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Geography is known as the science of the Earth. Geography is divided into two parts- Physical geography and regional geography. Physical geography covers natural phenomenon occurring in the Earth and tries to provide their explanation. Thus this is often classified under physical science. Volcanic eruption, types of rock, earth crust formation, a study of the mantle, core are all involved in physical geography. Earthquake is a vital thing that is studied under geography and is a combination of geography and physics. Primary wave and secondary wave and vibration are being studied here. Thus it can be seen that physical geography itself is a vast part. If one considers regional geography on would be able to find that it covers the entire globe, cultures, minerals of different countries and their cultures. This thus evidently covers vast syllabi and thus often required expert guidance to accomplish.
Need for expert guidance
As discussed above, geography considers the entire globe in both physical and regional manner. It is next to impossible for a single student to grasp whole the topic. It is found that experts are different in two distinguished part of geography. Geophysicist often deals with physical geography, while regional scientists research upon regional culture, environment, food habits of natives, their occupation and minerals of that place. Thus even when individually considered, each of these topics covers a vast area. Normally eminent scholars research on one topic of either regional or physical geography. Earth is vast, and hence, a regional expert can cover only one country, and if that country is big as China or India, it would be really hectic. Considering physical geography various topics of earth crust, wave formation, and trench have been taught here. In a course, however, students have to go through all this. The human mind is different for different persons. One may like a thing a dislike other things. Naturally, the subject of the attraction of a student will naturally help to focus him on that subject thereby increasing its performance. However, on the other hand, a student will not be able to perform well in other subjects that he does not like. However, a student has to submit written assignment on each and every topic that the module covers and module contains his weal part too. Hence when he submits the individual assignment, a lack of knowledge will be reflected in that writing and particular teacher will give him a low grade. When considers aggregate marking these individual low grades will hamper their aggregate grade. Professors often taught topic out of their own choices and not covers all topics, and it is also applicable for students. However, to secure good marks all of the topics need to be covered and here the need for expert guidance arises. Experts by their expertise guide individual student to get the assignment done by complete and plagiarism free writing.
Expert requirement
One may argue that taking help from experts may dull the brain of students. However, the truth is the opposite. Expert by their concrete and authenticated writing increase the curiosity of student in a particular subject. Experts are a pillar in their respective field and often able to provide step by step explanatory job for students.