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Unit Details BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness Assessment Methods Assignment Assessment Task 1 Role Play Assessment Task 2 Written Questions Assessment Task 3

Subject: Brand Management Assignment

Keywords : Unit Details BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness Assessment Methods Assignment Assessment Task 1 Role Play Assessment Task 2 Written Questions Assessment Task 3


Student Assessment 

Assessment Resource Summary

Unit Details

BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness

Assessment Methods


Assessment Task 1

Role Play

Assessment Task 2

Written Questions

Assessment Task 3

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Student Assessment 

Unit Summary

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to lead teams in the workplace and to actively engage with the management of the organisation.

The unit applies to individuals working at a managerial level who lead and build a positive culture within their work teams. At this level, work will normally be carried out using complex and diverse methods and procedures requiring the exercise of considerable discretion and judgement. It will also involve using a range of problem solving and decision-making strategies.

No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

Prerequisite Units

There are no mandatory pre-requisite units for this competency.

Co-requisite Units

There are no recommended co-requisite units for this competency.

All products purchased remain the intellectual property of St Peters Institute. All rights reserved; no part of any publication provided by St Peters Institute may be reproduced by any means for use outside the purchasing organisation, without the prior written permission of St Peters Institute.

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Student Assessment 

The Assessment Process and Student Rights & Responsibilities

Submitting your Assessment Tasks:

∙ When you have completed your assessment, you will need to submit them, according to the instructions provided to you by your trainer/ assessor. This may either be through TURNITIN or email or by hand to the assigned trainer/assessor.

∙ You will be provided with a due date and you must make sure you submit your assessments in accordance with it. You may be required to apply for an extension if you require extra time, according to your SPI policies and procedures. 

∙ Make sure you keep a copy of your tasks before you submit them. SPI will need to keep them as evidence and may not be able to return them to you.

∙ Task specific instructions can be found further in this document.

Assessment Attempts and Resubmissions: You have up to three attempts to complete each assessment tasks satisfactorily. If after the third attempt, you have not completed a task satisfactorily, your assessor will have to mark your result for the unit as ‘Not Yet Competent’ (NYC).

You will then have to discuss alternative arrangements for re-assessment with the intervention team. The alternative arrangement may even include the student re-enrolling in the unit, participating in additional training or attempting the task again at a later date, so that skills and knowledge can be consolidated. These arrangements will be in accordance with SPI policies and procedures. 

When you are required to resubmit, you may be required to:

∙ resubmit incorrect answers to questions (such as for written tasks and case studies) ∙ resubmit all or part of a project, depending on how the error affects the overall outcome of the task ∙ redo a role-play after being provided with appropriate feedback about their original performance ∙ be observed a second (or third) time undertaking any tasks or activities that were not completed satisfactorily the first time, after being provided with appropriate feedback.

When you are required to resubmit, you’ll be given a due date for your resubmission. All re-submissions will be conducted in accordance with the SPI policies and procedures.

Assessment Outcomes: Each assessment task will be given an outcome of either Competent (C) or Not Yet Competent (NYC). Students must complete all tasks for a unit satisfactorily to achieve an overall outcome of Competent (C) for a unit. If one or more tasks are assessed as Not Yet Competent, students will be given an overall outcome for the unit of Not Yet Competent (NYC).

Plagiarism, Cheating and Collusion: Plagiarism, cheating and collusion on assessments is not acceptable. Any incidence of this is considered academic misconduct. The definitions of each of these are below. ∙ cheating – seeking to obtain an unfair advantage in the assessment of any piece of work ∙ plagiarism – to take and use the ideas and/or expressions and/or wording of another person or organisation and pass them off as your own by failing to give appropriate acknowledgement. This includes material from any sources, such as staff members, other students, authors, texts, resources and the internet, whether published or unpublished

collusion – unauthorised collaboration between students.

Where your assessor believes there has been an incident of academic misconduct involving plagiarism, cheating, and/or collusion, this will be addressed in line with the SPI policies and procedures which may ultimately lead to an academic misconduct warning and you needing to complete the whole unit again. Assessment Appeals: If you don’t agree with an assessment decision made, you have the right to appeal it. You may need to lodge your request for an appeal within a certain amount of time from the original decision being made. You will need to make your appeal in writing and follow SPI process for appeals. Refer to your Student Handbook for more information about our appeals process. 

Reasonable Adjustments: These can be made to ensure equity in assessment for people with disabilities. A legislative and regulatory framework underpins and supports the delivery of vocational education and

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Student Assessment 

training across Australia. Under this framework, providers of vocational education and training must take steps to ensure that learners with recognised disabilities have the same learning opportunities and opportunities to perform and complete assessments as learners without disabilities. 

Adjustments include any changes to the assessment process or context that meet the individual needs of the person with a disability, but do not change competency outcomes. Sometimes reasonable adjustments are made to the learning environment, training delivery, learning resources and/or assessment tasks to accommodate the particular needs of a student with a disability. Your trainer/ assessor may also provide assistance / intervention during the assessments in the event that there is a risk of injury to the student or to the other members of the class.

An adjustment is reasonable if it can accommodate the student’s particular needs while also taking into account factors such as: 

∙ the views of the student

∙ the potential effect of the adjustment on the student and others

∙ the costs and benefits of making the adjustment.

Making reasonable adjustments requires the RTO to balance the need for change with the expense or effort involved in making this change. If an adjustment requires a disproportionately high expenditure or disruption, it is not likely to be reasonable.1

Thus, if students are considered to have special needs, trainer/ assessors are allowed to provide reasonable adjustment in accordance with SPI Policies and Procedures which means there may be modification to the way in which evidence is gathered. This could include alternative methods of assessment. However, it will not change the standards or outcomes the student achieves. 

Please discuss with your assessor if you believe a reasonable adjustment to an assessment task, method or process needs to be made on the basis of disability. Reasonable adjustments made for you will be recorded in the space provided in the checklist for the relevant task and in the Unit Assessment Record sheet. 

Information about Assessment

Assessment: Assessment is ‘the process of collecting evidence and making judgements on whether competency has been achieved, to confirm that an individual can perform to the standard required in the workplace, as specified in a training package or VET accredited course’.2

Dimensions of Competency: To be competent, a person must show their ability to perform effectively in a broad capacity. The dimensions of competency ensure that the person being assessed has the skills to perform competently in a variety of different circumstances. To be competent, a person must demonstrate the following:

Task skills – These are the skills that are needed to perform a task at an acceptable level. They are usually described in the performance criteria and include knowledge and practical skills.

Task management skills – These are skills in organising and coordinating, which are needed to be able to work competently while managing a number of tasks or activities as part of a job.

Contingency skills – These are the skills that are needed to respond and react appropriately to unexpected problems, changes in routine and breakdowns while also performing competently. ∙ Job role/environment skills – These are the skills that are needed to perform as expected in a particular job, position and location, and with others. These skills may be described in a range of variables and in the underpinning skills and knowledge.


1Source: Innovation & Business Skills Australia. (2015). BSB business services training package: implementation guide. Retrieved from 2 Source: Australian Skills Quality Authority. (2019). Users’ guide to the Standards for registered training organisations (RTOs) 2015. Retrieved from © Australian Skills Quality Authority;

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Student Assessment 

Principles of Assessment and Rules of Evidence: Assessment must be conducted in accordance with the rules of evidence and principles of assessment. The following definitions of these terms are taken from the Australian Skills Quality Authority’s Users’ guide: standards for registered training organisations (RTOs) 2015. Principles of Assessment -

Validity: ‘Any assessment decision of the RTO is justified, based on the evidence of performance of the individual learner. Validity requires:

- assessment against the unit(s) of competency and the associated assessment requirements covers the broad range of skills and knowledge that are essential to competent performance - assessment of knowledge and skills is integrated with their practical application - assessment to be based on evidence that demonstrates that a learner could demonstrate these skills and knowledge in other similar situations

- judgement of competence is based on evidence of learner performance that is aligned to the unit/s of competency and associated assessment requirements.’

Reliability: ‘Evidence presented for assessment is consistently interpreted and assessment results are comparable irrespective of the assessor conducting the assessment.’

Flexibility: ‘Assessment is flexible to the individual learner by:

- reflecting the learner’s needs

- assessing competencies held by the learner no matter how or where they have been acquired - drawing from a range of assessment methods and using those that are appropriate to the context, the unit of competency and associated assessment requirements, and the individual.’ Fairness: ‘The individual learner’s needs are considered in the assessment process. Where appropriate, reasonable adjustments are applied by the RTO to take into account the individual learner’s needs. The RTO informs the learner about the assessment process and provides the learner with the opportunity to challenge the result of the assessment and be reassessed if necessary.’

Students are required to sign the declaration in this Student Assessment booklet and ensure that they have advised the trainers/assessors if they have any special needs or considerations that may affect their ability to complete the assessments. Any reasonable adjustments to these assessments must be noted in the Assessment Record Tool for this unit &/ or in the checklist for the relevant task.

Students are provided with information about the appeals process in the Student Handbook as well as on the SPI Website.

Rules of Evidence -

Validity: ‘The assessor is assured that the learner has the skills, knowledge and attributes as described in the module or unit of competency and associated assessment requirements.’ Sufficiency: ‘The assessor is assured that the quality, quantity and relevance of the assessment evidence enables a judgement to be made of a learner’s competency.’

Currency: ‘The assessor is assured that the assessment evidence demonstrates current competency. This requires the assessment evidence to be from the present or the very recent past.’

Authenticity: ‘The assessor is assured that the evidence presented for assessment is the learner’s own work.’3

Students are required to sign the declaration section in the Unit Assessment Record sheet and indicate that the work that they have submitted for assessment is their own. 

Practical tasks, observations and confirmation of skills by the assessor ensure that the assessor sees the student applying the skills and knowledge required for this unit.

Third-party reports (where applicable) require third-party persons to confirm that they have observed the student undertake the tasks detailed in the checklist. 


3All italicised quotations in this section from Australian Skills Quality Authority. (2019). Users’ guide to the Standards for registered training organisations (RTOs) 2015. Retrieved from

01/users_guide_to_the_standards_for_registered_training_organisations_rtos_2015_v2-2_0.pdf. © Australian Skills Quality Authority;

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Student Assessment 

Glossary of Instructional Task Words: The assessment tasks use a range of instructional words, such as ‘compare’ and ‘list’. These terms will guide the student and trainer/ assessor regarding the level of detail that must be provided in students’ answers. Some questions will also tell the trainer/ assessor as to how many answers students need to give – for example, ‘Describe three strategies…’. Use the following glossary as a guide to interpret the words in the tasks: 

Analyse - This means the students should break an issue down into its component parts, identify them and explain how they relate. The issue has to be discussed in detail and methodically. ∙ Define: This means that the student should explain, in their own words, the meaning or interpretation of a term or concept, including any qualities that are essential to understanding. 

Describe - This means that the student should outline the most noticeable qualities or features of an idea, topic or the focus of the question. 

Discuss - This means that the student must point out the important issues, features, key points and possible interpretations of the question, and debate these through argument, providing reasons for and against them.

Evaluate - This means that the student must judge or calculate the quality, importance, amount, or value of something. An in-depth answer must be provided with as much detail as possible. ∙ Explain - This means that the student needs to make something clear or show their understanding by describing or providing information about a topic. They will need to make clear how or why something happened or why something is the way it is. 

Identify - This means that the student must recognise something and indicate the required information. The length of the answer should be guided by what it is that they are being asked to identify. 

List - This means that the student must record short pieces of information in the form of a numbered or bulleted list, with one or two words, phrases or sentences on each line. 

Outline - This means that the student must give a brief description of the main facts or sequence of events about something. The length of the response should be guided by what they are required to outline. As long as the student includes the main facts or points, their response will be sufficient. 

Summarise - This means that the student must express the most important facts or points about something in a concise way. 

Assessment Outline for BSBTWK502

The following outlines the assessment requirements for this unit. You are required to complete all assessment requirements outlined below to achieve competency for this unit. Your assessor will provide you with the due dates for each assessment task.

Assessment Tool

Type of Assessment

Place of Assessment

Assessment Task 1


SPI facilities

Assessment Task 2

Role Play

SPI facilities

Assessment Task 3

Written Questions

SPI facilities

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Student Assessment 

Student Instructions

General instructions for all tasks:

  • You must answer all questions and their parts correctly to achieve a Satisfactory outcome for all tasks to be marked Competent for the unit.
  • Refer to the Glossary of Instructional Task Words for descriptions of instructional words to guide you in the level of response required in each question.
  • Do not plagiarise. Plagiarism, cheating and collusion on assessments is not acceptable. Any incidence of this is considered academic misconduct.
  • Ask your assessor if you do not understand a question. Whist your assessor cannot tell you the answer, he/she may be able to re-word the question for you.
  • RPL. Recognition of prior learning is available. Please alert your assessor if you feel this applies to you. • Feedback. Your assessor will provide feedback to students after the completion of the assessment. The trainer assessor will explain the appeals process.
  • Resources & Equipment required.

- Access to your learning materials

- Access to a computer, the Internet, and a web browser

- Access to Microsoft Word (or a similar program)

- Assessment tools

Specific Instructions for Assignment:

∙ This is an individual assessment, but you are to research and can use notes to assist. ∙ The assignment is designed to assess your understanding of the unit as well as your application of knowledge. 

∙ This activity will provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of required skills, knowledge and critical aspects of assessment you have obtained through the completion of this unit. ∙ Your answers will form part of the evidence gathered for this unit.

∙ Generally, the length of the answers would be as below:

- Short answers: 50 words – 100 words

- Long answers: 100 words – 200 words

- Detailed answers: 400 words – 500 words

∙ To be deemed Satisfactory in this assessment you need to answer correctly ALL parts of the assignment in your own words, clearly printed, word formatted and typed in English.

Specific Instructions for Role Play:

∙ To be deemed Satisfactory in this assessment you will be required to do a Role Play with your fellow students.

∙ You will be assessed as you undertake the Role Play on your ability to:

- Follow provided instructions

- Use persuasive communication skills

- Collect feedback from participants if required

- Your answers will form part of the evidence gathered for this unit

- This activity will provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate the skills and knowledge you have obtained through the completion of this unit.

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Student Assessment 

Specific Instructions for Written Questions:

∙ Candidates are required to complete the following written assessment task. This is an individual assessment, but you can use notes to assist.

∙ Your answers will form part of the evidence gathered for this unit.

∙ The length of your answers will be guided by the description in the task or will be provided by the trainer/ assessor. Please check the Glossary of Instructional Task Words.

∙ Generally, the length of the answers would be as below:

- Short answers: 50 words – 100 words

- Long answers: 100 words – 200 words

- Detailed answers: 400 words – 500 words

∙ ALL questions will need to be answered correctly in your own words, clearly printed, word formatted and typed in English to be deemed satisfactory in this task.

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Student Assessment 

Assignment Assessment Task 1

For this task, your Trainer/Assessor will provide you with the Bayside Call Centre Case Study on which you will base the following scenario. 


You have taken on a new position as Call Centre Manager and have now been in the position for a month which has given you some time to meet with your team members and observe the practices within the business and your new team. The CEO has given you an assignment on where you are to update the policies and procedures, KPI’s and strategies in place within the Call Centre in collaboration with the Human Resources Manager. Once the documents are completed, you will then deliver the updates to your team so that they are aware of their roles, responsibilities and accountabilities and understand their purpose as a team. 

For this task, the roles of the Call Centre representatives will be played by fellow students and the role of the Human Resources Manager may be played by either your Trainer or a fellow student (as directed by your Trainer).

Part A

After analysing the business objectives and existing company policies and procedures, discuss any required changes with the Human Resources Manager and complete the following: 

  1. Develop policies and procedures to ensure team members take responsibility for their own work and assist others to undertake their roles and responsibilities.
  2. Develop processes to ensure that issues, concerns and problems identified by team members are recognised and addressed.
  3. Develop strategies to ensure team members have input into planning, decision making and operational aspects of work team.
  4. Develop performance plans to establish expected outcomes, outputs, key performance indicators (KPIs) and goals for both individuals and as a team.

Part B

Hold a meeting with your team, the Call Centre Representatives. The roles of team members will be played by at least three (3) other students. During the meeting the team members must raise some issues (at least one issue per team member). Leave some issues unresolved so that they can be discussed in the management meeting in Part C. 

Your Trainer/Assessor will observe you during the meeting and will assess you on this as part of the Observation checklist in Assessment Task 2. 

Now that you have created the new policies and procedures, processes, strategies and KPI’s, you have been directed by management to hold a team meeting with your team and discuss the new measures that will be put in place. Ensure that in your team meeting the following points are covered and that they are recorded in the meeting minutes. Your Trainer/Assessor will observe the team meeting and you are to provide a copy of the Meeting Minutes with this assessment. 

The following points must be covered in the meeting:

  1. Discuss the team purpose
  2. Responsibilities and accountabilities of each team member and as a team and how these will assist in meeting the organisations goals and objectives
  3. Expected performance outcomes and how the team will be supported
  4. Identify and resolve any work performance problems
  5. Provide encouraging feedback to the team and reward individuals and team for efforts and contributions they have made so far
  6. Discuss how team members can participate and take on responsibilities within the team

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Student Assessment 

Part C

  1. Once you have completed the meeting in Part B, hold a meeting with the Human Resources Manager and discuss any unresolved issues, concerns and/or problems that were raised in the meeting. Evaluate and decide what sort of action needs to be taken.
  2. Take up the necessary action with the relevant team member/s to resolve the issue. Once this has been done, write a brief report for management (the Human Resources Manager and CEO) outlining the discussion had in the meeting and the outcome. 

Part D

Now that the processes have been developed and discussed with the team and management, you are to implement the performance plan and KPI’s with the team and monitor the progress. For question 1, you will need to role play the meetings. The role of team members can be played by other students. Your Assessor will observe the meetings and assess this as part of the Observation checklist in Assessment Task 2. You will also need to provide evidence of any documents related to the meeting. 

  1. Implement the Performance Plan and KPI’s. Include how this will be communicated to the team. Monitor the progress. Provide evidence of the following:

∙ 1:1 meeting with 2 team members (individual meetings) 

∙ Team meeting where you have discussed any issues and concerns around expected performance outcomes with your team

  1. Plan for any unexpected outcomes

∙ List at least 3 unexpected outcomes which you may encounter within your team or the business that may affect your teams performance

∙ For each unexpected outcome, write a response action plan on possible ways to overcome these challenges

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Student Assessment 

Role Play Assessment Task 2


The trainer/assessor will complete the evaluation checklist below and it will form part of the evidence gathered for this unit on the tasks completed in Assessment Task 1.

During the observations, did the student


1. Consult team members to establish a common understanding of team purpose, roles, responsibilities and accountabilities in accordance with the companies goals, plans and objectives.

❒ Yes ❒ No

2. Encourage team members to participate in and to take responsibility for team activities, including communication processes.

❒ Yes ❒ No

3. Support the team in identifying and resolving work performance problems in order to meet expected performance outcomes by providing both formal and informal learning opportunities.

❒ Yes ❒ No

4. Use listening and questioning techniques to confirm understanding and to engage the audience.

❒ Yes ❒ No

5. Provide feedback to team members in a way that they can understand and use the feedback and to encourage, value and reward individual and team efforts and contributions.

❒ Yes ❒ No

6. Engage in discussions or provides information using appropriate vocabulary and non-verbal features.

❒ Yes ❒ No

7. Select and use appropriate conventions and protocols when 

communicating with diverse stakeholders which includes communication about team performance plans and team performance.

❒ Yes ❒ No

8. Use interpersonal skills to gain trust and confidence of team.

❒ Yes ❒ No

9. Adapt personal communication style when communicating with different individuals or groups to build positive working relationships and to show respect for the opinions, values and particular needs of others.

❒ Yes ❒ No

10. Serve as a role model for others by modelling desired behaviours and practices and enhance the organisation’s image for all stakeholders.

❒ Yes ❒ No

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Student Assessment 

11. Has shown understanding of how own role contributes to broader organisational goals.

❒ Yes ❒ No

Assessor Comments:

Written Questions Assessment Task 3

  1. What are group dynamics and how can they affect your team performance? 2. Provide and explain three strategies that support team cohesion, participation and performance. 3. How can developing strategies to gain consensus help your team?
  2. What is issue resolution and how can strategies help in this matter?

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This section is to be completed by the Student

Student Name:


Student ID No:


Unit Start Date


Unit End Date:


Unit Code:


Unit Title:

Manage team effectiveness

Student Declaration

∙ I confirm all assessment instructions have been read & understood. 

∙ I have been provided with and have reviewed the Student Handbook for all RTO policies & procedures pertaining to assessments & reassessments. 

∙ My responsibilities and requirements for this assessment have been explained to me by my trainer/assessor. ∙ I understand my rights to appeal the decisions regarding the assessment outcomes according to the RTO policies & procedures.

∙ I have advised my assessor of any special needs considerations (if any) & I understand when the reasonable adjustments will be applied.

∙ I agreed to comply with all the requirement and conditions applicable to all assessments. ∙ I declare that all answers and responses to the tasks are my own work & none of this work has been completed by any other person.

∙ I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s in the completion of this work. ∙ I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks. ∙ I understand that if I am found to be in breach of the RTO’s policies, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

∙ I permit the RTO to use my assessment submissions for moderation/validation purposes.

Student Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: _______________

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Student Assessment 

This section is to be completed by the Assessor

Please attach the following documentation to this form


S = Satisfactory

NS = Not Satisfactory


S = Satisfactory

NS = Not Satisfactory

Assessment Task 1

❑ Policies and Procedures

❑ Processes

❑ Strategies

❑ Performance Plans

❑ Meeting Minutes

❑ Report

❑ Evidence of 1:1 meeting

❑ S | ❑ NS

❑ S | ❑ NS

Assessment Task 2

❑ Checklist completed by 


❑ S | ❑ NS

❑ S | ❑ NS

Assessment Task 3

❑ Answers to written questions

❑ S | ❑ NS

❑ S | ❑ NS

Final Assessment Result for this unit


Not Yet Competent

Assessor Notes: (inclusive of reasonable adjustment, reassessment, reasonable adjustment, further opportunities for gap training etc): 

__________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Assessor Signature: ___________________________ 

Assessor / Trainer Name: ___________________________

Date: ___________________

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Student Assessment 

Student Assessment Receipt

Student Name


Student ID


Unit Name

Manage team effectiveness

Unit Code


Summary of Assessments

Submission Date

Assessment Task 1


Assessment Task 2


Assessment Task 3


Assessor / Trainer Name: ___________________________

Assessor / Trainer Signature: ___________________________ 

Date: ___________________



Task 1: Assessments of teamwork

Part A:

Develop policies to increase responsibility among workers

Taking responsibility of own work and inspiring other people to take responsibility is an ethical practice every employee should have. The strategies which can help the employees to take responsibility for their own work area

Share the vision

Sharing the vision of the company can make the employee feel important and a part of the company. Seeking out their ideas and knowledge to make important decisions in favour of the company and letting them see the difficulty in process of taking decisions and workflow will arise in responsible nature in the employee and they will also encourage others to be responsible for their own work. The employees will tend to give dedicated inputs to achieve the goal and with commitment, they will also feel the responsibility. 

Encourage employees to take decisions

Letting employees choose the way they want to complete their assigned task and belief in their ability to complete the task, builds ownership of the job. With ownership in hand, the employees tend to do the job with full responsibility in order to prove their ideas right. This can be an effective methodology to promote responsibility among employees.

Hold the employees accountable

By assigning the work and letting them take decisions about the path \to complete the work, the employee tends to be held accountable for their own work. To meet the desired goal and deadlines, motivate the employee to give extra effort and put the responsibility to complete the job within timeline.

Process to recognize and resolve issues faced by employees

The issues and problems that are faced by the employees can be solved by improving managerial skills and good leadership style (, 2022). These issues can arise in various sectors like employee issues, process or method of working issues, issues in work culture etc. To identify and handle the issues there are some strategies that need to implement. 

 Development of skills in management

Active listening is an important strategy to properly identify the issues and community that face the issue. If the proper identification of the issue is not done then it is impossible to solve that issue properly. Communication is a very integrated part of work culture. To develop a healthy work environment, communication is very important between team members and higher authority. Communication gaps can create problems and obstructions to resolving that issues. Team collaboration and acquiring inspiration from different sources can help to solve different issues in a very efficient way. Improving leadership talents can support the creation of administration techniques and crack the workplace with alleviation. 

Meeting with them members regular basis

Regular team meetings can help to prevent challenges in workplaces. A very common issue for high authorities is a lack of knowledge of expectations from employees. Team meetings periodically can help to identify the expectations and issues the employees are facing and then prevent those issues. Team goals and progress management can be easier to operate with effective team meetings in a regular basis Promoting the motivation of employees is another effective way to resolve work problems. 

Employee development opportunity

The company needs to promote employee development opportunities which include turnover reduction among employees, to improve morale within employees to prevent workplace harassment, trust issues, unethical; practices, etc. Training employees and promoting development opportunities can help the employees to perform better in crisis and also suggest an effective strategy to overcome the issues as a team. 

Employee feedback

The Company can create surveys and issue feedback forms to learn about employees' opinions and complaints. Periodic team meetings can be another option to gather the problems the employees are facing and to come up with ideas with the consent of everyone. Review of performance can work as a two-way problem solver for both employees and higher authority.

Strategies to develop employee involvement

Suggestion boxes and employee surveys are the best two strategies that can be implemented to encourage employees to take part in decision-making. To increase the involvement of the employee suggestion boxes and feedback forms can be circulated among them and ask them to give their suggestions on a certain strategy which can be implemented to solve an issue (, 2022). Proper encouragement and valuation of their decisions and suggestions need to be done to increase employee satisfaction with their involvement.

Develop performance plans

A proper performance plan includes a few steps in sequence. The steps are, to define the performance standard, Focus on inherent inspiration, Best practice share, team huddle introduction, employee empowerment, flexibility at work and ethical practice.

Part B: Team meeting About Team member's issues and roles

The purpose of this call centre meeting stands to operate a good company by delivering experienced and customised set call benefits for company customers. The company's purpose is to provide customers with attended to or the proper assistance performed. 

Roles guide one’s work in a group. Responsibilities guide the duties and obligations of their respective position or career report. Workers stand kept responsible for conducting several studies in the company (Ferrara, 2021). The more transparent their leader summarises the charges, the more suitable workers can reach their group plans and grow in their functions at the business. A clear characterisation of company responsibilities will improve the group's prevailing productivity. This capacity will then show company’s team’s improved speed and victory in the extended run. Team win is an excellent method to create impetus for coming tasks, therefore enabling better productivity. This exact win will even donate to the group's elevated enthusiasm. Also, the team member's responsibility is to communicate with other members and gain knowledge about current, market demands. Focus company's main purpose and take a good dissection for "Bayside's call centre". The company also follows their goals, concentrating the reduce client waiting time, the longer customers wait is going to get too much frustrated. Focus on team skills and customer satisfaction. Good communication skills and high tolerance power are needed for every team member. It’s improved the company's business reputation and trustworthiness. This "KPI" lives to inform, how much time workers and salesclerks expending spending on per call, on moderate. The faster the company call centre’s Average handle duration stands, the additional fast company customers’ questions are determined. 

Company team leaders, team managers and company representatives all arrive jointly to create a stable group huddle that sets a significant awarding for the group. In-person or Virtual, these huddles enable the team to handle as if members stand function of a firmly attached group before members complete their day-to-day responsibilities. A worker's license isn’t merely a buzzword. Rather, it stands for a vision in which workers hold notable power over what members accomplish, how members accomplish it or when members accomplish it. If the company and the members manage apiece of these "three" sites in the communication hub, the company can authorise and encourage advisors to enhance "call centre performance". Companies stand heading to function at a more elevated status if the company stand operating when the company enjoy performing. But providing them with better authority over members' programs is more comfortable stated than accomplished. Of course, there exist bunches of guidance out of the company for counting flexibility into communication centre force control & WFM methods, to provide advisers more power.

Most of the multiple call and communication base issues are usually given by an agency's unavailability to respond to buzzes. This could stand disheartening to guests. "Call-back answers like the Queue callback" element offer guests the choice of ordering a callback instead than staying for an agency to be known or persisting to phone without any reply (CHANGE, 2022). Customers come release through telephone or talk to determine a challenge or create queries, agencies may not stand readily open to respond to customers' buzzes due to extreme hours. The absence of consumer help stands as most of the specific problems and issues in call centres.

Cue callback stands as a progressive element that tells the client that the company manages around their period and stands a top emphasis. Clients bring the security that the business stands concerned around them. Improving the version is not around giving satisfactory feedback to a worker. Companies should still be available to create modifications too. With members' "24/7" help, they can still go escape to the company group to assist with the required clarifications. The company supply a reliable leader to train and perform with the team.

Competitors can glance at issues and visit better than one explanation. Members stand capable to present conceptions or counter Views indeed to individuals and stand still pondering regarding how to accomplish something more reasonable. Members should vigorously, hold experience in discussions and claims details, expertise, opinions and knowledge.

Part C: Team meeting among human resource manager

Throughout team meetings among students, it can be analyzed that they are facing issues regarding personality conflicts, lack of work engagement and internal competition. A lack of communication and personality conflicts is responsible for making conflicts and interior competition among team members that can be recognized as an obstacle to developing collaborative and supportive working environments (, 2022). Personality conflicts are associated with a tendency to disagree and diversity in perspective among team members which can be increased issues in making a decision and problem-solving practices and reduce team effectiveness concerning work performance. Minimising likely hood in personality is associated with increasing knowledge-based and communication practices e among team members that contribute to developing a relationship and understanding among them. Apart from that, it can be stated that encouraging communication skills and allowing them to share their perspectives with each other and discussed that topic effectively might contribute to reducing personality conflicts and misunderstanding as well disagreeableness among team members.

During personality development practice, a leader has to include agreeableness and openness to influencing their emotional intelligence help to minimise internal conflicts among team members by encouraging them to decide with mutual understanding. As argued by Chaudhary (2019), social awareness is important for enhancing empathy and understanding to building relationships among team members that contribute to increasing employee engagement in working practice with collaborative tendency considering effective understanding and communication capability to work with the team. This personality improvement practice with enhancing the capability to communicate effectively can be recognised as a significant solution for managing each level of teamwork-related issues because healthy and positive communication helps to increase awareness, agreeableness, and dependability among team members. Those factors can be segmented as crucial components for encouraging collaborative and supportive working environments. As understood by Buil et al., (2019), effective leadership practice helps to manage team effectiveness by minimising team conflicts by encouraging them and improving their personality traits.

Moreover, internal competition can be created from self-criticism and comparison of individual performance to others that are positive while members try to implement self-capability through measuring and allowing others to suggest a useful way to improve personal effectiveness otherwise can occur team conflicts due to increasing stress, anxiety and depression. As observed by Paolucci et al., (2018), considering those factors, team leaders have to encourage and motivate team members by specifying their effectiveness and lacking without comparing other members and suggesting and mentioning that to give them bat of practice in the working process. In that aspect, motivation provided by leaders helps to increase team effectiveness by influencing team members to increase their engagement toward work. Apart from that, it can be stated that improving skill sets, and knowledge, and motivating them through feedback and rewording is important for increasing team effectiveness by encouraging their involvement, adaptability, dependability, and interpersonal skills. Moreover, developing relationships among team members will contribute to developing a collaborative and supportive working environment that is important for increasing interest in working effectively and making a decision with mutual understanding.

Part D: KPIs plan

Team productivity can be recognised as a key performance indicator in teamwork that helps to measure team effectiveness because the increased productivity of a team depends on effective involvement and the high-performance rate of team members contribute to resulting in high work performance. As cited by Kobushko et al., (2020), team productivity refers to completing assigned tasks within deadlines concerning quality and procedure that helps to represent a remarkable involvement and work efficiency of employees in completing assigned tasks considering the time frame. Team productivity is interrelated with producing quality work within time frames considering each requirement that helps to indicate effectiveness and concern of team members toward a common vision and interest to accomplish it. Team productivity is associated with the skill set of team members, attainability and productive working environments considering employee satisfaction and interest to give their best practice.

Workload efficiency in the workplace helps to represent the consciousness and effectiveness of employees to carry out correct tasks within the time frame considering the right way that indicated no delay, zero defects in the working process and quality assurance. As researched by Lacerenza et al., (2018), team effectiveness can be increased by enhancing the working effectiveness of team members by considering work quality and proper utilisation of effective working processes that can be developed through developing effective organisational policies and encouraging skill sets and knowledge bases of employees in different techniques, and technology. According to the human resources manager, the skill set and knowledge-based of employees leads to improving the efficiency of the workplace as well as helping employees to make them smarter to encourage the overall performance of an organisation. As stated by Sendawula et al., (2018), training is important for improving the knowledge and capability of the employee to work effectively for increasing work efficiency and team effectiveness in teamwork. CEO stated that employee involvement is an identical factor in improving team effectiveness because lack of employee involvement leads to makes delays and quality-related issues that are responsible for low-quality work considering work efficiency and team productivity. Therefore, enhancing employee involvement is important for avoiding delay and poor work efficiency which signifies the requirements of employee motivation for increasing team effectiveness with a high rate of team performance. Absenteeism of employees is associated with poor employee engagement which plays an important role in reducing work performance and team effectiveness.



Figure 1: KPI for team effectiveness

(Source: Self-developed)

According to HR managers, employee motivation can be reduced the possibility of absenteeism through increasing employee engagement that depends on developing employee-oriented organisational policies such as attractive payroll, reward and recognition regarding performance, and providing opportunities for future career growth that helps to encourage them to increase their performance to active career-oriented goals by them. According to CEO and HR manager, working environments are responsible for regulating team effectiveness that can be recognised as a key performance indicator in measuring team effectiveness. Team effectiveness is associated with the effective understanding and capability of employees toward work that represents work efficiency. An efficient and knowledgeable workforce enables to delivery of a productive working environment. On the other hand, as opined by Waizenegger et al., (2020), supportive and healthy work environments contribute to increasing job satisfaction among employees by encouraging them to work effectively and collaboratively. HR manager stated that collaborative and supportive working environments help to increase team effectiveness through increasing this interest and efficiency toward work due to high levels of job satisfaction and effective mental stability. Negative working environments are responsible for making mental and physical issues due to workload and job dissatisfaction that increase absenteeism and less workflow. Apart from that, it can be stated that collaborative working environments, effective employee engagement with motivation, work productivity with quality assurance, and work efficiency of employees are significant and useful KPIs for measuring and increasing team effectiveness in the workplace. 

Task 2: Role-play

Trainer: Hello guys!!!!!! What are your experiences and understanding of your teamwork as a call centre representative?

Team member 1: Sir I am enjoying my roles and responsibility as a call centre representative in my workplace but sometimes I have to attend to more than one phone call once which makes it difficult to tackle two customers at a time. So, how can I tackle this situation?

Trainer: Well, you have to work collaboratively in a team that will help to manage multiple calls at a time by forwarding another call to other team members. Collaboration helps to make a mutual understanding among team members through communicating and sharing workload among team members.

Team member 2: Sir, I have an idea about team collaboration but I am hesitant to communicate with others freely regarding sharing tasks. Please, tell me the way to improve communication and interpersonal skill to work with a team collaboratively.

Trainer: Guys, you have to practice communication regularly to increase confidence and have to make yourself agreeable and open-minded to working with the team. Professional communication practice contributes to enhancing confidence and removing hesitation which will make you a better team player.

Team member 3: Sir, I have concentration issues that de-motivate me due to fewer work engagements during communicating with customers which affects my performance. Sometimes, I am unable to attend my job effectively.

Trainer: Well, you have to practice self-motivation regularly to encourage yourself to work effectively. Ask team members and team, leaders to provide you feedback regarding your teamwork and work performance that helps you to increase awareness toward work. 

Team member 1: Sir, feedback increased internal competition among team members which creates conflicts and misunderstandings and affects collaboration.

Trainer: Accept feedback as a complement and measure of your performance and motivate yourself to follow suggestions to give your best practice in work that helps to increase work effectiveness and several positive feedback. The increasing rate of positive feedback with increasing work efficiency helps to encourage working more effectively which contributes to increasing work efficiency, the tendency of team collaboration, communication skills and the tendency of teamwork. Moreover, team communication and collaboration are responsible for building a relationship with team members.

Team member 2: Sir, sometimes We are unable to share your perspective due to people's judgements that are a significant issue in team collaboration and team communication practice. Sir, which behavioural criteria are important to be efficient team players as well potential performers in the organisational practice?

Trainer: You have to critically think about situations and provide ethical decisions and solutions in teamwork considering situations and issues in the workplace that contribute to developing a respectful image in an organisation as well as in a team. Respectful image and effective engagements in working practice help to make you an effective performer and someone's role model in the workplace which is important for personal and professional growth in the workplace.

Task 3

Questions 1 

"Group dynamics" markets the behavioural and attitudes habits of a company. It can stand employed as a tool for issue decoding, and partnership, and to evolve better creative and effective as a company. The idea of team dynamics intention also delivers stability, sensation elements and standards along with additional experienced tools (Driskell, 2018). Group dynamics focused on members performances and how members control team conducts and group version. Group dynamics stand for unconscious psychological influences that impact how group components interact or perform jointly on projects and tasks (Lacerenza, 2018). Team dynamics concentrate on several sizes of group dynamics, group cohesion, group cognition, or group contest. Dynamics improve team communication and the team's main motive is the connection between group dynamics and group performance. 

Questions 2

A cohesive group succeeds in open contact. If companies like to improve group "cohesiveness", start enforcing proper contact procedures. Genuine communication promotes team partners to express their problems, thoughts and actions and determine competition faster and more efficiently. 

Team partners are feeling secure in their capabilities live better potential to communicate with group partners additional constructively and finish their jobs additional efficiently (Nurprihatin, 2019). Delivering activity and growth prospects live a wonderful method to motivate team partners to take possession of team skills and capabilities and provide them assurance when performing duties. 

Using feedback facilities in team management practice helps to encourage the participation of employees. Moreover, motivation also plays a significant role in encouraging employee engagement in team works. 

Question 3

Developing strategies to gain consensus increase the engagement of participants which empowers the team. It helps to be committed to work and increase cooperation from others. It creates shared understanding and involvement in the discussion which connects the difference among employees and help to make a single decision with everyone's consent. It provides and motivates participation, which develops team-building qualities among the employees. The strategic development process for consensus helps to increase dependability and agreeability among the team members contributing to solving issues and making effective and useful decisions to reach ultimate goals in the strategic implementation process with teamwork.

Question 4

An issue resolution is a capacity to handle the situations that need to be solved, threats to be mitigated, and judgments to be made. When problems occur, they need advised interventions to be resolved effectively. In an institution, problems occur since there are various thoughts from other workers. Team work-related issues can be resolved through encouraging collaboration and com, communication practice with effective and supportive communication among team members that is important for building relationships among team members and minimises internal conflicts, disagreeableness and misunderstanding among team members. Issues resolution in teamwork to increase capability in developing common goals with mutual understanding and influencing strategic implementation process in working practice, through effective employee engagements and group works considering critical analysis and decision-making process can help the process.

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