of the project completion which is the last part of the project this takes nearly one month. The completion of the project or the finished part is done according to the table. 

ES, EF, LS and LF of activities


Figure 4: PERT chart

(Source: Self-developed)

"Optimistic and pessimistic durations"

The last time that is needed for the completion of the task is known as the optimistic time and the least time is taken for the furnishing of the project. The maximum amount of time taken for the project completion is known as the pessimistic duration. the pessimistic duration of this project is the construction part which takes nearly more or less 4 years. These are the major timing discussed in the project.

"Calculation of the activity expected times for all activities"

The time needed for every activity is nearly 2 years which is termed the average time for each task.The construction of the stadium has taken 11 long years. The time was very long whereas the time must be reduced and the ideal time for the construction must be almost 5 years. The first few parts include planning (vision), which can be completed in a short period of time but it was extended for 4 long years where 2 years are enough for the planning or designing process The procurement process must be decreased to 1 year. The next is the construction process as this needs to be done in 3 years and the time is sufficient for the construction process.

"Calculation of Project expected time (TE) using activity expected times and CPM"

Cost per thousand in the marketing process where the cost of the product can be estimated at $4 billion for the construction process and resources gathering process. This process is generally used for the marketing purpose 

"Calculation of activity standard deviations"

It is the measure of standard deviation according to the measured activities estimated the formula for the standard deviation is (p-o)/6.

The range shows the upper and lower limits of the estimated activities. The formula for the range is gin as the " (EAD-SD, EAD+SD); where EAD is the Expected Activity Duration in Beta distribution" (Weston et al. 2019)

"Calculation of activity variances"

It is calculated as "dividing the total number of labour hours required to complete a task by each team member and then multiplying this figure with every team member's contribution to the overall task" (Cui et al. 2020)

"Project duration by 85% confidence"

The project duration for the confidence of 85% is nearly 10 years as the project started in 2010 and ended in the year 2011 but the completion of the project up to 85 % took nearly 10 years. The completion of the tasks has taken a large time and needs to be developed in a cohort period of time.

"Project duration by 99% confidence"

The duration of the project the completion of 99% has taken nearly about 11 years and needs to be developed in very little time for the development of the project. The project needs to be completed in 5 years the designing process took a lot of time and can be controlled for future development. 

"The probability of finishing the project 5% earlier than the original CPM duration"

The probability of finishing  5% earlier is more as compared to the time taken for the announcement of the project completion and the last part can be done very fastly as compared to precious managed timing. The techniques or technologies used can be developed with a greater chance of reducing the time for developing the project.

"The probability of finishing the project 10% earlier than the original CPM duration"

The probability of completion of a task 10% earlier is more as compared to the 5% probability as the construction process was started before time and would take less time to complete the product.

Cost management plan

Roles and responsibilities in Cost management

The cost management plan in this project is very important as it is a government and public project. Ensuring the project in a significant way always complies with making a perfect budget but before this monitoring and reporting on the progress of the budget is necessary. A project manager is the main responsible person for a construction project and they are often challenged to link six main project constraints and these are scope, cost, time, quality, resources and risk. In this project, TamimElAbed is the Project manager who has the responsibility to predict future expenses and predict all about future expenses in minimizing the chances of budget overrun. As the project plan is executed and scheduling is properly made all predicted and expected codes need to be compared by the manager's side which might determine risk allowance and help in resource optimization. Lack of resources, outdated technology and not having a proper estimation method and technique are some challenges for manager's side during cost management plans.

Estimating method

Project estimation is the process of forecasting the cost, resources, time and appliances or resources which are important for delivering the project successfully. In public sector projects like smart cities, and sports grounds, project estimation is that bidders make overly optimistic and successfully deliver the project in a given timeline (, 2022). Concerning this project, there are different types of techniques that need to be utilised with innovative streams such as IT, Construction, Engineering, accounting, agriculture, etc. Effort estimation, resource estimation and cost estimation are three major project estimation needs to be followed by the manager's side and that consist of different technologies. Accurate estimation is the initial basis of sound project planning in this sport-based construction project and the initial estimate assumptions might help in knowing the scope of a project at a high level. These are the most significant project estimation techniques which are effective for considering the estimation process in cost management plan and these are as follows:

Top-down estimating technique: This technique is usually followed-up when an advanced level scraps design level is calculated and that is decomposed into effective work packets. 

Bottom-up estimating technique:

This procedure is utilized when the necessities are known at a discrete level where the more modest workpieces are then collected to gauge the whole venture. This is generally utilized when the data is just known in more modest pieces.

Analogous technique: 

This venture examination strategy is utilized when there is a  proper connection to a proximate task executed and it is not that critical to correspond with different undertakings. Expert review and verifiable information of comparable activities in directed to the project exist gathered to deliver at a meter of the execution.

Parametric estimating technique: 

This procedure uses separate quantifiable data variables from the endeavor creation. For example, the cost for the improvement of a not entirely settled considering the humblest variable as the cost to develop a square feet locale, the work expected to manufacture a work not set in stone from the variable as lines of codes in an item improvement project. This strategy gives more accuracy in project evaluation.

Three-point technique: 

This procedure involves a numerical methodology as the weighted normal of a hopeful, undoubtedly and negative gauge of the work bundle. This is frequently known as the Energetic (Program Assessment and Audit Method).

Cost elements

The Lusail Notorious Arena is a proposed world cup football arena in Qatar. The office is intended to act as a setting for the FIFA World Cup in 2022. The arena will serve the opening and shutting matches of the World Cup and will have a seating limit of 86,250 observers. The arena has been planned by Encourage + Accomplices for the Qatar 2022 World Cup Bid Board, who made a fruitful bid to have the 2022 World Cup. The plan was disclosed at the Forerunners in Football gathering in held London, UK in October 2010. Development is supposed to begin in 2015 and be finished in 2019. It will be worked as a component of a $4bn venture spending plan reserved for the 12 FIFA World Cup arenas in Qatar. Qatar is organising a committee for the 2022 Fifa world Cup which recently announced that a number of proposed host stadiums reflects the size of the country. Concerning this project, the labour costs can be considered as $765 million and those are considered indirect costs which might vary as per the further requirement of a project. Material costs are direct costs in this project which involved with involving in funds needed to monitor and cover estimated costs for this considered by the project and resource manager is $220 million whereas variable costs are not considered s fixed and the estimation of this cost is $165 million. 

Contingency reserves in estimates

Contingency reserved is utilised in a project management plan when risks are developed while implementing strategy. The contingency reserve always tends to be higher mainly tends to be higher due to more unknowns and receding near the end of the project. Once contingency reserves are added to budget and schedule estimates contingency reserve becomes important. Another key part of this construction project is how the approach of stakeholders deviates from typical usage and that might be used as contingency reserves. There are some limitations as well where negative situations can cause incorrect results and that might impact an overall budget structure made by the project developer side. Technical risks are some important risks that were not considering the project scope and technical process linked to it. Legislation, facilities on construction sites and regulatory processes are some important external risks which broke the project risk structure. 

Cost Baseline 

Monitoring and controlling the costs might be utilised using EVA techniques which refer to earned value analysis and reverse management. The time phase is an approval process which is consisted of this technique which considers whether a project will complete under its expected timeframe or not. 


In conclusion, it can be stated that the project has followed a proper structure where scope, schedule and cost is mentioned. Delivering the scope of "Lusail Stadium" limits and assumptions were followed with proper WBS structure, WBS dictionary, scope change control and work packages. Schedule management plans followed lags and lead and milestone lists and coming portions of the finance or funding budget were one of the issues in scheduling a management plan. The cost management plan followed all estimation methods and the project manager faces a problem during the conflict. 



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Watanabe, N.M., Financing sport in the MENA region: Islamic banking and the funding of sport stadiums and infrastructure.

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Alshawabkeh, M., Li, X. and Sullabi, M., 2019, May. New Information Security Risk Management Framework as an Integral Part of Project Life Cycle. In 2019 5th International Conference on Humanities and Social Science Research (ICHSSR 2019) (pp. 133-139). Atlantis Press.

Alshawabkeh, M., Li, X. and Sullabi, M., 2019, May. New Information Security Risk Management Framework as an Integral Part of Project Life Cycle. In 2019 5th International Conference on Humanities and Social Science Research (ICHSSR 2019) (pp. 133-139). Atlantis Press. Doi:

Cui, W., Sun, Z., Ma, H. and Wu, S., 2020, March. The correlation analysis of atmospheric model accuracy based on the pearson correlation criterion. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 780, No. 3, p. 032045). IOP Publishing. Doi:

Websites, 2022. Project Estimating Available at: [Accessed on: 11/11/2022]