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MGT605 Business Capstone Project Assignment 2 Part A: Final Project Report

Subject: Management

Keywords : MGT605 Business Capstone Project Assignment 2 Part A: Final Project Report


MGT605 Business Capstone Project

Assessment 2 Part A: Final Project Report

Subject Code and Title: MGT605 Business Capstone Project

Assessment: Assignment 2 Part A: Final Project Report

Individual/Group: Individual / Group

Length: 3000 words

Subject Learning Outcomes:

  • SLO a. Develop and articulate a theoretical or practical perspective on management issues through a substantial applied project.
  • SLO b. Demonstrate collaborative leadership and ownership in the preparation of a significant original body of practical or theoretical work.
  • SLO c. Use specialist research skills to analyse a complex management problem and then synthesise the research, communicating it effectively to both specialist and lay audiences.
  • SLO d. Synthesise concepts from a broad range of previous subjects studied (e.g., finance, marketing, operations), simplifying into a holistic big picture.

Submission: By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Week 10

Weighting: 40% (Total Marks: 40)


In Assessment 1, you proposed to tackle a problem or to explore an opportunity of your choice. In Assessment 2A you must produce a final report of the outcomes of the work you have done as per the proposal you made in Assessment 1.


  • This submission should be in the appropriate format required for your context and workplace. If your report is a Marketing Plan, a Business Report or New Venture Proposal it should be in the usual format and if your report is an academic paper then you will use the commonly accepted format.
  • The submission should be a result of following the steps/method that you laid out in the proposal that you submitted in Assessment 1.
  • Include a reference list with a minimum of 6 academic sources presented in APA format.
  • Your reference list must be in the format of an Annotated Bibliography detailing why and where you have used each reference.
  • Your final report must use and list a minimum of 6 references (books & peer-reviewed journal articles) to theoretical literature sources.
  • You may have up to 20 data source references (newspaper articles, trade publications, websites, company documents, government reports, online databases, social media, etc.).
  • Unless it is a seminal author, use recent literature sources, preferably less than 10 years old.


If necessary, include appendices for additional information. This is where you provide supporting material that is unsuitable for inclusion in the body of the report but still has some value to contribute. Note that the reader has no obligation to read the appendices. Therefore, do not place here any information needed to make your point. Appendices do not contribute to the word count of the report.

Diagrams, Tables, and Figures:

  • You may use diagrams, tables, and figures in the body of your report. However, they should not be used to extend the word count.
  • They should be referred to and commented on in the narrative paragraphs.
  • Remember to use captions to identify your diagrams, tables, and figures.
  • If the diagrams, tables, and figures are not your own work, the sources need to be acknowledged.

Submission Instructions:

  • Use Assessment 2A link in Blackboard to submit your capstone project proposal.
  • Give your file a name of this format – Your name_Subject and code_Assessment number – before submission.

Learning Rubrics:

The final report will be assessed based on the following attributes:

Knowledge and Understanding (15 marks)

  • Limited understanding of required concepts and knowledge; lacks clearly articulated arguments.
  • Knowledge or understanding of the field or discipline; resembles a recall or summary of key ideas.
  • Thorough knowledge or understanding of the field; supports personal opinion and information substantiated by evidence.
  • Highly developed understanding of the field; discriminates between opinion and evidence from the research/course materials.
  • A sophisticated understanding of the field; mastery of concepts and application to new situations.

Analysis and Application with Synthesis of New Knowledge (15 marks)

  • Limited synthesis and analysis; lacks coherence and flow of thought.
  • Demonstrated analysis and synthesis with application; little evidence of the application of appropriate theoretical models.
  • Well-developed analysis and synthesis with reasonable application of appropriate theoretical models.
  • Thoroughly developed and creative analysis with justified recommendations linked to analysis/synthesis.
  • Highly sophisticated analysis, synthesis of new and existing knowledge; strong application of theoretical models.

Use of Academic and Discipline Conventions and Sources of Evidence (10 marks)

  • Poorly written with errors in spelling, grammar; inconsistent or no use of credible research sources.
  • Written according to academic genre with accurate spelling, grammar; demonstrates some use of relevant research sources.
  • Well-written and adheres to academic genre; consistent use of high-quality, credible research sources.
  • Very well-written and adheres to academic genre; expert use of many good-quality, credible research sources.
  • Expertly written; demonstrates expert use of high-quality, credible research sources; evidence of reading beyond the key readings.


FINAL PROJECT REPORT   Executive summary “Final project report” describes all implemented strategy by following current trends to increase productivity of Wesfarmers Organisation. Implementations of proper strategy for development of this organization handle all challenges of this organization. Different strategic issues help to increase potentiality of strategic management to choose correct strategy for development of this organisation. Suggest recommendation help this organization to resolve all issue.   Table of Contents 1. Introduction 4 2. Current implemented strategies within the company 4 3. Challenges faced by Wesfarmers 8 4. Strategic issues impacted the long-term and short-term goals of the company 12 5. Recommendations for mitigating the issues 16 6. Conclusion 18 References 19

1. Introduction This report describes functional strength of business to develop market segmentation. The report formation gathers on functional stability and performance depicted over interpretation and evaluation of different strategic issues that Wesfarmers encountered in dealing with its business in Australia. It formally presents functional worth of operation in implementing strategic value and composes business in a simultaneous process. Improving this report has been based on challenges and perspectives of mitigation by different recommendations for developing business support and operation based on long-term and short-term objectives. It is valued in area of raised issues and preference for developing changes in direct marketing. Frame of this report has been visualised on basic functions of Wesfarmers to use strategic marketing revolution that significantly gains direct purposes of maintaining stakeholders work in orienting business. Proposing to this report is to verify different function of strategies that set up progress of enhancing by mitigating its risk in country dealing. 2. Current implemented strategies within the company Present function of different businesses views in Wesfarmers represents that the company develops an implementation strategy to extend product division growth and formulates enhancing progress in product. Extension of developing market comprises over different stability poof implementation to recover relation between customer and receiver. In the coordination of business, direct relations of Wesfarmers to operate over excellent business strength and narrates to market opportunity ( 2022). In composed of different verification to direct service connection and manage with perspective of relative marketing support inside organisation. Signifying diversified progress in business developing on basic enhancement to standardised to get progressed growth on business to get development in market relation. Figure 1: Operational raise in Wesfarmers (Source:Razi, More & Shen, 2021) Specification of strategic implementation directs on business position to evaluate higher support and consequences to gain market growth. Managing different growth of business in Wesfarmers composed over relation of business stated in Australia to develop higher opportunity and position in direct enhancement. In collective operation of Wesfarmers, the company starts to use two similar strategic functions to manage position of company in collaboration and progressing market relations (Razi, More & Shen, 2021). Diversifying market differences in business of product choice compose with direct enhancement and concepts to recover new opportunities and management terms in business. Wesfarmers Company directs on higher relation of managing new process and origination to construct new opportunity and recognition of recognising business (Grover &Dresner, 2022). Rationally Wesfarmers applies diversification strategies and marketing strategies to direct business on progressed implementation. Servicing and managing high connection of business has propagated growth served on the consequence of country and accesses its easy operation in aligning business effort. Diversification strategies in Wesfarmers frame the operational strategies to develop products relation on basic enhancement of business. Redirected function and imitation composed of higher verification to work on active management and service relation to exposes diversity of product consumers and constant base of market development (Vandchali, Cahoon& Chen, 2021). Diversification strategies are high necessary stores in a market that randomly focuses on parallel necessity and develops working ratio inside the company. Proposing a description of diversified market has served on gradual support and constant base on positional exchange and recovery of marketers and their workers. Customer action credits on recovery of customer decline and motivation on basic customer attraction collected in Wesfarmers (McCredie &Sadiq, 2019). Responding to relative business is constantly based on customer apparency on acknowledging the differentiation of managing effective constraints and rational progress. Instant base of relation in business develops high appropriation to direct connective strength and importance to record affiliation of signifying higher modifications. Figure 2: Yearly revenue in Wesfarmers (Source: Ahmed & Chapple, 2022) Marketing strategy in Wesfarmers frames positional objectives to maintain business direction strategies. Proposing to different time unit businesses directly choose high navigation to signify consequence at maintaining product viewing connections. Wesfarmers depicts higher relation with stakeholder’s management which helps in organising marketing strategy inside its active performance (Ahmed & Chapple, 2022). Relative nature of business composes of business orientation and progress in a product review. Sustaining on higher availability of market it sustains marketing strategy to develop higher output in country and relation with customer. Function of marketing strategy in company directs an extended frame of working and organising with base concepts and relations of business. It connects relation of improving necessity of product and formulates prospecting its product quality (Miah &Solomonides, 2021). Simultaneous efforts of Wesfarmers compose on variance and consumer of business in selecting reviews in market and comprised its importance. Changing the operation marketing strategy evaluates mission of brand to expose its image and relation with different strengths. Therefore, implementation strategies applied by Wesfarmers coin on visibility of diversification strategies and marketing strategies in a fixed time. Simultaneously operation of business recovers on active support to connect relation of managing modifications and visibility of rational progress. It contends on the basic strength of company to set up new business goals in future support and orientations. 3. Challenges faced by Wesfarmers Wesfarmers is an organization that basically provides operational headwinds and several implications of strategies for development purposes. It has been noted that several implications of the strategies on the Wesfarmers programming procedures can be affected and damaged by these optimized ventures to increase the productivity and investment procedures for the organization. In compounding to business there are direct relation of market raised through connection and relation of formal growth and support in business (Freeburn& Ramsay, 2021). Directing to development in organisation Wesfarmers faces challenges in managerial accounting, supporting product and relation of competitors. Signifying the position of Wesfarmers it suspects higher consequences and effort of managing criteria and recognising the easy way to develop the company operation (Grover &Dresner, 2022). Challenges faced by the Wesfarmers consist on the position of growth and continuous resistance of protecting higher business support. Direct relation of company specifies Australia's narrative function to detain on business consistency and recover with higher exchanges. Challenges in Capital investment It has been noted that capital investment procedures in the business are quite weak in order to implement Wesfarmers implication of strategies. As per statement of Thornthwaite et al. (2021), these interesting variants and their facilitations can demolish by h the important variables that can make some affected criteria for the head. The implemented strategies in the business and e-commerce business have generated some fortunate sources to perform the acquired performances in the cash prior sections. That can be headed towards business purposes in the gross development context. This initial possessiveness has been affecting the market picture to develop effectiveness. The potential growth of the market has been looking after the downside ventures for the increment of the potential downside-based business in the task. The current gross ratio has affected $230 million dollars cash prior to the E-commerce in the lockdown periods. This kind of affects the investment procedures and its variables that can make some fundamental changes and its affection variables for developing the investment procedures above 14.5% in this context. As per the statement by Razi et al. (2021), it has been noted that several implications of the strategies in the next 12 months have been increasing by around $2 billion in this context. Around $17 million dollars profit has been raised by this organization. As per the statement of Christ et al. (2021), which can make some essential changes in the business. The kind of investment challenges that have been raised in recent periods can make some sustainable changes in the planning of the falling ratio of the business. Upliftment in the productivity procedures Wesfarmers has been affected by the ventures in the business model that can make some sustainable changes in the business making strategies of implementation in this context. The current ventures in the business have been affecting the market capabilities to uplift the development procedures in this business. As per the statement of Leask et al. (2021), the organization has been facing some incremental issues and problems that need to be resolved by the management teams and employees in a certain way of business. As per the statement of Khan et al. (2021), This kind of effective material changes to increase the productivity level of the business can potentially increase the ventures of the model. The team procedures and its following strategies can make some sustainable well-being and mental health for the training purpose of the business. This initial possessiveness has been affecting the market picture to develop effectiveness. The implemented strategies in the business and e-commerce business have generated some fortunate sources to perform the acquired performances in the cash prior sections. As per the statement of Marsh et al. (2021), These interesting variants and their facilitations can be demolished by the important variables that can make some affected criteria for the head. This has been also taken for the critical advantages of the business that can increase the productivity level of the business. This has been affecting the market ventures for meeting the investment procedures for further training enhancements in this task. This can be helpful for the partners in the business in order to develop the strategic focus area of the relevant topics and its assessments in the task. Wesfarmers is an organization that basically provides operational headwinds and several implications of strategies for development purposes. This kind of self-awareness program can develop the strengths and the development procedures that critically develop the succession planning for the learning procedures. Higher competition in market challenges Figure 3: Challenge mitigation in Wesfarmers (Source: Franco Laverde, 2018) In functioning business orientation competitor frames a higher challenge in supporting and managing business. Recovering direct enhancement rationally progress on bigger support of encountering product characteristics and quantity of sellers. Constant market relation increases the chances of lowering components of business via multiple business hurdles and recognition to import market entry, data availability, and selective position of market ground (Franco Laverde, 2018). The fraction of time-generating business restricts the relation of higher competition which sets in low initiation products and centralises on its development. It practically signifies entering into business relations and proposing to the new unit (Leask. et al. 2021). It originates on time gaining prospect and relation with the market systemised to signify the idea of business and active relation. Practical improvement elaborates need and consequence to support the business by extending with high consistency of product. 4. Strategic issues impacted the long-term and short-term goals of the company The strategic issue is one kind of fundamental policy that help to maintain critical challenges of fundamental in order to achieve the goals of this organisation. Strategy in an organisation has various factors that may include evolving technology, undercutting of price, delaying partnership or employing, attempt to become everything, unanticipated for different political factors, ineffective branding, economic factor, and most importantly "ineffective corporate leadership". Different organisations follow different steps to identify all types of strategic issues. Some organisation review their informative notes and highlight every critical item from the team exercise. Some organisations identify only critical subjects from the fundamental cause of these issues by analysing the organisation needs of different strategical approaches (Iruthayasamy, 2021). There are five most important types of strategic issues that are common in maintaining organisation strategy that may involve poor setting processes or targeted goals, lack of alignment, the inability of strategy to track progress, following of those strategies that are not connected with people, and no measurement of leading indicators. Analysis process of these types of strategic issues proposed a resolving method that follows all important parts of strategic management. It also helps to develop an informational model that helps to use management analysis by defining all teamwork approaches. there are four common types of strategy that help to identify different strategic issues that are "corporate level strategy", "business level strategy", "functional level strategy", and "operational level strategy". All these different types of strategies help to manage all long-term and short-term issues from the organisation to maintain the organisation's vision that has an impact on direction of the organisation. Figure 1: Success Rate of Effective Strategy (Source:, 2022) Wesfarmers organisations all have an impact of all these different types of strategical issues that can affect productivity and performance level of this organisation. Every effective strategy help to increase organisation's productivity and performance so that this organisation holds their marketing position in both national market and international market. On the other hand wrong strategy reduce productivity of the organisation. According to a business report, an effective well-developed strategy can increase 40% of marketing sales of the organisation which may help to increase its marketing range towards the following strategic level (Kamariotou, 2021). This organisation also has an impact on "incorporate marketing procedure" because of different strategic issues that herm c corporation strategy which may help to increase organisational developments. Poor setting of business processes can raise contradictions about organisational targeted goals (Kumar, et al. 2021). In these types of strategic issues bring contradiction among employees which may decrease every short-term and long-term goal of this organisation. Lack of alignment of applicable strategy may harm strategic direction of this organisation so that this organisation may be lost their potential to increase its marketing level. Inability in tracking the process of all important information is also a big strategic issue that can damage the reputation of this organisation thus this organisation may not be able to protect all information about their products or their customers or employees (Olson, et al. 2021). Sometimes this organisation depends on those strategies that may not connect them with their customers. This type of strategic issue may not help to understand customers' expectations towards this organisation or their service process. Figure 2: Implication of Developed strategy in Marketing Tactics (Source:, 2022) From a business report, this can be known that a developed business strategy can increase 94% marketing tactics (Kitsios&Kamariotou, 2018). Although this organisation may face some other kinds of strategic issues that involve a lack of marketing process, retraining and getting customers, money management, maintaining of online presence, time management and most importantly social media management tools. From the all above discussed strategic issues management of social media bring a powerful barrier in the business operational way of this organisation. Here prominent strategic issue has an impact on the advertisement process of this organisation. These organisations use various types of social networking sites to manage their advertisement system. With the help of different social networking sites those organisations catch the opportunity to increase the number of customers from the different community in Australia. The Wesfarmers organisation follows some different problem-solving steps to handle all these types of issues (, 2022). Those steps follow the identification of the problem that the organisation wants to resolve, breakdown of the actual problem, managing every general potentiality to manage solution, evaluation of all the possible solutions that are going to be predicted by the organisational effective strategy, provide implementation and monitoring process of predicted solution, use only preferable and applicable solution that worked before in resolving different types of problems, use of brainstorming process to collect all information of the application strategy so that this organisation can effectively use all those strategies for maintaining all problems and provide work backwards strategy to develop continuation process of this organisation by following all influencing factor. 5. Recommendations for mitigating the issues It can be recommended that several implications of the strategies in this business purpose have included its variables and its assessment for conducting this task. It has been noted that several implications of the strategies on the Wesfarmers programming procedures can be affected and damaged by these optimized ventures in order to increase the productivity and investment procedures for the organization. It can increase the general possibilities that make some leadership models for developing market-based ventures in the business. As per the statement of Barth et al. (2021), These self-awareness programs in the b business can make some effective innovations and its facilitations that increase the development procedures for the strengths and the targets for the company. This organization has implemented their capitals in the development of the productivity level for the learning experiences. As per the statement of Ahmed et al. (2021), Business integrity models and its facilitated accountabilities have created some essential elements that develop the commercial advantages in the task. Innovative accountability procedures have been measured as an important aspect in this business. Engaging people and its variables has been developing the market performances for the organization. It has been recommended that customers' buying capacity has been increased after the pandemic which develops the business perception on the entrepreneurial advantages of the research. As per the statement of Foley et al. (2021), This study suggests all the critical advantages that can make some innovative changes in order for the organization to drive more critical advantages in this business purpose. This kind of effective material changes to increase the productivity level of the business can potentially increase the ventures of the model. As per the statement of Davis et al. (2021), It has been suggested that current ventures in the business have been affecting the market capabilities to uplifted the development procedures in this business. several implications on the implemented strategies in the business and e-commerce business have generated some fortunate sources in order to perform the acquired performances in the cash prior sections this has been commercial drives some new venture in order to specifies the opportunities and the financial advantages that makes the business more sustainable an effective y providing a transparent model of accountability to make important variables in the business. 6. Conclusion From the above study, this can be concluded that this report covers all implications of the current strategy that help to improve the business operation of this organisation to identify different types of business issues and challenges that have an impact on organisational productivity. This report defines some effective strategy that helps to maintain all these issues of the organisation by identifying different challenges which are essential to maintain organisational business. The different strategically issue that has an impact on organisational performance help to maintain different step of adapting advanced and developed strategy that can help to manage different procedure like productivity level, and creativity level of the organisation by maintaining a relationship with employees and as well as customers. Proper recommendations regarding all these various types of issue help to maintain all factors that help in choosing the right strategy for the organisation.

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